The reward
The reward
The reward
Pretty sure climate change is already here.
That, unfortunately, is true.
Yep, have to do all those things all the while it's too hot/humid/cold/wet/dry in some wild random combination.
Dead end low paying job with no benefits while suffering major burnout, ayo gottem
i got to eat a piece of pork stomach this weekend 😔
I've had two servings of soylant green as a treat
What’s wrong with pork stomach? Check out moneybags over here with his fancy bacon.
My advice is to live your life as best as you can without worrying too much about things you can't control. Try and build a life around yourself that'll help you be happy through it all, regardless of what happens. Enjoy your 20's. 30's are good too and 40's don't suck either.
To paraphrase Sun Tzu: do not choose a path to victory. Instead, choose a strategy such that all paths lead to victory.
And don't have kids.
Don't want em to suffer worse shit down the road.
This one's kinda loaded. Imagine everyone just stopped having kids. We'd be extinct.
We don't need to pump them out like we're recovering from a war.
Also whose gonna take care of all our old asses in the future? Society was kinda built on this system.
But yes, the population overall does need to decrease.
Have kids if you want. It's just insane to me to plan your entire life and make major decisions on a cataclysm that may or may not even occur in your lifetime; and it (climate change) may present in ways that we can't even imagine now.
Edit, fine, fuck me, it's raining fire and brimstone out there, billions of people are dying in the streets, the horsemen of the apocalypse are here, it's game over for the human species, my bad. Nobody have kids, it's over, might as well just shoot yourself right now.
My advice is to learn how to grow food and save seeds. I'm doing it now to develop my skills in anticipation of some day needing those skills.
Still need a solution for water. Also build yourself an earth ship 😂
Honestly I probably will some day...
I dunno, 20s sucked the worst. 30s were sweet. 40s going alright, significantly less depression when you stop giving a fuck about everything.
Try and build a life around yourself that’ll help you be happy through it all
Lmao good luck with that when global food chains collapse.
Welcome to the battle sphere. 7billion people enter, 1 billion people leave.
its better to enjoy what you have right now than be worried about the future which is not in your control. i don't see how being worried will prevent climate change. might as well not give a fuck and live your remaining life doing whatever makes you happy.
How's your underground bunker going? If you aren't currently either living in one or building one you should probably stop talking shit about billions dying.
"Global food chains" have lots of strategic depth. When you see a crisis somewhere affecting those and causing famine, that's usually for the regulation time, not until the crisis itself is resolved, and scaled accordingly, not on the scale of the crisis itself.
Most of the agriculture on our planet works inefficiently. Such an event, if we accept your scale, would just ultimately destroy the producers who do that in favor of those with modern effective means like intensive gardens etc, like many in Israel or Netherlands.
Now, this surely is going to give power to people we maybe don't want to have it. But this doesn't mean 6 bln people dying.
EDIT: Forgot to say - climate change is not something which would happen in an instant, so it's going to be regulated more efficiently than, say, crises caused by wars and revolutions.
And billionaires took this advise seriously, living life not caring for anything and building life around themselves.
I am shocked at how quickly everyone is giving up.
We can't just quit and go gently into that good night. All life on the planet is depending on us.
Bro if we die it's MUSHROOM SAMBA TIME.
that or cockroaches
Nah mate, most life is going to do just fine, just like it did the past 5-20 mass extinction events in the last 500 million years.
The people however are fucked, but they're the ones who refuse to listen, so fuck 'em.
"Kid, don't you want to work hard and be able to retire in a nice beach house like mine?"
"But your house is isn't on a beach..."
"By the time you retire, it will be. And it'll be worth so much then."
I actually think about this. All those houses that are streets away from the beach are going to make so much more in the future because the beach will move.
Sounds like the people who bought those houses are streets ahead.
I know someone who bought a flat which likely be flooded in 40 years time.
Now I'm picturing more typical one story ranch style houses lining the beaches instead of the usual mcmansion monstrosities that block the view for everyone else. Nice.
Look at this beautiful view of debris!
On the bright side you can retire to a coastal town without having to actually move house.
Male pattern baldness is the correct answer actually
Why is it always a male pattern? Can't I get like... A bear pattern baldness or a hawk pattern baldness?
A whole new wooooorld ! Where the heat will give you a stroke, famine will rise and the rich will hide ! A world where you wish you died or never was ever born. You'll remember the days of the past and ask yourself why we did nothing but alas it is too laaaate to change anything now. (Aladdin new song )
It's never too late to find their lairs and slay those dragons.
It's almost as if we should be spending our time working to mitigate climate change and helping build societal resilience instead of working on meaningless careers....
Can’t do that without money
Very true. Some of us can afford to live with a bit less and recalibrate their life towards improving things. Not all can, though, of course.
at this point we need to be spending all our money on SURVIVING climate change. We can work on mitigating as well, but we're past the point of no return and still arguing if it's even an actual thing lol.
It's funny to see this comment downvoted so heavily (-14 at the time). I wonder if it's disagreement or just "I don't like that idea"...
The simple facts are we've dumped over 2 trillion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. A bit over half has been absorbed by the oceans. We have no realistic way of removing it. And combined with other GHGs it's driving an unstoppable global warming. We can talk about reducing emissions and renewables. But even if we stopped all emissions today, it still wouldn't be enough to prevent the global average temperature from continuing to increase.
I don't know why you're getting downvoted. There's a lot in your comment. We badly need to mitigate, but we also need to put a lot of our resources into ensuring we survive as a species. A lot of money is needed in the global south, particularly (who have, on large, barely contributed to this problem).
Somebody's got a case of the Mondays! Have you tried being more mindful?
Ah, the End of the Human Race, wonder what the afterlife's like? Cause that's my retirement plan, Valhalla.
You dont get one. Be nice to your husband.
I'm sorry I don't understand
In case anyone is wondering, no one is going to announce that the worker's revolution has begun. No one is planning it. The vast majority of people in North America don't believe climate change is real. To believe in an existential threat to humanity is to attempt to do something about it on a grassroots level. Start getting everyone you know to understand what's at stake. Fuck if they think you're being annoying or dramatic. The alternative is we all die at our post/desk/cash register of heat stroke or starvation.
It's winter where I live. Temperature should be around 10ºC but some places registered 30ºC. And this week we'll have our 4th hurricane of 2023. My house is old and I fear soon I'll wake up without a roof.
My anxiety is so bad today. I keep trying to find new ways to deal with it, meds, meditation, exercise, but how the fuck am I supposed to keep up?
Thats the neat part. You don’t
The world is not ending, this is a very slow rolling problem. And humans will solve it for sure. Worst case scenario, quality of life goes down a bit but it would still be much higher than what the average human experienced for 99.9% of our history.
"Many of you shall die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make"
Maybe more like...goes down a bit in well-developed countries, in areas that are not already prone to natural disasters. We're already losing people to the heatwave again. Last year, Europe lost a little over 61k, this year it's 3 entire degrees below that. Heat waves are natural and would be happening regardless. Climate change makes them leagues worse than they would have been.
Areas like Ireland that get a lot of rain are experiencing a dangerous amount of flooding. Areas in the middle east that typically only see rain during the monsoon season are experiencing an even dryer, hotter dry season followed by a much stronger rain that causes increasingly destructive flash floods.
Myself, personally, I live in an area that is typically protected from the worst weather. We do get snow, but most of it ends up being waylaid by the mountains and I feel sorry for those who live there rather than in the plains. The area does get at least one hurricane every year, but it's deflected by the coastline of the Outer Banks and I have no idea what kind of person still wants to live there, but they're a trooper as well.
Hurricane Florence in 2018 was the first time in my life I have ever seen a hurricane come this far inland, and they are continuing to do so. For obvious reasons, I do not like this.
The earth isn't going to shut off like a simulation tomorrow, it is just going to be a slow and steady burn. Which is the biggest reason nobody is doing anything about it -- we're wired for immediate threats. This will never be immediate. The human race is currently the boiling frog, acclimating to their new life in whatever happens to happen.
You would seem to suggest it's a matter of an annoying loss of comfort, and it's already not that for millions of people. Rising oceans and harsher cyclones blowing seawater inland have turned the soil and water supplies in Bangladesh increasingly salty. Enough that the salt-water resistant mangrove trees the area is famous for are experiencing a shift in biodiversity as those species with a lower tolerance are beaten out by more resilient competitors. Loss of habitat aside, we're about to test out exactly how resistant tiger kidneys are to drinking that.
Available drinking water is hard to come by and repeatedly bathing in saltwater causes miserable full-body rashes. Building farms on floating river rafts is an older technique there that addresses the flooding a bit, but the salinity of the river water and the worsening heat are still having their impact on crop failure anyway.
Tell me you don't understand the implications of climate change without telling me you don't understand the implications of climate change. If you think food and water shortages that put 80-90% of the world's population at risk of death and simultaneously destroys global economic flows humanity has become reliant on is better quality of life than ever you are dillusenial.
Quality of life will go down massively for less developed countries. Remember when literally 1/3 of Pakistan was under water? These people had quite low QoL.
Humans will solve it?!? LMAO like how we all got together to kill off COVID? Instead of just making it a political problem?
Naw dude, humanity will never ever work together again. If aliens invaded half of y'all be making deals with em so they eat you last.
My twenties were nothing like that.
I hear long pork is delicious so we got that to look forward to
Eat the rich
Are we eating the rich with rice on this website?
I always imagined me dying like woody harrelson in 2012.
At least I bought a pool ¯(ツ)_/¯
Mate, you've dropped this:
I paid for the click clack, I'll use the whole click clack
Click clack?
Holy shit this was supposed to go under another post?
I think Voyager bugged out a bit there
All my friends and coworkers didn’t start a family until their 30s. Unless their parents were rich and therefore were immune to challenges in life.
Haha, my parents are rich but they hate me, so only my siblings got their financial beneficence. Then when dad died, the siblings fucked off and we moved in to help him with end of life stuff, so we get the house. Funny how that works.
Jokes on you, I'm doing this in my 30's
Wait, who is the joke on?
Don't forget political hell and asshole politicians trying to destroy social security
Hahaha wtf is this BS?