After GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick held a campaign event at a restaurant that was told it was an autism awareness event, his campaign was booted from a church fundraiser.
“You’re not welcome back.”
That’s the message the manager of Philadelphia cheesesteak joint Max’s Steaks had for Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick, after his campaign held an event outside the restaurant Friday that the eatery was told would be about autism awareness.
Mike Sfida—who agreed to hold the event because his niece and nephew have autism—was alarmed when he saw Donald Trump signs being hung outside the beloved North Philly spot on Friday, the Philadelphia Inquirerreported. McCormick arrived, gave a campaign stump address, and then handed out free sandwiches.
But the disaster didn’t end there.
After showing up at a cheesesteak restaurant to campaign under the auspice of an autism awareness event, McCormick went across the street to East Bethel Baptist Church, which happened to be holding an outdoor fundraiser for its food ministry.
The Rev. Thomas Edwards Jr., who leads the church, told his campaign to leave because he didn’t want the GOP candidate to use photos of his congregation for campaigning purposes.
“You can Photoshop,” he told the Inquirer. “You can make things seem like they aren’t. Maybe they’re going to post we’re eating dogs or eating cats, like in Ohio. Forgive me if I’m wrong. I don’t trust these people.”
Pressed by the newspaper about whether the campaign stop was an autism awareness event, Armstrong claimed “it’s always autism awareness because I’m an education advocate” and said she spoke to those gathered about autism at one point.
Hey now, at least cancer will continue growing unchecked, sapping resources from healthy tissue, unless there's serious intervention, and even then it might not go away ... no, you're right.
The fun thing about cancer? Is that if the cancer gets cancer, they can both die. That's what I'm hoping for with the Maga movement in the Republican party. The second cancer chokes off the bloody supply, letting it die of nutrient deficiency.
Wow. When a church tells the GOP to fark off, that’s gotta be a bad situation. Most churches are deep into the ChristoFascist end of the political spectrum, so McCormick must have pissed off Rev. Edward’s something bad.
On the gripping hand, you have the ability to pull others, who are still capable of being saved, from that cray-cray. You can leverage what you used yourself to help others.
I think it was a black church which, for the most part, hasn’t gone nuts. There’s always a handful of weird ones and/or hustling preachers but the vast, vast majority are about charity and community and service. (Almost like they actually read the Bible and pay attention to what Jesus preached instead of whatever happens at Six Flags over Jesus ass megachurches.)
Churches generally have the same divide as the people who attend them: Urban ones are sane. Rural ones are conservative freaks. And I'm fairly certain this was a Black church. 90% of Black people are Democrats.
In America, only one of the two viable parties will ever do anything for urban or non-white or non-rich people. I'm glad 90% of black people have figured this out and hope they'll continue to support the party that fucks them around less.
McCormick told the crowd. “I’m running to bring leadership to our commonwealth.”
Hey that's exactly what Anericans need less of. Here's a revolutionary idea: run to be of service to the community you live in. Find out what they want and need. Do some work and get those things for them.
Still doesn't work in my head....'GOP candidate tries hijacking Autism even and turns it into campaign fundraiser....gets asked to leave and not return...then tries to do the same thing at a church across the street and gets asked to leave'....
I'm a transplant from Texas to Philadelphia. Philly is mostly populated by mutants, but they're my fucking mutants. I don't appreciate this kind of horse shit being pulled on my neighbors.
It's wild how they just build lying into their platform. Conservatives finally figured out how unpopular their opinions are, so they just decided that they should just tell people they believe differently than they do.
Can someone explain to me what happened here? I read the story and I'm so confused.
Why is a guy with two autistic children upset about an autism awareness event? Why did he give them free sandwiches and simultaneously tell them to fuck off?
It wasn't an Autism awareness event, it was a campaign rally. They lied to the owner to be able to use the space. The store owner didn't give out sandwiches, the candidate did. The store owner also didn't ask them to leave, the pastor across the road did. This was all very clear from the words written.
Where did you read that it wasn't an autism awareness event? I literally can not find that.
Edit: it literally says they spoke about autism at the event
Pressed by the newspaper about whether the campaign stop was an autism awareness event, Armstrong claimed “it’s always autism awareness because I’m an education advocate” and said she spoke to those gathered about autism at one point.
...but sounds like they were hurried because the dude told them to fuck off
Do your thing. When you’re done, leave. You’re not welcome back.
The owner was asked if an autism-awareness event could be held at his business. He accepted, in part because he has family members with autism. After the event has gotten rolling, he realizes it’s actually a campaign event for the GOP and tells the guy to fuck off.
Seems like they either deliberately went out of their way to hide what the event really was, or the business owner didn’t really bother to look up who was holding the event and put two-and-two together.