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KillingTimeItself fun fact.
The US army gave people ammunition for free if it was used to kill bison for a period of time.
Bison almost went extinct.
Bison were a source of food for the natives.
I love american history!
210 7 Replycraftyindividual
Every 50 bison they killed they celebrated a bisontennial.
67 1 Replyjaybone Bye son
16 0 ReplyContentedness Boooo!
7 0 Replyhumorlessrepost Boocentennial?
6 0 Reply
KillingTimeItself this is awfull (of bones)
i tried, i'm not sorry
2 1 ReplySlovene You're offal
1 0 ReplyKillingTimeItself eh, close.
2 0 Reply
Maggoty The official reason was the Bison herds were capable of destroying the fields of entire farms. We never stopped to ask if we should have been farming there in the first place.
28 2 ReplycRazi_man
I think they did stop to ask, and the answer they gave themselves was "yes".
17 0 ReplyMaggoty Certainly at every step of the way since we keep answering yes, despite all evidence to the contrary.
4 0 Reply
KillingTimeItself were bison known for like, destroying fences or something? Or did we just not think of building fences lmao.
7 1 ReplyMaggoty Farmers don't usually fence in their fields. You're thinking of live stock farming.
10 3 ReplyKillingTimeItself well i mean that would make sense but like...
In terms of the chain of logic here.
bison are trampling your field:
- make them extinct
- build a fence
i feel like building a fence would probably make sense here.
5 0 Replywebadict I can't believe you would trample on my freedom to extinct an animal like that.
5 0 ReplyKillingTimeItself hey man, don't look at me like that, they already almost went through extinction ok.
2 0 Reply
Maggoty Yes but that would -
Involve effort
Not get them some actually pretty tasty meat. (sorry vegans it's true, they're tasty.)
Not give them an excuse to cause suffering among the natives, whose land they were farming on anyways.
2 0 ReplyKillingTimeItself i mean, have you ever tried killing an animal? They sort of tend to uh. Move around.
Like you would need to essentially pay thousands of people over the period of years to cull the population of bison, and they did.
And to be clear, they didn't even really kill them for meat, im sure some did, but a lot of it was just to kill them.
3 0 Reply
corsicanguppy Correlation, causation, too many big words.
4 52 ReplyVandals_handle
Killing off the Buffalo, which was a source of food, clothing and other vital cultural resources for many indigenous cultures, was an official government policy to destroy those cultures. Couple more words; ecocide, genocide.
28 0 ReplyKillingTimeItself history goes a little wacky
23 0 ReplySternout Which word was to big for you?
9 1 Replyirreticent
4 0 Reply