Geometrinen_Gepardi It's amazing that this software managed to work without ads, telemetry or logging in with a Microsoft account.
132 1 Reply"no" banana
Horrible user experience. More "tips" about products are needed
43 0 ReplyMadMadBunny Then Clippy came along…
13 0 Reply
Gotta go for the hand. I vaguely recall sometimes it would be animated and another card would poke out of the person's sleeve.
55 0 Replycartoon meme dog
also, the bats flapped, the fish bubbled, the sun smiled and the robot flailed its hooks wildly.
31 0 Replyjballs
That would all be paid DLC if made today.
10 0 Replyshastaxc You must not be that old if you remember all that
3 0 Reply
tektite Wasn't it a rabbit?
2 1 Reply
twinnie Haunted castle.
31 0 Replyace_garp
Got to be inspired by Dark Castle (1986).
2 0 ReplyMango Yeeeaaah that's the one!
1 0 Reply
cfi Palm Trees or Robot, and its my ankle and sometimes my knee
24 0 ReplyAngryCommieKender An inversion table can do wonders for joint pain. I know cause I kinda got one for free. Friend moved to Hawaii and couldn't take it with.
2 0 Replytoynbee Doesn't an inversion table kind of hang you from your ankles? That seems like a dangerous solution for ankle pain, at least.
2 0 Reply
danc4498 Spooky castle. It hurts most of the time.
24 0 Replyjohsny
Palm trees all the way. Used to play this at work when they replaced the “toasters” with pcs.
20 0 Replydumbass
Light blue fishies or spooky castle are mine and fuck you my whole body hurts!....
16 0 Replymidori I'm with dumbass ^
11 0 Reply
masterofn001 Joke's on you.
My back hurt when I woke up then.
14 0 ReplyAggravationstation Beach - yup
13 0 ReplyAgent641 I was a spooky castle guy, myself. I also played Maniac Mansion so it tracks.
10 0 Reply
Dearth I like the hand holding the cards because an ace would pop out of the sleeve.
No back pain outside of the very occasional knots. Likely from good core strength and a hyperfixation of personal biomechanics
12 0 ReplyCoskii
I enjoyed the spiral shell, also no back pain unless I pulled a muscle, though that hasn't happened for what feels like almost a year now since I started regularly stretching.
Also being a construction worker has done amazing things for my fitness.
1 0 Reply
Matombo not quite yet fingers crossed but beach all the way
11 0 Replypyre sounds like you're wishing your back is gonna start hurting soon
2 0 ReplyMatombo fingers crossed that it doesn't happen soon xD
2 0 Reply
Asafum My back doesn't wait until I get up to hurt, that's an all night affair!
I was all about the hand for some reason.
10 0 Replyshastaxc I feel this. Biggest things that helped me:
- Sleep on my back
- Use a 12-18 degree wedge pillow for my torso to lay on
- Pillow under the knees
I tried all these things separately and it didn't help. But together, it worked!
(Use another regular pillow for your head on top of the wedge)
3 0 ReplyAsafum Thanks for the tips I'll have to get some more pillows!
2 0 Reply
Caveman Castle, no pain here
10 0 Replydorumon
Mine has always been the castle because I always liked how it was animated.
10 0 ReplyFredselfish
I always chose the beach.
3 0 Reply
cordlesslamp Always the beach.
8 0 ReplyBob I felt like I'd matured and grown as a person when I decided I preferred the standard pattern to the spooky castle and palm tree on the beach. I was still a child, of course.
8 0 Replyms.lane I always chose the roses.
8 0 Replyquoll
if you waking up with a fucked back try bridges
3 sets of 30 seconds most days fixed mine in a few weeks. you really need to activated your arse.
9 1 ReplyMyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
No it doesn’t. I feel fi…💥
8 0 ReplyNatakuNox
Robot gang rise up!
8 0 ReplySomeonelol
The castle. No back pain so far thanks to a career in mostly office jobs.
7 0 Replysamus12345
You called it, absolutely the manor/castle. I'd forgotten these until seeing this now.
6 0 Replyvovo 6 0 Replyshalafi Castle or roses.
6 0 ReplyZombiFrancis I always felt the occupant of the castle would use the roses.
1 0 Reply
jaybone I miss the Windows 95 buttons. We need to go back.
6 0 ReplyTurtleCalledCalmie
Since i started going to gym and do squats my lower back stopped hurting, thank you very much. But yup my fav was robot one and hand one. I have vouge memory that there was an animation from time to time, but that might be Mandela effect. Good times being a child and pcs being full of magic :3
6 0 ReplyPencilnoob
I wanted to say the same thing, use it or lose it.
Pain sometimes comes from injury or other mechanism, but loads of people with back pain just need to exercise more.
A strong back will do wonders.
Likewise a strong wrist will resist keyboard pain. It won't tolerate bad typing posture or a crappy keyboard, but it will resist pain with a good ergo keyboard and good posture
5 0 Reply
Vedlt I'd jump around between both fish, castle and beach depending on what I was feeling at the time.
Also my knees hurt.
5 0 ReplyGreatRam I like the conch. It's got great colors
4 0 ReplySplashJackson Robo fo sho
4 0 ReplyTheKracken Hell yeah brother.
2 0 Reply
grumpo_potamus Black or blue vine things. They seemed the "realest" to me, but don't seem to get much love.
Can confirm my back currently, and always, hurts.
3 0 Replyandxz Likewise, on both counts.
1 0 Reply
SiEstUbiEst I am the robot, I cannot feel pain
3 0 ReplyQuentinCallaghan
I remember vaguely my grandma playing that game.
3 0 ReplyChef_Boyardee Ha, joke's on you. My back only hurts after sex.
2 0 Replyjjjalljs My parents and grandparents would get weirdly but wholesomely excited whenever they saw the animation on the cards (like the sun on the beach smiling). They all played a lot of solitaire.
2 0 ReplyJarix Roses
2 0 ReplyMaggoty It was the fishies. To be fair I was really young. But I expect my back to hurt in the morning too instead of just the afternoon any year now.
2 0 ReplyDarkSirrush Jokes on you, I hated all of them.
2 0 ReplySam_Bass never much cared for solitaire. went straight to doom
2 0 Replyghost_towels Green vines/ivy? And it’s my knees
1 0 ReplyCileTheSane
If your back hurts when you get up consider getting a water bed. I switched recently and it has been amazing for my back.
1 1 Reply