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  • the sign sucks.

    why is the price off to one side, and in a different color from the rest of the information?

    the reason I ask questions is because the people who disseminate information are often idiots and can't be concise.

    Also it's possible some of that information has changed and the lister forgot to update the sign. It's $6.00 now and you'll have to go to the ATM.

    Always ask. Don't be embarrassed by these waspy self-obsessed losers (the people who spread the kinds of messages in the artwork). Their behavior is what's wrong here, not yours.

    • Don’t be a self-absorbed asshole on the internet. Not everything is about you. The seller put effort in the description, and if you’re too lazy or too cool to read it, you’re the asshole. Especially static information, like in this case the height or color, won’t change, so your argument is moot here.

      The price listed on the listing is the price the seller intended to list. If it changed, the seller will update the listing. Of course you can ask for a discount, but please don’t bother people with stupid questions that are already explained in great detail just because you feel entitled. Thank you.

      • Well said, thank you.

      • There's truth in both your response and the post you're replying to. The seller did take the time to list the relevant information right there on the sign, but he didn't have to adopt this "OK idiot" attitude when the potential buyer started asking questions; because, while the buyer may be an idiot, there are a lot of idiots in the world, and we should err on the side of empathy instead of judgment. In this scenario, the seller is basically doing the "like I said..." thing that everyone p. much unanimously hates. So, when the buyer asked his dumb questions, the seller should have simply answered them---after all, what is the buyer trying to do, ultimately? He's trying to sell the product; he should not be trying to correct someone's mental handicap (however minor or severe), because, if he made that his goal, he'd need the patience of a literal saint and all the time in the universe.

      • Here's where you were wrong:

        I'm getting offended by something you said to someone else, thus making it about myself, then accusing you of being self-absorbed

        Does that make sense?

        Other people are allowed to have contempt; that's how we got the image in the first place. My experience isn't wrong just because it offends you. That's you making it about yourself, hypocrite.

      • the price the seller intended to list. If it changed, the seller will update the listing

        My point was that the seller often forgets to update the listing, or makes mistakes, or has life happen to them, and so it's always ok to ask about stuff that's written down. You seem to be arguing that the seller will always update the listing, which is measurably false, and indefensible in debate. I'm not sure why you brought it up at all.

        I didn't mention discounts and neither did the artist. You're grasping wildly at topics not covered here to support a flimsy position and frankly, it's not worth my time to discuss it with you.

        If you want more information you'll have to look it up yourself or pay my billable rate. I assure you it's out of your price range.

        My time is valuable and you've wasted enough of it.

        If you respond to me again I'll block you without reading.