On the train on the way to Netherlands vs USA, suns out, everyone is in good spirits so far, a bunch of us are headed out for a curry and quiet beer afterwards.
Going to be a good day I reckon
I read a post yesterday (on AskLemmy I think it was?), where someone was asking if they thought Lemmy had gotten a bit more quiet over the last few weeks, and someone answered that this would probably be the case where we see certain events drive a whole bunch of new users onto Lemmy, then slowly decrease until the next big event and so on, until Lemmy reaches a certain critical mass.
I wonder what the next big event would be that sees a lot of new users come here.
Yeah it's pretty normal for lots of people to try it out but go back to their old ways.
I would like to think we will grow slowly and organically over the next few months or year, because there are still a lot of issues with the software to sort out and it's just not ready for millions of users.
That may mean not a lot of content until the userbase grows, though if you browse in All sorted by New there are constantly new posts coming through. I'd encourage you to vote, comment, or post your own. Be the change you want to see :)
I've been thinking that the posts that get the most engagement here (lemmy.nz) seem to be more discussion based, rather than news posts. Not sure how that could be cultivated.
Also, would it be worth having some kind of "leaderboard" of who posts/comments the most? Or would that just encourage people to post crap?
Yeah, previous job had a nice campus with food, coffee, nature, people etc, which I do miss from time to time. I don't however, miss the drive in and out. If we lived closer to work, that would probably get me going in every now and again.