I read a post yesterday (on AskLemmy I think it was?), where someone was asking if they thought Lemmy had gotten a bit more quiet over the last few weeks, and someone answered that this would probably be the case where we see certain events drive a whole bunch of new users onto Lemmy, then slowly decrease until the next big event and so on, until Lemmy reaches a certain critical mass.
I wonder what the next big event would be that sees a lot of new users come here.
Yeah it's pretty normal for lots of people to try it out but go back to their old ways.
I would like to think we will grow slowly and organically over the next few months or year, because there are still a lot of issues with the software to sort out and it's just not ready for millions of users.
That may mean not a lot of content until the userbase grows, though if you browse in All sorted by New there are constantly new posts coming through. I'd encourage you to vote, comment, or post your own. Be the change you want to see :)
Just go read the All->New feed, upvote stuff you want to see and comment on things when you have something to say. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking, just comment that you enjoyed reading it to encourage the user to post more.
In terms of the local communities, go check the news and post interesting articles. For me, Lemmy has been the first place I've read various breaking news stories. That's something that stopped happening for me on reddit for some reason.
I do scroll All>New sometimes, there's a lot of duplicate posts to different communities I've found though. I tend to use that and switch between that and Top>6 hours and Top>12 hours as well. Sometimes I want to read other peoples comments which New won't have. Hot doesn't seem to work properly, it always ends up bringing up lots of old posts.
Yeah the Hot (and by extension Active) feeds have a known issue where if an old post is federated to us it doesn't get it's rank updated. This should be fixed in the next version.
I often read the Top Hour. This helps keep content fresh while having at least some level of popularity ordering.
I think a small steady community will be a nicer feel anyway. Just resist the urge to doomscroll on reddit, and instead when you run out of new stuff on Lemmy then go and do something productive with your time 🙂
Haha, yeah it's a bit of a behavioral change. My reddit doom scrolling has sort of migrated to Youtube Shorts Doom Scrolling, which I have found to be very addictive unfortunately :(
I've been thinking that the posts that get the most engagement here (lemmy.nz) seem to be more discussion based, rather than news posts. Not sure how that could be cultivated.
Also, would it be worth having some kind of "leaderboard" of who posts/comments the most? Or would that just encourage people to post crap?
One of the things I love about Lemmy is that there's no score/karma count because it means people are posting because they want to, rather than just collecting points.
That said, we could have a monthly or yearly thing to highlight especially funny or memorable posts.
The guy building Connect is really responsive to requests so I'd definitely be asking for that to be an option rather than a baked in 'feature'. I'm really enjoying the lack of karma farming about the place.
Every month might be a bit of a stretch at the moment but I was trying to avoid suggesting we straight-up copy the end of year awards on the kiwi reddit sub.
Even as an option, people will probably still karma farm if they can choose to see it.
Having an annual award sounds great but it feels so far away at the moment! The great reddit to Lemmy migration only started less than 2 months ago. Anything further that a month or two in the future seems like an eternity away!
Yeah I dunno, I'm not sure incentivising posting would be a good thing. I'd much prefer less, more thoughtful posts rather than incentivising short, low effort posts.
Yeah, agreed. Although I think there are a lot of people who just need a bit of coaxing to start posting/engaging a bit more. Being on Reddit (especially in recent years) trains you to be a consumer rather than a producer. People need to break that habit.
Yeah I think you're right. I never was into UseNet, but I was heavy into internet forums at times and you didn't visit just to browse, you went to chat, have discussions, help people. It's a different mindset but I would like to think we can do that here.
I think voting on posts changes the environment from the forum style, it can make people more hesitant to post, but overall I would love if people visited with the intent to participate instead of passively consume.