If you're in Auckland you have already, or are about to, get a new bin to put out with your rubbish.
Small green-topped bins are being provided to households for the collection of organic waste.
Some residents are pleased, but for others the whole scheme stinks.
People are complaining about food scrap collection which is starting in Auckland.
My favourite complaint:
"I think it is too small, and when it's full it's heavy.
It's too small, except when it's full then it's too big.
We love ours, sure it's one more (tiny) bin to take up to the end of the drive, but it's reduced our regular garbage quite a bit. They are a good scheme, and they latch closed. And for the person in the article complaining about "three trips" you can literally pop this onto the recycling bin to take it to the end of the drive. It's not that difficult with a tiny bit of problem solving.
I love this little bin. It is great it can take meat and bones unlike normal compost. We fill it up every week reducing what goes to landfill.
Some people like complaining I guess.