Sarah Beth Clendaniel, who pleaded guilty to trying to blow up power stations in Maryland, was sentenced to 18 years in prison, with lifetime supervision post-release.
Sarah Beth Clendaniel, who pleaded guilty to trying to attack and destroy the power grid in the Baltimore region, was sentenced to 18 years in prison with lifetime supervision post-release.
Prosecutors said Clendaniel, 36, from Catonsville, planned to blow up power stations around Baltimore to destabilize the government in a white supremacist plot.
According to prosecutors, the attack would have resulted in $75 million in damages and caused power outages for much of the state.
This sentence comes after Clendaniel accepted a plea deal and ultimately was found guilty of the crimes in May.
How fucked up is it that a Nazi Plot to destroy Maryland's power grid only got thwarted a year and a half ago and so many insane things have happened in the intervening time that I totally forgot about it?
The mom arguing that her daughter is under the influence of bad spirits, that prison won't help, and that only when god pours his spirit over her will the bad spirits flee.. welcome back to the middleages!
Nah, that's one good orange spirit. She felt POWERFUL, like she really had ALL HER RIGHTS, and she DIDN'T think about ABORTIONS at all. I talked it out with some GREAT LEADERS, and that's what a woman SHOULD DO.
This is key. It's why they tend to message on virtue signaling so much, there's kinda a fundamental belief that all people are shitty deep down, and they're just more "real" about it. All the rest of us are just pretending so we look good, but we're all just as bad as they are, and they're just the courageous ones.
If anything it should make everyone want to go after the bloodthirsty terrorists. You know, the ones who made everyone's lives worse by knocking out the power grid?
But reaching that conclusion requires reasoning not addled by lead poisoning and hookworms I guess.
Maybe because they think we marxist, socialist, environmentalist people prefer electric rail guns to defend from them? Dunno, I don't really like weapons.
There's an important aspect to this: they think all or nearly all whites are just as racist as they are, but the Liberal Media censors them to make it seem otherwise. All they need to do, in their minds, is unshackle everyone and the Master Race will sweep out all the untermenschen.
The podcast Weird Little Guys has an episode about it, but the general gist is that American Nazis are under the mistaken belief that in emergency situations people will turn on each other instead of the well documented behavior of our instincts to help each other and cooperate going into overdrive. From there they believe that we will band together based on race instead of something reasonable like neighborhoods. And so, despite ample evidence from the increasingly frequent natural disasters, they believe a single catastrophe that shuts society down shortly will trigger a race war.
Additionally thanks to a combination of Pax Americana, the nature of the equipment, the massive benefits everyone knows it provides, and the danger of fucking with it, the electrical grid contains a large amount of unattended critical equipment such as substations. Nazis, being losers that are sometimes only half brain dead have figured out that this is potentially the easiest catastrophe to manufacture and as such have begun shooting at substations in an attempt to trigger a race war instead of just waiting for a storm or heat wave to shut down the power for a few days and seeing that people don’t do a race war over that.
Agents recovered various firearms from her bedroom and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. Clendaniel is prohibited from possessing a firearm because she is a convicted felon.
Evidence used in the trial included transcripts of recorded phone conversations between Clendaniel and a confidential informant, revealing that she wanted to obtain a high-powered rifle to shoot through substations in Reisterstown, Perry Hall, White Marsh, and more locations.
I tried to find data about how seriously straw purchases are being treated these days, as enforcement always seemed very lax. This is how this person seems to have obtained her weaponry. A straw purchase in the case of firearms is when someone buys a firearm with the intent of it ending up in the hands of someone else. It is common to have a partner or acquaintance purchase a gun to get around the background check.
I searched for "straw purchase jail" to try to find conviction rates, and oddly all the results looked to be only from Pennsylvania, and are pretty recent. There does seem to be some enhanced penalties put into place nationally, after a number of mass shootings traced back to straw purchases.
Prosecutors say Clendaniel has been in communication with her co-defendant, Russell, through Dallas Humber, an alleged transnational terrorist group leader from California. Humber is accused of soliciting hate crimes, the murder of Federal officials, and conspiring to provide materials to terrorists. The communication between Clendaniel, Humber and Russell persisted until July 2024.
Prosecutors allege this communication shows that Clendaniel is still conspiring during recorded phone calls while incarcerated.
Before receiving the sentence, Clendaniel addressed the courtroom saying she is more likely to hurt herself than others. She says she still retains her national socialist beliefs, which she has had since she was 13 years old, but that she would not act on them.
Judge Bredar explained that she is not being sentenced for her beliefs, rather she is being put behind bars because she was prepared to act on them and cause significant harm. He said he is not convinced she wouldn't act on them in the future.
And she has learned nothing. Hopefully she will continue to incriminate herself on a regular basis to ensure she serves the full 18 years of her sentence.
Dallas Humber was one of the lead members of the large nazi "terrorgram" network on telegram. She was also recently arrested after France forced Telegram to start enforcing the law by arresting its billionaire CEO.
Humber has one heck of a backstory. Meth addict dildo seller turned Nazi audiobook narrator.
I don't know how to feel about the arrest of the person running the platform. I typically lean toward siding on it's the responsibility of the posters for what they post, but at the same time, if you are knowledgeable people are using something of yours for a crime, and not just anything, but terrorism or supporting murder, it seems like he should definitely have some share of the responsibility for not even taking any form of action.
This really isn't a joke. These people are all over, and this isn't the only attack on the power grid lately. They don't think the power grid is evil, it's only a plan to destabilize the nation and create a civil war, which they want to use to being in a fascist government.
A political science class I attended in the early 2000s focused on terrorism, and the professor described power grids as being a pretty big target in general, but especially for right wing hate groups.
This has always been part of the plan for the Turner Diaries militia weirdos.
I wouldn't worry about it, these people are not smart. Being all over doesn't mean they're well organized or largely grouped. Most neo nazis are just shit talking teens on discord. Animals mindlessy attacking power grids is laughable to the american government. America has countless power grids anyways.
The kind a terrorist gets. The crimes she pleaded to had a max range of 20-35 but the stuff they left off would easily have seen her in prison the rest of her life. They left off the hate crime charges, conspiracy to murder charges, terrorism charges and I'm sure a few others. She wasn't robbing a bank with a note. She planned to destroy the electrical grid of an entire state and snowball that into a race war.
I forgot to add, her method of choice was a high power rifle, and Maryland specifically is never going to get over the Beltway Sniper attacks.
Also according to the article she was alleged to have continued conspiring over recorded phone calls with her codefendant (after she was already charged)
Judges don't like when alleged crimes continue after a person is already charged for similar crimes.
I knew I recognized the guy in that article; not his first run-in with the law. There's a really wild police interrogation of Brandon Russel's (the co-conspirator) ex-roommate who warned police about their plans to attack power plants. Dude ended up killing their other 2 roommates with a rifle and then led police to his bomb making equipment. Very crazy story.
It's AGAINST her Constitutional Rights to Punish her BEFORE she's done anything! Who CARES if she had a Gun and PLANNED to use it? It's her 2A RIGHT to do that UNTIL Women Children and Men die!