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AbouBenAdhem A crow-calling whistle and a small tin of peanuts.
19 0 Replytetris11
Presumably the peanuts to lure squirrels, and the whistle to sic your black-feathered demon army on them, you sicko
8 0 ReplyAbouBenAdhem I’m indifferent to squirrels... but my city has hired a falconer to scare the crows away with hawks, so now the crows symbolize the oppressed masses being persecuted by the state.
16 0 Replytetris11
Out there is someone with a hawk-whistle and a jar of raisins. I pray that you too shall never meet.
3 0 ReplyAbouBenAdhem I doubt the falconer would have any issue with me—I’m helping to keep them employed.
4 0 Replytetris11
Look, would you stop being reasonable for a second and just fight already?
4 0 ReplyAbouBenAdhem That’s what I’m secretly training the crows for.
6 0 Reply
untorquer What!? Why scare the crows away?
2 0 ReplyAbouBenAdhem while Baz insists he has nothing against crows, it's the mess they leave behind that has people crying foul.
3 0 Replyuntorquer Nah, I'd feel rather blessed to trudge through crow poo on the daily in my stompers. SF is brewing something terrible. The crows will have their retribution.
2 0 Reply
RizzRustbolt Give us back our crows!
2 0 Reply