Trump will be gone after 4 years, but Democrats won't. Democrats need to learn they can't just do whatever they want as long as every four years they paint the other side as "a danger to democracy" and say this time the vote is "existential". It's such total horseshit and frankly I am a bit surprised so many liberals have fallen for it.
Its the fact that every presidential election is the most important one ever. The opponent is a "threat to democracy," as if Democrats care about democracy. They just want to stay in power to uphold the status quo.
It is not even about punishing Democrats. A vote for Democrats is a vote for genocide. If Democrats losing voters alters their behavior then that’s a bonus but it is clear they don’t care about losing voters.
This is a honest question: how much are Muslims targeted in the US? They are the scapegoat of our European far right but AFAIK they are not the sole target of the Republicans. And would that change this debate somewhat?
They sort of fall into the catch-all bucket of "immigrants" which tends to have a different face depending on where you are, but is almost universally brown. For a while "ISIS is sending fighters across the border" was a right wing talking point. Even when you hear trump talking about it, the Muslim ban or whatever, it's always in this context.
In general "freedom of religion" is one of those pieces of the American civil religion that is pretty well cemented, in that so long as you're american/assimilated your faith doesn't really matter. Muslims abroad are an entirely different issue for this reason.
Islamophobia was a huge problem particularly after 9/11 but sinophobia seems to be the bigotry flavor of choice at the moment. All that said, nobody who isn't white in the US really gets a fair shake.
What evidence do we have that Trump would be worse?
You’d figure that the Democrats right before an election would at least LIE about stopping Israel. But they couldn’t even do that. How do we not know that the moment Kamala is in power, she tells Bibi that he can stop “holding back” and go full holocaust mode?
While it’s true that I would otherwise prefer Kamala over Trump, on this issue there is zero reason to believe she would be even 1% or 0.00001% better than Trump.
He has explicitly stated that Israel should fully militarily annex the West Bank and urged Netenyahu to draw up plans as he wished to provide additional military aid if they did so. So at the very least it can get as bad as doing Gaza 2.
I don't see why that wouldn't happen under Harris, too. "We support Israel unconditionally, to the point of circumventing Congress to send them more money" indicates there is nothing Harris will meaningfully oppose. That and doing nothing to oppose the genocide right now.