Yeah, but a lot of dumb people who could have supported BLM were swayed by Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter bullshit, especially if they work in or around emergency. There's a lot of non-conservatives in emergency fields that are especially succeptable to that kind of bullshit despite being otherwise good human beings.
I've talked at least two away from the "Blue/All Lives Matter" ledge. You have to do it delicately, but the whole problem with all this shit is that there ARE people who are not really racist who can be convinced that "there's a lot of cops dying in BLM riots" because that's what they're being told. When you have black friends who says "I don't want to be anywhere near BLM because they just make us look bad", you know that people are spreading some real fake shit. But instead of hating on them, you can just show them that BLM is not riots and Blue Lives Matter is not about stopping cops from being killed.
And then, the ones who aren't racist... they do listen.
Even if it's counted, is it even more dangerous, counted using the same metrics? I have no idea, but it's not far-fetched that it's not, at least if we mean American soldiers. Like, it's way more dangerous to be an Iraqi civilian than an American soldier.
Really depends on the country. In the US, death rate is really low. There might be a couple instances of getting shot at, but you're so much less likely to die of other causes it ironically makes up for it.
Of course, you get these spikes in death rates in the military, like if you're sent to an active warzone. We just measure "dangerous jobs" by year.
But the other professions don’t need to defend themselves against blatant racism and abuse of power. “This is a dangerous profession, which is why we shot an unarmed black teenager 117 times.”
Covid was also a top fatality result of police for a while there. Just showcasing their amazing decision making skills as they refuse to get vaccinated.
Clearly they represent the best of the best there.
My local city jail literally got shut down by the tail-end of the pandemic, because of all the COVID outbreaks due to none of the cops would wear masks.
I worked in a worker's comp adjacent field for a while. The majority of injuries in police were absolutely vehicular in nature. Second place would be "was trying to chase a far more physically fit suspect on foot and fell/pulled something", that happens waaaay more frequently than you would expect.
Violence and diseases. In consequence many sex workers get hurt regularly during their job, some get killed and many have PTSD and/or abuse drugs and alcohol.
In countries were sex work is legal this does not get significantly better, btw. I live in Germany where sex work is legal since 1950 or something and it's a job you even have to pay tax for. They still suffer from violence. There was a protest this year to give better protection from violence.
Compress a large percentage of the world’s wealth into a small fraction of the population and suddenly 150k dollars a year, to potentially more based on the danger, seems worth it to some people.
Because they make ridiculous amounts of money. There are very few people who can do the job, it's extremely dangerous and even if you don't get injured or killed, it's very hard on your body. Iirc most divers only do it 2-3 times a year because it takes a long time to safely decompress at the depths they usually work at (it can take days or even weeks) and then they have to take time off to physically and mentally recover.
As far as i know the most dangerous job is either Under Water Welder or Septic tank diver (yes thats a thing) among those, most heavy industry Jobs are very dangerous as well (mining, steelworks...)
Where do you get the idea that pilot is the 3rd most dangerous job? How often do you hear about pilots dying? And more dangerous than driving jobs? Lol no.
The majority of aircraft pilot fatalities occur in crashes of privately owned planes and helicopters rather than on regularly scheduled commercial jet aircraft.
Passengering is safe. Piloting, less so. Just like riding in a bus is statistically safer than being a career driver. Because you get off the bus, and that driver does 7 more runs. Alongside a long-haul truck driver carrying zero people. Etc. But Piloting is more dangerous than driving a truck.
It’s pretty rare to hear about a commercial flight resulting in a crash or even death.
If you’re talking about commercial pilots flying around passengers then no it’s not dangerous at all, certainly not compared to truck drivers. To say it’s dangerous because they do it everyday is silly. Reality is it’s one of the safest forms of travel. Trucking is not nearly as safe and has a lot more risk factors involved.
If you’re strictly talking about bush pilots then you might have a case but there’s not as many bush pilots compared to commercial pilots in order for it to significantly skew the statistics.
A lot more truck drivers die in a year from accidents then commercial pilots. Calling it more dangerous is hella silly bro.
Bush pilots probably drive the statistics up pretty far because it's dangerous in general and many of them keep flying long after commercial retirement ages.
Police officers have the highest suicide rate after Doctors and Dentists. Not sure if it's because of poor stress management or being constantly in contact with some of the shittiest people to live.
Lets be honest, plenty non cops are really shitty in ways different from the shitty that drives you to be a cop. Cops do deal with these other people as well. So a cop has shitty people on all sides.
Its an impossible tasks and society must construct itself as to not have police bc they cannot do the job asked even regardless of the value of the work (which is none as well)
Just now got a push message stating that the jobs of Dutch policemen were very dangerous, according to the union, because of bad communication technology.
Historically, shitty radio communication has gotten a LOT of people killed during emergencies. I'm perfectly willing to accept you can shave off a few percents of risk by getting Dutch cops better radios. But it's hardly going to move the needle compared to "unskilled" Labour such as construction.
I do workplace safety in the Netherlands, so allow me to trot some numbers out.
3800 people die every year as a result of their jobs. 2500 from cancer, 700 from coronary issues. Over 400 die from falling or car crashes. So about 200 people die from all the stuff you'd generally associate with gruesome workplace hazards. Now, generally when I hold this talk, the point is "stop being a moron around chemicals", but this time my point is "Dutch cops are really unlikely to die from their work".
I feel like a position of authority, the weapons, and the qualified immunity letting you put hands on anyone for any bullshit reason you want make you the danger, not in danger.
Depends where you live, over here the police are friendly and will talk instead of shoot. and if they shoot, they will have a hearing, to check if they have shot according to the law. hence, depends on the law in your county if the protectors of the normal people are nice or not.
I've been privileged enough to live in mostly good neighborhoods throughout my life and especially in smaller towns those police do good, often difficult work. Bringing home some town drunk who's acting difficult with access to a gun for example without it becoming an escalated scene IMO is a feat I could not do.
I just wish that in the more dangerous areas and areas where we are having trouble with police brutality for example, we could have offers to police with good standing to be relocated and compensated to help move out the bad police.
So for example if we're having issues with police brutality in Portland OR, fire those police, then pay to relocate police with high standing clean records from diverse areas to move to these areas.
The things I see in California sometimes I'm not sure that there's an amount of money you could pay me to deal with half these things.
Tons of jobs deal with all sorts of annoyances. Policing is objectively not the most dangerous job. The vast majority of issues police tend to face are systemic and better addressed by giving police department money to other programs.
And relatedly social workers are dollar for dollar far more effective, and when they mess up they don't turn passersby into Swiss cheese.
Where do you get the idea that pilot is the 3rd most dangerous job? How often do you hear about pilots dying? And more dangerous than driving jobs? Lol no.
Although cops are becoming more and more power drunk it doesn't mean their job isn't dangerous, especially in countries* where every nutcase can get a semi-auto easily.