Nougat In case you're wondering, this appears to be a custom pillow.
61 0 Replyaeronmelon Good, I began to feel uncontrollable anger for a second.
17 1 ReplyThe Pantser
He's ok, cats are liquid and will return to fill shape upon release.
29 0 Reply21Cabbage For what it's worth I don't think it would look like that if you... did that, and now my stoned ass has officially spent too much time thinking about that.
4 0 ReplyM137
Self-inflicted anger due to stupidity, a problem WAY too common. How do you not see that it's not real?
4 2 Reply
Thanks. I was thinking it was some fucking weird home taxidermy or something
8 0 ReplyPossibly linux
Do you not suffocate you cat?
8 0 Reply
Mandy Yet he shall return in a thousand years, you can't keep him sealed forever
32 0 ReplyQuantumSparkles He owed money to Jabba the Hutt, apparently
15 0 ReplyCaptainBlagbird
Jabba the Cat
3 0 Reply
Duranie Flashbacks to that fucking Netflix documentary, Don't Fuck with Cats.
13 0 ReplyNotyou
I watched that. They dragged it out too much. It could have been an episode short. Also, after watching how the guy was actually caught. The police got a tip from someone that recognized him on the street. The whole "we did this, we caught him" idea of that documentary was pointless.
8 0 ReplyBetaBlake Yeah in the end those people kinda accomplished nothing
4 0 Reply
frigidaphelion yikes, same
3 0 Reply
TIN It's like Superman 2 all over again
8 0 Replyblackluster117
You will bow down before Zod!
3 0 Reply
looks at my bonsai kitten
This is def a better space saver.
6 0 Replyfuckingkangaroos Look at his eyes, he doesn't even know where he is, that kitty is half baked
3 0 Reply