Not necessarily unique, but I mostly always carry a small pouch containing a full D&D dice set.
I haven't needed dice in... years, now that I think about it, but I carry them as a symbol of luck. Not good luck or bad luck, just luck, chance. Helps me keep things in perspective when everything goes sideways.
I have the wallet of an old German conductor out of München Gladbach, Arnold Queasten. I found it in a thrift store as it looked like a nice quality leather wallet.
In it are still some notes from Arnold, on two of his business cards. A note of someone here knew from the war, and another person from the flute section.
There was one pfennig, a German penny still in it. So I have Arnold's last penny. I found his grave on findagrave, one day I'll visit that.
I'm now terribly afraid of losing the wallet, though, because I'm unsure a casual finder would appreciate the beauty of such a piece.
This sounds like something I would do. So don't be too scared of losing it, there are others like you out there that would carry on just like you.
I must say though, the romantic in me sees this as a movie or book. Story of your life's struggles and ups and downs, but the wallet keeps you grounded. You finally make it to visit his grave and a woman walks up, daughter of Arnold. Ends up being the love of your life.
I've got a black joker card in my wallet. I was walking to the tram stop with someone once, when I saw this playing card face-down on the floor, so I said "bet you I can guess this card," I knelt down, and I said "I think it's a joker." I was about to turn it over when my friend said "hold on, black or red?" I said black and turned it over, and now it lives in my wallet.
I used to have a 1/4" nut that missed the threading process. I had it on my keychain to remind me that even if something is done millions of times without error, sometimes mistakes can happen.
I’m indifferent to squirrels... but my city has hired a falconer to scare the crows away with hawks, so now the crows symbolize the oppressed masses being persecuted by the state.
Made a 5" aluminum baseball bat in high school shop class learning how to use a lathe. It's been on my keys ever since. Thing is probably older than most folks reading this.
A metal red uno reverse card sits in my wallet. It was a gift from my girlfriend and an acknowledgement of our in joke of replying no u to compliments and I love yous.
Leaving aside points about driving licence numbers being unique or whatever, it would be the silver pentagram that I made back in the '90s and have worn (or occasionally carry in my wallet etc, when the cord breaks) ever since.
A pack of nicotine gum.
I don't need or use it anymore, but I still carry it with me every day.
It's a reminder of how addicted I was and how I swore to never smoke another cigarette in my life.
Pink plastic heart and a marble in my pants' change pocket. My daughter gave them to me on two separate occassions when she was 2-3. She said "this is your heart" and "this is your sould" when she gave them to me and they've been in my change pocket almost every day for the last 5+ years.
Nail clippers. Got them originally to help with a bad habit of cuticle picking, but I've learned they're weirdly useful. They can cut things in a pinch and no security check gives a shit about them unlike a pocket knife.
At a certain point in time i carried a distinct coin with a scratch mark i made on it so i can flip it and see if i could make it fly (i was heavy into lucir dreaming at the time lmao).
Its mostly influence from inception, u can get the same result from just counting your fingers, they look super weird in dreams😭
There's a couple different aspects, and a variety of techniques. First part is to create a habit of something. Previous poster seems to be using a coin flip. For me, I like to make a habit of pinching my nose closed and trying to inhale through it. Obviously, this doesn't work when you are awake, but will work if you are dreaming. It may take weeks of developing this habit (do it every time you think of it), before the habit makes it into your dream.
Realizing that you are dreaming may wake you up the first few times, but eventually, you will be able to stay asleep while aware you are dreaming: aka lucid dreaming.
The other part, aside from developing that habit, is prepping yourself before sleep. Again, you'll find different techniques, but here's the one I favor. Lay on your back in bed, eyes closed. Focus on your legs, for 10 breaths, then your arms for 10 breaths, then your sense of hearing for 10 breaths, then sight (eyes still closed) for 10 breaths, sense of touch for 10 breaths, etc. Keep cycling through until you fall asleep. This primes you to be "located" in your body once you fall asleep. If you're lucky, you'll perform your "habit", realize you're asleep, and have full control of your body! Good luck :)
What the other guy said helps, and also developping a habit of looking at your palm whenever u remember to do it or whenever something odd or peculiar happens, if u do that and u start giving more focus on ur dreams and make them more important to you, you just might eventually look at your palm and see your that your fingers are wiggling or gained a sibling or two, then ud know u did it😸
An arch lighter version of a zippo. It fits in traditional zippo cases so I have a collection of shells that I change out to fit the mood. The current one is matte black with a cthulhu theme in brass but normally I use the mercury glass with bones and flowers. My wife calls it my zappo.
A tiny vial of peppermint clove oil. I struggle with sleepiness and lack of focus so after I've had an inadvisable amount of caffeine and am still not functional, I dab a bit right under my nostrils to help me wake up and focus a bit better
Also works as mosquito repellent on some species so if I forget bug spray I use some of this instead
My former boss's wife is Thai and empathized with my hatred of mosquito bites, so she gifted it to me. Apparently it's not uncommon to carry it in your purse over there. I live in the US and have seen it at Asian pharmacies.
Likely any strong herbal extract oil applied under the nose would have the same (I'm assuming mostly psychological) mild stimulating effect. Just make sure whatever it is, it's safe to apply topically.
I’ve had the same pair (different brand than linked) for many years and they have held up great. It’s crazy how often they come in handy, and my SO asks to borrow them all the time too. They are extremely small and nearly weightless. Highly recommended.
Edit: Found the exact brand I have. True Utility. Not sure if it’s worth the slightly higher price since it’s the only ones I’ve ever had – can’t compare. But again, they’ve held up great for many years.
Nothing anymore. But from age 18 to mid 30s I kept my busted up old guitar pick in my wallet.
It had seen way too many shows, and it was brittle as hell. It’s in a shoebox with since other memories now.
Less unique, I carried around phenergan pills in my pocket for about 10 years. I’d had an episode of an unknown something setting off a reaction with my throat closing up. Urgent care gave me the tablets when I left the hospital and I couldn’t not take them everywhere with me for a long time.
Not really unique, but I started carrying small Bluetooth earphones on my keyring. They are excellent for listening to audiobooks etc when doing solo boring tasks like food shopping etc.