This is unfair to snakes. They're fascinating creatures and (aside from some invasive species) have a role in the ecosystem. Fascists are so vastly worse.
44 4 ReplyYeah I understand what the poster is getting at, I just wish they'd use something other than a snake which is already a much maligned animal. Bedbugs on the other hand....
17 4 ReplyAmerica has bedbugs!
1 0 ReplyBedbugs you say?
1 4 Reply
You can blame Abrahamic (and possibly more) religions for this.
2 0 ReplyThis is a great counter to the No Step on Snek meme by RightWing turds & Libertarians
1 1 Reply
step on snek
31 1 ReplyOnly k e thing to do woth an aggressive snake. Cut of its head.
3 1 Reply
Unless you're american. Then you pet the snake, and give it the highest political position in the land.
24 1 ReplyOr invite it over, as long as it's an engineer that didn't shoot any Jewish slaves themselves.
That anyone can prove.
5 0 ReplyI can't believe the snake bit my face
5 0 Reply
What's the origins of this poster? It's exactly what we need in this world right now.
21 0 ReplyI did some sleuthing. It has been adapted from a poster about fighting against tuberculosis.
9 0 ReplyBased on the existence of the swastika, I'm going to say some time in the early 1940s.
10 2 Replythere's a "16" under the signature. that's typically a date signifier. I'm gonna guess this is modern from 2016.
8 0 Reply
Always make sure to target fascism in its nest when its still underdeveloped if possible.
11 0 ReplyI.e. do the opposite of what happens in MURICA.
3 1 Reply
This would make an awesome tattoo
7 0 ReplyWhat's it gotta do with a snake on a record player?
4 0 ReplyI realize the record player was a joke, but considering who most commonly flies the Gadsen flag these days I think the imagery works.
5 1 Reply
Dehumanize political enemies by calling them fascists
Marginalize normal people
Lose an election by historic margins
"We're losing our democracy!"
2 14 ReplyIs it dehumanizing if the party leader and higher ups fit the historical definition of what makes someone a fascist?
6 0 Reply
I see you’ve taken the snake whose only demand is freedom and recast it as a fascist.
Any reprehensible behavior — for example “no mercy” — is justified as long as there’s a fascist around right?
You guys worship violence and power. You use art to frame your crusade as moral, to authorize yourself for the enacting of evil.
4 24 ReplyOnly if by “freedom”, you mean “Freedom to force everyone into living the way I choose”. We wouldn’t be here if the snakes MO was “Let me do what I want to do, and I’ll let you do what you want to do”
16 0 Reply/s?
7 1 ReplyNah, they're just a Kool-Aid drinker who never had the gumption to actually read people like Rothbard and Mises, or question why all these freedom lovers loved slavery so much in general.
4 0 Reply
Any reprehensible behavior — for example “no mercy” — is justified as long as there’s a fascist around right?
2 0 Reply