It must be hard being a tankie these days
It must be hard being a tankie these days
It must be hard being a tankie these days
I personally love when tankie-grads larp LGBT symbols, as if they actually supported trans and gay rights. Everyone sees through this shit right?
It reminds me of the Onion video titled "First female dictator hailed as step forward for women."
This lady becomes a dictator and then goes though and kills her political enemies along with some random civilians.
Imelda marcos??
The really early USSR was socially progressive, including legal tolerance of homosexuality. Stalin absolutely shut that down.
Yeah, most early communism was VERY egalitarian for women (not really sure about homosexuals, those don't tend to feature much in 19th century writings), but that got rapidly stomped into the ground later.
And as much as tankies love to preach you need to read the source material, they mostly don't.
I also love seeing identity/symbols co-opted by authoritarians.
Can we just stop the fighting and have a beach party?
Toss the ol land mine ‘round
If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, it's safe to surf this beach!
"Look officer, I don't know how that bar fight kicked off, all I asked was how to get from this river to the sea."
That was a big-ass missile.
Don't worry, Israel has already been blamed for it.