My wife worked for this guy that has since passed away. She was his sous chef at a very posh up and coming restaurant. They had fried chicken specials every so often and it was always their biggest huge hit. Like always selling out.
The secret of his success was his special herbs and spices, which included weed. He figured that nobody would get that high from a serving so he was like IDGAF.
I gotta warn people. Imagine eating chicken, not getting high, and then 3 weeks later being convinced theres a conspiracy against you because you failed a random work drug test.
I think it's Hempseed rather than weed itself, but proper Nanami/shichimi togarashi (7 spice blend, roughly translated) has Hempseed. Because of the ban on drugs and such, most exports and US versions exclude it though.
As an example, this site shows and advertises it's usage, then on the same page says:
Hemp seeds match sesame in terms of flavor and aroma. There is an old Japanese saying: "Those able to mill hemp seed are truly mature."
No hemp seeds are used in products for overseas markets.
Let's see if I understood this correctly. They use a community kitchen and helped themselves to someone elses very expensive oil, not realizing it was Delta-9 infused? Now people are getting high off their pie and they are all over the news. Dick move has unintended consequences.
I mean yea, non consenting chemical alteration of someone's mental state is a messed up thing, accidental or not. For someone not expecting it, or not used to it, you will likely think you're sick. That could be distressing. It could be dangerous if that person were, say, headed off to work (nurse, doctor, crane operator, taxi driver, office worker on commute), or had been avoiding cannabis due to family history of psychosis, or has a damaged immune system and now fears they've caught something, we also feed pizza to kids.
Most probably nothing grim will come of this, and the jokes are fine I think, but we all should understand that this is serious.
Yeah, shame this isn't Arizona, where it's illegal for employers to discriminate against weed smokers. We need similar protections in the rest of the country.
Apologizes??? I'll take 3! Oh, wait, that's going to give me the munchies. Better make it 4......oh wait, that's going to give me the munchies. Better make it 5.......oh wait, that's going to give me the munchies, better make it....
I further object to the company telling people to throw out the weed pizza. Who in their right mind would turn down free weed? Especially given that this literally never happens ever? This is a once in a lifetime miracle.
If you don't like the effects of THC, give it to your stoner neighbor. Or the homeless guy down the block. He would really appreciate a free weed pizza.
So sick and tired of seeing food waste. This article disgusts me.
Nobody knows the dosage in the pizza for sure since it was a cooking accident that it was dosed with THC to begin with. You don't really measure olive oil when you cook with it, plus the distribution wouldn't be even, so even if you do make a guess based on about how much oil you used and the concentration of the THC in the oil, it might have simply pooled more on one side of the pan if they used it as a non-stick coating, or just based on how it mixed into the dough if they mix in olive oil normally.
With the quantities involved it's just impossible to reliably guess the dosage that any affected product might have, and with any kind of drug, recreational or not, the dosage absolutely matters a ton.
You can get headaches, anxiety, and a variety of other undesirable effects. Some of us would also lose our jobs if we consumed this so whoever did this is a dickwad.
Smoked every day and had some edibles with a friend. After it kicked in, it took about half an hour before we were way too high, went inside and were knocked out. For a random person experiencing that without knowing what they'd taken, they'd definitely think something was wrong. Maybe panic time instead of chilling on the couch and sleeping it off.
I'm a moderate smoker and the first time i ever had some miami yayo in cart form with live resin and diamonds (no idea if this is marketing gimmicks but w/e) I had a massive anxiety rush. Obviously I knew how to handle it but fuck me, someone's first time would have been miserable.
I take medication that would absolutely make me sick if I smoked or ingested weed. And I know this because I read the interactions list, rolled my eyes, tried it anyway, and surprise!
It can certainly make you feel sick if you have no tolerance for it and take a big dose. Especially in edible form. You can get the same kind of "sick" like being too drunk off weed. Even as a daily smoker for years, the first time I tried wax I got the spins hella bad.
It actually can cause bad nausea, headaches, and panic attacks. One of my students got cannabis induced psychosis and was locked in a psych facility until he became strange again.
Most of these things, paranoia aside, are not common but they do affect some.