56 0 Replytha's the mos' evil rabbit ya ever saw
6 0 ReplyYou called?
2 0 Reply
You forgot this one
31 0 Replyhow is it NOT 8? gotta support workers. and workers support workers. also a badger will fuck you up
27 0 ReplyYou're clearly morw of an 11.
2 2 Reply
16 0 Reply4
11 0 Reply11
6 1 Reply9
5 0 Reply
Would be funny for a TTRPG oneshot, let the players roll a d12 at the beginning 😁
10 0 ReplyEveryone rolls 1s except for one person that rolls an 8.
It's just like giong to work!
6 0 ReplyThese are all playable in 5e-based Humblewood.
4 0 ReplyUuuh this looks fun 🤘🏻
2 0 Reply
- Gotta be Bodger the Blacksmith.
6 0 ReplyNot sure Bodger is that kind of guy😅.
3 0 ReplyBodger is:
Blue collar. If he ever wore a collar.
Constantly fixing shit. Or scamming adventurers.
2 0 Reply-
Absolutely 7.5. Little column A, little column B. I'm thinking 8 causes 7 for me.
5 0 ReplyBloomburrow in a nutshell
5 0 Reply- Seems deep, is actually wide
1 0 Reply
Badger badger badger badger
4 0 Reply2 0 Reply
I am one with the forest.
4 0 ReplyMushroom 🤝 Mushroom
2 0 Reply
Number 9.
4 0 Reply8 is based but I'm going 2
3 0 Reply7 and 9 are my spirit taxiderms.
... Actually, 4 through 9.
3 0 Reply888888888888,3
3 0 ReplyBard
2 0 ReplyBloomburrow...
2 0 Reply12
lowest charisma bard ever
2 0 Reply2 or 8
2 0 ReplyHard 7
2 0 ReplyNeed a medic on my team. Survival is paramount.
1 0 ReplyThis is what I always assumed the game root was like.
1 0 Reply8 ofc, but choose 12 to achieve world peace because all your enemies and friends will agree this guy is annoying af and set aside differences.
1 0 ReplyI'm definitely 11
1 0 Reply7
1 0 Reply8 or 9
1 0 Reply4 is me.
1 0 ReplyLink to the original artist because her art is amazing: https://www.lilyseikajones.com/
1 0 Reply