A sorcerer appears and states that they will erase any one song from existence - which song would you choose?
This ability of the sorcerer will wipe any one song of your choosing from the pages of history, as if it never existed! Gone from our reality. They were going to do it anyway, but they're making you choose.
Which song would you pick?
(If you really can't narrow it down to one, then try narrowing to three)
Nah, there are a lot of retail songs waaayyyy more annoying than that one that would just take its place. At least that one has some talent involved lmao.
I will never forgive the Apple rep who came into our retail store and loaded up the store Homepod with A PLAYLIST OF SIXTY THREE DIFFERENT FUCKING RENDITIONS OF THAT CUNTING SONG and then locked it out so we couldn't change it back to normal human music. Said it was his favourite song.
I made a complaint and never saw him again. I've never seen an entire store's staff hate life more.
You know all you’re donating to is to keep funding kids sitting in yeshivas so they can get indoctrinated to become Hasidic leeches off society. That’s where it actually goes.
Baby Shark. The entire time that ducking song was making it's rounds through society, I managed to avoid it. I knew it was repetitive and awful, and through good fortune and luck, it missed me completely.
Then I watched the new season of Umbrella Academy. Those motherfuckers.
The story of Baby Shark is kind of interesting. It used to be a camp song in the 90s. It didn't become ridiculously popular until the infamous YouTube video that everyone knows. Various people and institutions have tried to sue for ownership, but it was ruled public domain. Anyone can release their own version of Baby Shark if they want.
The US national anthem. People will stand around before sporting events knowing that they used to do something but are mystified they can't remember what.
At first, I was going to pass on destroying music, but then I remembered the anger I feel any time I have to see Peter Pan because, in part, the fucking racist shit that is What Makes the Red Man Red. Maybe I could work out a deal to erase the entire movie...
Before anyone attempts to defend it with, "it was a product of the times", know that the play Peter Pan is based on was considered shockingly racist at the time and Disney's solution to that was to double down on the racism so that nobody would take it seriously.
Queen's Radio Ga-Ga so I won't have PTSD about it anymore. When I was 19, I worked on a cruise ship that was still in the final stages of construction and at one point they were testing the PA system by playing that song, on repeat, for seven whole fucking days.
If there was anyone else aboard NCL's Pride of America before it left dry dock in Bremerhaven around 2004/2005 that is also on Lemmy, they'd be able to back me up. But there is a good chance everyone else who suffered with me is locked in the loony bin from having heard Radio Ga-Ga for a week.
Good point. If the wizard did this you also would never know that such a song existed. Hence your "worst song in the world" spot would be filled with a different song the instant the spell hits.
It shows how such categories as "the worst" and "the best" are only constructions of our mind.
Hello sorcerer. Please erase "Man, I feel like a woman" by Shania Twain. It annoys me anyway, but it not like it makes being a woman sound especially inspiring either ("Colour my hair, do what I dare" - woah, slow down there Shania!). Thanks.
Because it's already starting again, "Last Christmas". Fuck that garbage piece of shit song that's ruining the lives of everyone that has to work in retail during Christmas.
"If I Could Turn Back Time" by Cher, thus proving to her for a fraction of a nanosecond that her premise was actually possible after all, before every trace of the tune ceases to exist.
It's such a terrible song, and it keeps getting sung in weird ways by bad singers. I swear, as a non-american I'm subjugated to it more often than all other national anthems combined, including my own.
I actually quite like Weezer, but goddamn that song drives me nuts for some reason I can't put my finger on. A close second is Bubbly - Colbie Caillat, in large part because of the line "I get the tingles in a silly place". It's such a deranged way to say you're horny.
I'm just a kid who's four
Each day I grow some more
I like exploring, I'm Caillou
So many things to do
Each day is something new
I'll share them with you, I'm Caillou
My world is turning
Changing each day
With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way
Growing up is not so tough
'Cept when I've had enough
But there's lots of fun stuff
Given the fact that your question has caused The Evil Song to get stuck in my head, Sorcerer, I feel you are obligated to erase "It's a Small World" from my mind and from existence.
I was under the impression that this is a misconception about the songs meaning.
At the time women would be expected to say no outright and go home. To say they have to leave, instead of having autonomy and being promiscuous.
So in the song the woman wants to stay but is following the societal expectation to say they need to leave and the man is giving her all the excuses she could use to explain why she didnt leave, so people wouldnt suspect her of staying over to have sex.
These days that expectation is not there so the song is interpreted in a different way and sounds super rapey.
To be clear. I am not advocating for this old way of thinking, nor am i saying i know the explanation i have given is true. I am only telling what i have heard and felt like to me that actually makes a lot of sense in the right context.
Basically, women wanted to be able to have sex with anyone they wanted, but people would look down on them for doing it. So, to avoid being ostracised, they would avoid situations like that.
But again. I may be wrong. I have just heard this explanation and wanted to share.
Yeah, at least that other "product of its time" (TM) song about being surprised someone at the bar is trans sounds decent. Dude Looks Like a Lady is just bad.
Either the British or American national anthems, they're both pretentious as fuck and it'd be kinda interesting to see if something like that has knock on effects down the line.
Jesse's Girl. My high school used it daily in an ad for some bullshit they wanted to sell, and my first 10 working years they had a radio on wherever I worked on one of three stations depending, all of which play that song at least (at least) once a day every day. (That's at least daily and sometimes twice a day exposure to that garbage song for 14 years straight for anyone counting.)
If I hear it come on I will leave the room, and I'll be back in 3:14. Idgaf where I am. If I have the aux (it won't be played, but if it somehow does) I'm changing it. If I hit the lotto I'm buying the rights so nobody can play it on the radio and taking it off streaming so I can lessen the likelihood of exposure. I'll put it for free on itunes or some shit and never strike pirates but for the love of god please don't play it near me!
I think just using it as instrumental would have been fine, for some reason having lyrics for the first time scarred some fans, even though it's really not that bad.
Everyone's ragging on the Christmas retail ambience songs, but at least you can mitigate the risks of hearing those ones by staying the fuck out of shopping malls. My top three:
Cotton Eye Joe
Whatever that song is that's basically just "tonight's gonna be a good night" over and over
Mr. Brightside by the killers.... fuck that song, fuck that song so much. My hatred of that song extends to everything else the killers do without ever hearing them
Omg I had to scroll too far down for this... I detest this song with every fiber of my being. Unfortunately for me my beautiful children think it's amazing.
Since I choose, am I aware of the song being gone afterwards? Can I choose a Beatles song that the world loves and then “write” it and profit from it? (See the movie “Yesterday”.) It’s interesting that a lot of answers are “get rid of the song that I don’t like. Okay, I get that. But! If I’m aware that the song is gone afterwards, I’d choose whatever the most sung religious song is just to see what that affects.
Gotcha. And, fair enough. I now choose “Stairway to Heaven” so that the world forever debates Tenacious D’s “Tribute” and what song it could be about.
** laughs in Jack Black **
The boys are back in town. I never liked the sing to begin with, but when I first started my apprenticeship I was working in a valley that only had a couple of radio stations and the only one I liked was a classic rock station. Apparently one of their DJs loved it though. They would play it every day at the same time, just when I was getting out of work and getting on the highway to head home. It ruined my afternoon for about a week until I realised they were going to play it everyday, and I just started my ride home in silence. It still irritates the shit out of me when I hear it now.
Oh! I got a similar story. My first roommate in college had a Police CD, Every time you got in it started at the first song, Roxanne... He NEVER changed the CD.
I never was a big fan but by the end of the year I hated that song.
It's definitely a love it or hate it, I definitely hate it because it feels.. half-hearted yet too try-hard
The more I learned about John Lennon the more I realized why I got bad vibes from the millionaire who abuses those closest to him because he's rich and he can singing "Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can."
Nah, it's just wicked repetitive and I hate it. I had a cubicle neighbor that played the radio and it felt like that frigging song played in a loop, alongside the "kars 4 kids" jingle.
Emily - Joanna Newsom. I don't hate it whatsoever but ever since listening to Joanna, this song in particular, I haven't achieved that musical high since. Maybe in this altered universe it can be created once more so I can feel that joy and wonderment again - if only for a moment.
Let em be aware but because it cannot exist they will never be physically able to produce it. Getting tongue tied every time they try to state the lyric or losing control of their limbs when they try to write it
It'll be just like movies and TV shows for the 80 years that Warner/Chappell music claimed they owned the rights. Most of them will probably be variations of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"
Could I cut up my wish into just wiping parts of a few songs? Like the march tune from Tears of a Clown, the electronic watch alarm in Rock the Casbah, and the chopsticks part of Blinded by the Light.
I agree. It kind of sounds like a kids jingle, and it's just too simple compared to the rest of the album, which has some of the most intelligent songwriting ever.
Delusions of a Savior by Slayer because telling Spotify to block it and never play it again means that Spotify will insert it into every other playlist
I'd probably be a softie here and just pick something obscure that would cause a minimal ripple. There are songs out there that I don't like, but if they get much play, it's because there are people who do like them, and they should be able to listen to their favored music.
The logical search goes ..Mexico. accordion music. Then you pick from there. Specially the ones about the drug lords would be better removed.
But if we could go back in time and find whoever brought accordions over the puddle...you sonobabich. You think you had a good life since you're already gone, but one day we'll go back to fix the leaks on your boat.
It's a toss up between accordions and trumpets. One of them is gonna go titan or titanic first thing if I get to travel back in time.
My friend, the trumpet, well played, is one of the finest and most expressive instruments to ever grace earkind, how could you feel this way? Can deliver ~every possible emotion, a range of volume starting at "drunken disappointed groan" and reaching "holy shit ouch stop", only got a few little twiddly bits, fits in your hand. Shiny.
welp say goodbye to all rock music then. no more led zeppelin. james brown is gone too from the funk side. actually quite a lot of genres are gone now because of this wish. thanks a lot
By that logic all music would be gone. The origin of rap would clearly be when it deviates from jazz, rock, etc. to become its own genre. Though like country music, rap was ruined when capitalism got its penis into it, so sometime after Will Smith and before Kanye.