Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions)
I'm not really looking to hear from people who don't think this way, with answers like "insecurity", "toxic masculinity", etc. I want to hear answers from men who really detest men who sit to pee.
Follow-up questions:
when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?
are you ever groggy in the morning?
how clean is your toilet and surrounding floor, and whose job is cleaning it?
Real men sit to pee so they don't have to clean their own piss up later.
Whenever I talk about this, some asshat will come along and make a comment about sitting on a tree. No, dumbass, I don't sit to pee on a tree. Or a urinal. I sit to pee on my toilet at home so I can tell you what an idiot you are while I'm pissing just to prove how manly I am.
If your attacker comes from behind, which is the most likely scenario, you'll be caught off guard with both hands busy holding your junk. All they gotta do is shake you a little for you to be covered in your own piss. Checkmate.
Usually about 15 to 20 seconds. I've been known to check my phone while standing to pee, it really just depends on what I'm doing
It's not like I'm doing a lot on my phone while peeing.
I don't know who y'all hang out with, but my friends for decades have given each other shit for anything we can possibly think of. It's a form of male bonding.
I cant ever recall a time I have questioned, or been questioned, as to why a guy would sit to pee. I sit at home because its more comfortable. I stand at public toilets because the seats are gross
I've only been questioned once about sitting to pee... it was after about 10 years of being married. My wife asked one day if I sit while peeing at home, and when I told her that I do she said "I've always wondered why there isn't pee all over our bathrooms".
You're not going to hear from men who actually do this because they don't have a good reason and aren't typically comfortable with the kind of introspection the question demands.
Some people are exclusionary pricks who look for excuses to judge others. They don't have or need a reason. It's bullying.
Because the answer is that a lot of men don't want to challenge their idea of masculinity. Women sit down to pee. If man sits to pee, it just challenges their whole idea of masculinity and it's easier to get other men to comform than he introspective
I want to hear answers from men who really detest men who sit to pee.
I fear that you will not many of these kinds of people on Lemmy. If you really want a good answer, you'd have to post it somewhere like Twitter or Truth Social.
I always sit to pee when I'm at home, mostly so I don't have to worry about spray/drippage/seat positions, but I also believe that men have this amazing power where we have the ability to stand and pee... and I think the biggest flex you can make when you have amazing power is to only use that power when it makes sense. Restraint is power.
No, more like using a pen to write about how important the 2nd amendment is, without actually needing to own a gun first.
But, like, what point do you think I was trying to make? That if I don't sit down to pee then I won't be able to pee standing? I'm really confused at your attempt to shoehorn politics into a conversation about piss.
What god damn conversation is going on!?! How the hell did this come up? We don't normally talk about this!
We should though! We should just not be shit bags about it. Sharing & seeking info rather than having a weird chauvinistic view on how pee exits bodies.
There's nothing chauvinistic about it! I just don't want to know or care about what you do in the bathroom. We're not going to have a conversation about it. JUST WASH YOUR HANDS!
I mostly sit down when I pee because my cat likes to spend quality time when I'm on the toilet and he gets upset if into in the bathroom and don't sit down.
Remember manliness is not caring about how other people define manliness.
I always prefer to sit unless I'm in a huge hurry. It's called a restroom for a reason. I'm going to take a break, browse Lemmy or something, and otherwise "rest". I'll return to work when I'm ready.
What really pisses me off is when I hear someone enter another stall to take a standing piss. They rarely put the seat up and always get pee all over everything. If you're going to stand, use a urinal. There's nothing more pathetic than being afraid to whip your dick out beside your fellow man, and instead, choose to piss on the place where others want to take a sit.
When I was in medical school, I had to drop a deuce during a break between lectures. While I was in there, performing spectacularly, some other guy came into the restroom (situated just outside the lecture hall) and shouted "Is somebody takin' a shit in here!?"
and I was just like, "...yeah, where else would I do it?"
But I feel like that guy who openly questioned why someone would shit in a bathroom, is exactly the same type of guy that would question someones masculinity over how they choose to take a piss.
The single greatest take-away I got from medical school, is that some doctors can be incredibly stupid. They'll examine you, then step out into the hall and google your symptoms. I wish I was being facetious.
Is this still a thing that people get upset about though? Personally I think a man sitting down just to pee is kind of silly, but I certainly wouldn't make fun or get upset about it. I think the last time I heard someone make a joke about men sitting to pee was like 15 years ago lol
I will say the option to stand up is one of my favorite male privileges, but I'm also aware that such a petty thing to fav probably indicates my lack of perspective. But it is incredibly convenient in gross places and nowhere places.
I'm a cis-bi man married to a cis-gay man: I had to tell him to sit his ass on the toilet to piss because the area around the toilet was constantly filthy. I cannot believe still to this day how difficult it was to convince him why it is a good idea to just sit down to piss. If you cannot control the stream direction and shape perfectly when you piss (spoiler alert, you cannot), then sit down where you can spray the toilet bowl.
That was exactly my reasoning when I switched to sitting every time. Sometimes the stream just decides to pick some unpredictable direction to start, if I sit down I've got a hemisphere of protection and no need to clean my piss off the floor (or worse, leave that for someone else).
That's not quite true for everyone. With good hygiene and, if necessary, making sure to roll things loose, you can make sure you pee perfect every time.
At least, I can. And I'm certain I'm not alone in that
I don't shame people for it, but I worked at a place where the screw holding the seat broke and it took a week for a new one to get in to the local hardware shop, so any time someone went in for that week someone would say "better not sit to piss" rather than be helpful because we like to do a little trolling around here
One morning dude comes in clearly rushing cuz he's a little late, runs in, and my coworker says the line. Before he can finish it the guys already in the shitter with the door slammed we hear the zipper he's going so fast and furious, hear his ass hit the seat at speed, as well as him and the seat sliding from the missing bolt and falling into the corner of the room, taking the lid of the reservoir with him
The "GYADDAMIT" as everything in the other room crashed and banged will be with me til I die, it makes me chuckle every time I think of it
I'm surprised to hear German has a word for this, considering that stats I've previously seen show Germany as having the highest proportion of male sitting pee-ers.
There is an argument for standing to pee since it empties the urethra more completely compared to sitting to pee. This is mostly relevant for 40+ people since they are more likely to have any issues.
Simple trick to shit/sit and pee and still empty everything is to push on the area between dick and butthole.
As a sit pisser, I have no trouble pissing all my pee. That being said, I have heard that problems pissing while sitting is a sign of a swollen prostate and possible cancer. So my stand pissers should pop the occasional squat piss just to check their P-spot health.
The King James Bible has the phrase those who "pissith against the wall" several times. In context it's pejorative for the rude class or enemies of King David, but Christians who insist on the KJV struggle to read and understand it, and have taken it as God's own description of male. and therefore pissing standing up isn't just an aspect of masculinity, but it's essence.
I pee sitting down at home because I use a toilet SEAT. It is designed to be used sitting down. Put a urinal in your home if you're too insecure to pee sitting down.
I will go ahead and be the only person to honestly engage with the terms of your question.
There is a movement that started a long time ago and continues today to "domesticate" boys. Boys are invariably more disobedient in controlled classrooms and group activities and so they need to be "broken in" and taught how to conform to the requirements of modern life and education. Girls tend to fit into this structure more easily as can be attested by the higher educational outcomes among women in countries that allow them to achieve it.
With this in mind there is a lot of resentment against this "breaking in" process. This metastasizes when boys hear all about how "toxic" they are by virtue of how they were born, how much more trouble they are to deal with etc. The emotional response is to resist all attempts to demasculinize them, even in the case of something as inconsequential as bathroom etiquette.
This is an honest representation of the perspective in question. Don't get all passed off at me for being capable of presenting it.
Just a note on the "toxic" thing - when folks talk about "toxic masculinity" they're generally not talking about men being toxic or claiming that masculinity is always toxic. Toxic masculinity refers to the perversions of masculinity; things like "I must commit violence to defend my honor" or "I must never express 'soft' emotions". Men and masculinity are good things that can and should be celebrated as much as all other identities.
The idea of it being girlie to sit down and pee far predates the "domestication" of boys. Additionally, the idea that "if you are a man you have to sit down to pee" is what is attempting to force some kind of social conformity. . . "pee how you like, it has nothing to do with how manly you are" is exactly the opposite.
I would never give a damn what others do in a bathroom, aside from: don't make a mess. (Or clean it yourself right then.)
I stand to pee and am observant that I do not make a mess. I aim such that there is no mess and am critical of cleanliness. If I had a miss, I would clean it then and there. I clean my own bathroom every week at least and do not see evidence of failure in my technique.
YMMV and that's ok. Worrying about others is a weird self esteem thing.
I had a toilet where the seat just wouldn't stay up. It was just easier to sit. And even when I didn't have this toulet I would sit in the middle of the night to keep the noise down and not have to turn on the light. I called this the "tactical piss".
But guys who are just super against it are weird. Doesn't make you any less of a guy my guy.
Where do these questions even come from? Unless ts a challenge like peeing off a cliff, why would anyone care? Why would it even come up in conversation? Aside from one guy on Lemmy, who even brings it up?
Bidets, man. Game changer for those new to them. It's wild how many Americans smear poo and never have fully clean buttholes. In most cultures outside US it's healthier and cleaner to sit within your own home. Better for your prostate, and less splashing, even if you 100% the toilet you still get splashing.
Public urinals I get it. Don't touch anything mentality, just make sure you dab out so you don't even leave a drop because that causes smells and bacteria. Which is much easier to dab while sitting.
I just discovered the joys of sitting to pee this past year. I just never thought about it before, and only sat to pee if I had to poop too... though I can't say I ever cared whether someone else sat or stood to pee
But I had two separate fainting spells while standing to pee after getting out of bed (orthostatic hypotension), and almost really hurt myself the second time. Now, I often sit to pee at home because it's just more comfortable (and apparently safer). Live and learn I guess
I sit to pee because my dick is pierced so now I have two pee holes. If i have nothing in, I can plug the hole and stand. Besides that, sometimes I'm not in the mood to stand, sometimes I'm not in the mood to undo my pants and take them down.
-I spend 15 minutes every morning shitting and pissing and then shitting some more, so I stay seated for the entire feature presentation.
-I'm groggy every fucjin morning
-it's a little dirty and hairy, I try to clean once a week but my back hurts so sometimes I'm just like fuuuuuuuuck that. Sometimes I find piss stains on the underside of the toilet seat and wonder how that got there while I clean it
I actually can't pee with other people in the room, so public washrooms are a nightmare. But I learned that I can pee real easy in them while I'm sitting down to take a shit. So anytime I'm in one with other people, I just chill in the stall and pretend to take a shit. Might even fiddle with toilet paper after a while and flush just to keep the charade going.
Well, through that I learned that sitting to piss feels waayyyy fucking better. Especially in the middle of the night after crawling out of bed. I'm married, have a kid, and no longer care if people know I sometimes sit to pee.
Ugh, me, with a shy bladder, at intermission during Hamilton.
My eyes were turning yellow at Guns and Ships. Really thought I wouldn't make it. The line at the men's room was huge. Get in. Get to urinal. Can't.
End up leaving with bladder still full and getting back into line to get a stall and finish just in time. Couldn't even get another overpriced beer for the second act.
Catheter, adult diapers, or dehydrate yourself, haha. I hate places where there two urinals and one stall per 500 people during a 15 minute intermission.
I usually just dehydrate myself a bit if I know the restrooms are essentially out of service.
Also (sorry, but old guy here) the nozzle sometimes unexpectedly sprays sideways. It's no worry if you're sitting down, but if you're standing up you might've just wet your pants... or the pants of the unlucky schmoe at the neighboring urinal.
I guess it is just kinda "girly" and can seem a bit "whipped" if it is from your SO telling you to do it. I think those are the common instinctive answers.
There will always be insecure men (and people in general) who criticize others over nonsense topics that they've convinced themselves is proof they aren't whatever insecure thing they're afraid of being.
I have made fun of another man for peeing sitting down, but in a manner comparable to making fun of an ugly outfit. The very hidden secret is I sit to pee sometimes too, and I have ugly clothes that I wear sometimes. To answer the other questions:
If I'm already sitting, I'd pee sitting, 100% of the time.
Yes, and that's one reason I would sit to pee.
Not spotless, but it seems normal to me. If there's pee visible anywhere, I wipe it with paper. My wife mops the floor more often than I do.
I don't think people really care, lol. Unless they like to learn their friends peeing preferences, they probably have an ulterior motive if they are that interested.
Years ago a Psych episode had Burton say "all the men's health journals agree" that it's better for your circulation, and I never looked back (nor fact checked).
when you have to piss while shitting, do you stand up turn around and piss on your shit and then sit back down to finish shitting?
Clearing both lower ports from a sitting position isn't a problem. The problem is when one feels simultaneous urges to defecate and vomit. I'm fortunate enough for this to be a rare occurrence personally, but I do keep a mop bucket within reach of the toilet.
My wife does the bathroom cleaning while I do other things like the vacuuming and dishes. The first time I had to clean the bathrooms and saw the amount of splatter I never peed standing again in our or any friends' bathrooms. I still have the option of peeing standing in public urinals and in the wild, so no "masculinity" is lost anyway, not that I give sexist bullshit the time of day anyway.
I’m afraid I really have no answers for you… but then again I don’t think I’m your survey pool.
But I did once stay at a small hotel in Germany that had a sticker imploring male guess to sit and pee. I pissed all over that poor toilet before we left.
15 years later I feal guilt but also righteous indignation. I really hate being told what to do apparently… even when there are good reasons like another human being, asking you to not make their life hard 😞
I dis other men who sit when they pee (without shittin) because its “womenly”. Only women sit when they pee. Why are you sitting as a man when you pee? Are you gay?!!.
Aight follw up questions
I don't sit when i pee because it is convenient
When i have to piss while taking a shit i do it sitting because it is convenient
Groggy if i don't have a good nights sleep.
I clean my toilet every week. It is clean enough
Might be weird passion but i want to do cse and help the piracy community.
OP wanted an answer without "toxic masculinity" and "insecurity". So, when I did people got scared downvotd. Be no afraid. the answer is toxic masculinity and insecurity. I mean why else would you care how other men shit and piss.