The official reason was the Bison herds were capable of destroying the fields of entire farms. We never stopped to ask if we should have been farming there in the first place.
Killing off the Buffalo, which was a source of food, clothing and other vital cultural resources for many indigenous cultures, was an official government policy to destroy those cultures.
Couple more words; ecocide, genocide.
The number of "100% native" people in the U.S. is likely 0. The idea of people leaving if they weren't from here goes back forever, everywhere. Eventually it's just a debate of if we are all from Africa or not.
"Go back to being a neanderthal dweeb!"
... Sadly, acceptance and growth are harder than resentment. And most of the time we resent the wrong people.
It portrays Orthodox Jewishness as being responsible for genocidal Zionism when Orthodox Jewishness has pretty much always been vehemently critical of both Zionism and the creation of Israel.
The Jewish Zionists that perpetrated the Nakba looked no different than their fellow Europeans.
It also doesn't make much sense in the particular context considering on a genetic level Palestinians are as Semitic as modern Ashkenazi jews. And it doesn't make much sense from a religious stand point because modern Judaism differs from ancient Judaism by about the same amount as Christianity or Islam does. Modern Judaism just has this dogma that Ancient Judaism was secretly observing their form of it even though if we don't take them at their word there isn't a lot of evidence of that.
So from a religious standpoint it doesn't make a lot of sense. And from an ethnic standpoint it makes even less sense.
And also we don't let Europeans say "these are our ethnic lands" without calling them racist. So then why would we let people who are like 2% ethnic ancient jewish retroactively claim ethnic ownership of some land without calling them racist? They will claim it's not about race and about religion. Ok, which is worse, a group of highly militant ethno-nationalists, or a group of highly militant theo-nationalists? Zionists are always one of two bad things and they will use arguments to play wackamole about which one to deflect the claims of one. Apparently if you are two bad things at once and it is unclear if you are both or just one of those things you get unlimited license to be both of those bad things.
So, if they kill in the name of God, why aren't we calling them "terrorists" by now like we do with any other religious group, i.e. muslims ... or ... mhhhm... or.. wait... do we call anyone else terrorists, besides muslims?
This comic would have been just as effective--and less insulting--had they not included the explanation at the top; the graphic gets the point across just fine.
I'd hope its to convince the government of Israel to get rid of corrupt leader Netanyahu, and to work towards an equitable two state peace agreement with an independent Palestine in the West Bank and Gaza.
Or failing that, to convince people that unconditional support of the current Israeli government is bad, actually. Something many Israeli themselves believe (not to mention non-Israeli Jews).
I feel like comparing murderers to other murderers wont swing any moderates to your side, but idk. If anything, making memes about genocide seems pretty dehumanizing.
The situation isn’t comparable. The majority of Jews in Israel are not European (or from anywhere else), they’re native Israeli and they trace their roots to Israel back for millennia.
The problem is not that Israelis want to live there. They have a right to live there. The problem is that they’re depriving Palestinians of their right to live there instead of seeking peaceful coexistence.
The OP? What's that based on? All their posts are just critical of Israel
That said, given how lemmy works, there's no real recourse anyway. This is a good, funny post, so I'll upvote it. Since upvote points aren't tracked there's nothing we can really do to tell bad actors apart from people that actually contribute to communities/discussions. If it mattered, I'd maybe downvote but it doesn't since every post they make ends up being treated individually by the community (unless you track usernames or something and I personally don't pay for that feature)
You'd have to comment on all their posts if you wanted it to stick, and then if it's not obvious like here, you'd have to provide reasoning each time. I don't get it but most people really didn't like points being added up for some reason
If the only things I knew about them was Trump-fanboyism, spends free time accusing the USA of various genocides, and masquerading as a far-left then I would assume he was a regular Chinese Tankie long before I accused them of being an American.
Yep, it was the only habitable parcel of land in the world with zero inhabitants until 1832. Jewish people and Palestinians both saw this weird chunk of land and realized they could just move there since no one else was there.
that's exactly what happened... 1 million Arabs migrated in less than 10 years. whatever population was there before them was completely out numbered by the Arabs. the migration was 30x the increase seen at the same time the "baby boomers" were booming. that's 30x population count, not 30x the percentage.
Which hardly matters when people are taking the homes of people living there currently and killing them. What difference does it make if some of someone's ancestors centuries ago lived in that general part of the world?
You could justify European colonialism in Africa under similar logic, on the grounds that since humans evolved there before spreading out to the rest of the world, all Europeans have ancestors that lived on that continent at some point in the past and would merely be "reclaiming" it.
Some did, but the whole point of Israel was a place for European countries to send their Jewish populations.
People who even if they were also ethnically Semitic, were descended from people who voluntarily left the area generations ago.
They could have immigrated there, instead European governments just declared it was theirs now.
Like, imagine if every American with Irish heritage were granted birthright citizenship there and the people who never left are shoved down into an ever shrinking slice of land. That's what's happening
Look up the history of the Beta Israelis / Ethiopian Jews and their treatment in the reconstituted state of Israel.
Compare that to the treatment of Afrikaner Israeli converts emigrating from South Africa and Russian/Ukrainian Jews fleeing violence in the current Russo-Ukraine War.
That thinking is like believing you have the right to expel the people that lives in the house your grandmother lived on but left when she got married. But now the house is yours because "here lived my family".
Now imagine a civil war happens in the US and the only places spared are the Indian reservations. And when the war ends, with the army, the air force, the national guard, ... all destroyed, the Indians start spreading their territory bombing the remnants of the US, with some help from Russia or China or...
Will you find the Indians have the right to carpet bomb NY or Dallas because they lived there 2 or 3 centuries ago?
Jewish people lived next to muslim people in arab countries for a very long time but then ww2 happened and the dumbass americans decided that doing what the nazis wanted to do originally is a good idea so they just kinda said that the european jews should move to this random desert where a lot of middle eastern jews live. You wouldnt deport all the south american, african, asian, etc christians to europe just because of their religion.