ID: line drawing of an upright bunny with a black bandana tied around their neck, holding a lit match in their mouth like you might a toothpick. The text says "we can't just vote fascism away, the time has come to disobey. (be brave!)"
We could have voted it away. And it would have been way easier than the alternatives. But we chose not to.
But since we didn’t organize to vote it away, I’m not sure how we’re going to organize a general strike. And anything else is so difficult and so messy and has very little guarantee of improving anyone’s conditions.
Lmfao, news flash: it's already here, has been for a while.
Never mind that never in history has tyranny ever been voted away. To think otherwise you must completely misunderstand what tyranny and fascism are, as well as how the current establishment functions.
Vote it away. It's been a joke for so long and people cling to the idea that it works so badly. I am Canadian. We are also past voting. The systems of government must be torn down. They are corrupt and do not work for the people.
Everyone's fantasy of armed and organized leftist resistance would've been a lot easier to do without right-wing extremists in control of the federal government.
If you are organizing publicly online, they aren't going to just sit back, they are going to come for you.
This is going to be a repeat of iran in '79. Leftists will be wiped out.
I still have hope that we will have a democracy in 4 years. We'll see how it goes. It might be time to get a firearm and start putting in some range time.
I still have hope that we will have a democracy in 4 years.
This is what people, both libs and "teach the dems" non-voters don't seem to be getting: that's not how facism works. Even if it were the case, at minimum, the courts are captured for the rest of anyone currently living's life. That's done.
Too bad this took thirty years to figure out, and is essentially now too late to reverse course.
Cali and New York have fucked themselves too deep with gun control laws that only affect poor people (Luigi Mangione is a wealthy tech bro who can afford to buy a 3D printer and time off from working to research and purchase firearms parts and then hunt and kill a CEO).
A retired cop can legally buy the latest Gen 5 Glock or brand new ergonomic AR-15 any day he wants for life, but for anyone else that wants to do the same can go fuck themselves by being stuck with shitty Gen 3 Glocks and old wooden bolt-action pieces of shit .22 caliber varmint rifles from the first World War that are prone to misfiring and not ergonomic to safely operate, according to California laws for example. Why? Why the fuck does a retired cop get more rights than you? They are just a regular person like you. Fuck these laws written and voted by ignorant scared dipshits.
I'm still feeling bitter and a fast food place last night asked me to tip, so it got me thinking that maybe this is the time to push out tipping culture. If the country wants the party of "fuck you, I got mine", then fight your own battles for your wage.
Legally, if they don't make minimum wage through tips then the employer has to make up the difference (in practice this likely doesn't happen). Maybe it will make them care more about the minimum wage if it affects them.
I can see where you're coming from in theory, but if we rely on employers to treat employees fairly we'll be waiting a long time (they're already demonstrating that they would rather ignore the law and potentially face a minor fine, than pay the minimum wage), and the only ones who will suffer will be the sub-minimum wage employees who now aren't getting that tip either.
You make people care by building solidarity with them, not by using them as a bargaining chip.
If wait staff stop getting tips, eventually they will strike or quit and the restaurants will have to change their model. My solidarity exists that if they strike then I won't shop there until they agree to a compromise. I don't see how the existence of the US's unique tipping culture is our responsibility.
They aren't a political pawn. This is what we want. This is what we voted for. It's not my responsibility to pay their wages. If they don't like their compensation, they can strike or look elsewhere for employment. Clearly trying to push for better compensation through law isn't going to work.
Fuck these fuckin' fascists (Fuck these fascists)
Fuck their family and friends (And their friends)
If they defend a fuckin' fascist (Their ancestors)
They can fuck off 'til they're dead (And all their kids)
No, the word you're looking for might be civil disobedience, but there is nothing civil about what I have in mind, nor should there be.
I reserve my civility for those who extend it to me, not for fucking fascists and Nazis who want to kill marginalised people for who we are.
Also, considering how long the Vietnam travesty went on for, and how little, if any, impact the protests against it had, I wouldn't be so quick to use them as a reference.
These are technical terms. There's legal protest, then civil disobedience---this is how we ended Jim Crow; a lot of people had to go to jail to fight the system---and then there's domestic terrorism. If you don't think civil disobedience is going far enough, then you're advocating for terrorism.
about %50 not voted for Trump maybe less than %1 of that willing for armed resistance. about %50 voted for trump half of which is masturbating to the idea of being able to use their guns on the other side.
Well, if you'd voted for Harris we could have, but have fun doing it you way, especially now that the military will be standing by to kill your asses on sight.
Since you can't bother to formulate an original thought, I won't bother providing an original reply, here's a copy pasted one I made earlier:
Lmfao, news flash: it’s already here, has been for a while.
Never mind that never in history has tyranny ever been voted away. To think otherwise you must completely misunderstand what tyranny and fascism are, as well as how the current establishment functions.
Oh is it, now? smh If you really do have the guts to go out and protest the mass deportations, Gaza, and whatever else, you'll find out the hard way what fascism really is. But I have a feeling you'll just stay home and watch it on TV.
I believe, if we get to that point, a large portion of the military will be on our side. There are still a lot of good people in the military that, if it's turned inward, won't follow those unlawful orders.
I also had hope that Trump wouldn't have won the election though, so this could be wrong.
They definitely won't be on your side. Of course some will have qualms about carrying out those orders against their own people, but for various psychological reasons, they'll go along. The best chance is if the military leadership refuses to give the unlawful orders to their troops.
Trump losing elections doesn't change the people who vote for fascists. We can vote out Trump, we can't vote out the corrupt police, the companies that enable and fund it, and the mass media that supports him.
Violence is not any solution to political change. The elected president of the United States is Donald Trump, and while I and many others are not happy, violence is not any answer to an outcome you don’t favor. You people disgust me, and while I’m largely sure half of you live in Moscow, it’s still unacceptable and unamerican to even talk of violence like this.
I'm not saying people should jump to violence, but to say it's never the answer is nieve. Would you say Hitler shouldn't have been violently opposed?
Get organized and work for good. Build your community, join mutual aid groups, and do whatever you need to do. Also, be prepared for whatever may come. If violent resistance is needed, be ready. Hopefully it isn't but, as Thomas Jefferson said:
"[W]hat country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Don't give up hope. If they want to bring fascism, make them fight for it. Don't let them have it for free.
You are a reasonable person with reasonable opinions and are entirely correct. Those in this thread explicitly calling for violence deserve our condemnation.
Congratulations on siding with and enabling fascism! 🎉🎉🎉
E: Oh, and just to give you a clue, not that you'd let it penetrate your well maintained wall of wilful ignorance: we aren't the ones inflicting violence, we are the ones fighting back in self defence. You are the one on the wrong side of history.
Pro-Toupee people are Russian bots, pro-third party people are Russian bots, anti-genocide people are Russian bots, anyone who wasn't enthusiastically a right-of-center Democrat is a Russian bot.
I had no idea so many people are all Russian bots!
I'm tired of "being the bigger person". Four years ago, Trump wouldn't even admit that he lost the election. They're hitting below the belt, and we have one hand behind our back.