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  • Ubuntu in ~2015 was peak Linux (for me). Everything worked flawlessly with zero bugs, even printers. It's been downhill ever since with the exception of Steam Proton, but even then I've had more bugs with Steam in the past couple years then I did in 2013.

  • If you're going to shill a corpo distro, at least shill a decent one like fedora.

    • Lmao. As if corporate operating systems were bad. What makes RedHat that much better tho? I want to know. From what I've seen they are both bringing a lot of value to the FOSS space.

        • Fedora makes very minimal changes to downstream. The gnome experience on fedora is the experience the devs intended, for better or worse.
        • It often experiments with new technologies. It was the first to ship pulseaudio out of box. And then again for pipewire. And if it wasn't the first to install wayland by default, it probably was the first to stop shipping XOrg out of box.
        • It doesn't install snaps instead of native packages when you run rpm install
        • It's also Linus Torvald's distro of choice if that's worth anything