You can get headaches, anxiety, and a variety of other undesirable effects. Some of us would also lose our jobs if we consumed this so whoever did this is a dickwad.
Smoked every day and had some edibles with a friend. After it kicked in, it took about half an hour before we were way too high, went inside and were knocked out. For a random person experiencing that without knowing what they'd taken, they'd definitely think something was wrong. Maybe panic time instead of chilling on the couch and sleeping it off.
I'm a moderate smoker and the first time i ever had some miami yayo in cart form with live resin and diamonds (no idea if this is marketing gimmicks but w/e) I had a massive anxiety rush. Obviously I knew how to handle it but fuck me, someone's first time would have been miserable.
I take medication that would absolutely make me sick if I smoked or ingested weed. And I know this because I read the interactions list, rolled my eyes, tried it anyway, and surprise!
It can certainly make you feel sick if you have no tolerance for it and take a big dose. Especially in edible form. You can get the same kind of "sick" like being too drunk off weed. Even as a daily smoker for years, the first time I tried wax I got the spins hella bad.
It actually can cause bad nausea, headaches, and panic attacks. One of my students got cannabis induced psychosis and was locked in a psych facility until he became strange again.
Most of these things, paranoia aside, are not common but they do affect some.