YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH Amateurs. Never put a date on your rapture predictions. Just say it is happening soon.
87 0 ReplyNatakuNox
Better yet, if you get enough people to listen to you, start saying you're Jesus.
totally not cult behavior
8 0 Reply
VitaminF Thank god there is no ninth of hexadecember, so no worries.
70 1 ReplyBambiDiego Maybe this in Julian calendar?!
That means we only have 247 years left!! REPENT!!
18 0 ReplyBootyBuccaneer Can't I fuck off for 246 days and repent the day of? I mean, I just bought this bag of coke and another one of oxy. D:
1 0 Reply
Zulu My favorite month in the dual-year. Junetobuary.
9 0 Reply
dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Matthew 24:36.
RTFM, noob.
57 0 ReplyRolando "Read The Fisherman Matthew"?
23 1 ReplyClassy Read the fucking moom
15 0 Reply
DomeGuy Does this imply that the rapture won't happen on any day any man or angel predicted it, and suggest that these crackpots are either delivering a "no rapture today" message from the Lord Almighty or else embarrassing Her into putting it off?
10 0 ReplyUtMan1988 Reginald, The Fingerless Mittens!
7 0 Replynetvor
1 0 Reply
frickineh It's almost 9pm where I am and there's no sign of it. Jesus better hurry his ass up if he wants to be on time.
57 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Maybe everyone around you is a filthy sinner.
27 2 Replyceenote Maybe that's been the joke for centuries. The rapture happened but nobody made the cut. Seems consistent with the Bible.
26 0 Replybizarroland
Maybe they're the filthy sinner and got left behind
9 0 Reply
19th here, I think I got left behind.
7 0 ReplyFarid
It's happening on the 9th of 18th month, we've still got some time.
2 0 Reply
Agent641 Hi guys, its the 19th here in Australia already and I can confirm that I have been Left Behind to suffer heck on earth for being a sinner and Im super over it already.
43 0 ReplyKingJalopy
You sure everybody got raptured and you're not just in Australia?
15 0 Replydumbass
Nah mate, that's just fuckin Thursdy.
12 0 ReplyAgent641 Aw fuckin' hell!
7 0 Reply
Troubleinmind Party time!
4 0 Replytigeruppercut
Everyone is dead. Everyone except us.
3 0 Reply
socsa Jesus better fucking come I've been jerking him off for like 20 minutes
38 0 Replydumbass
Jesus, King of the Edging!
9 0 Reply
Boomer Humor Doomergod
It's currently September 19th
34 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Dude, you're already part god. You don't get to be raptured.
5 0 ReplyBoomer Humor Doomergod
I also don't want to go to work
5 0 Reply
It's true. I'm getting raptured right n
34 1 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Well, well, well. Look who became a gentile and got themselves raptured.
18 2 Replygedaliyah
Okay, you got me, I'm still stuck here with all of you heretics
13 1 Reply
33 0 Replysamus12345
No, they neglected to put the first part of the year, it's happening in 2124.
4 0 ReplyP1k1e Whew ok..... Just 100 more years and I can learn to rap
3 0 Reply
Maple Engineer
9-18-249-19-249-20-249-21-249-22-24I mean...if they keep this up they will be right eventually...right?
25 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
12 1 ReplyMaple Engineer
Like my wife, every day for 17 years, "That tree is going to fall down."
Tree falls down.
"I told you so."
18 0 ReplyKingJalopy
8 0 Replyjim3692
Maggoty They were always right about the date. They just were wrong about what Jesus is looking for.
6 0 Reply
itsgroundhogdayagain Not again
22 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Afraid so. Hope you enjoy the great snatch.
38 2 ReplyTheFool
sigh - Days without thinking about her: 0
36 0 ReplyTheTechnician27
From snatch you came, and to snatch you shall return.
15 0 ReplyRolando What happens if you have a Sinful Thought during "The Great Snatch"? Do you get un-Snatched? What if you immediately Repent? Do you get Snatched again? Will there be people bouncing back and forth indefinitely?
7 0 Reply
TriflingToad so nobody can know the date of the rapture, and if someone figures it out god'll change it?
what if I make a website that just says "the rapture will be [current date +1]"
22 0 Replydumbass
13 0 Reply
Eager Eagle
nonsense, there are only 12 months
22 0 ReplyNegativeNull
They may have screwed up their ISO date format. They really mean it'll happen on the 9th day of the 18th month of 2024.
It tracks
21 0 Replyumbraroze Never mind the old flippediroo of the day and month. What I want to know is why is there a dash in front of the date. I thought the separators went between the things to be separated.
2 0 Reply
some_guy So I was justified when I left those dishes in the sink. Thank goodness. Thank you, Jesus.
21 0 ReplyTroubleinmind The lord works in mysterious ways!
9 0 ReplyFordBeeblebrox Some archeologists get paid to dig up old kitchen tools from early human history. You’re just leaving stuff for the archeologists in 2424
4 0 Reply
The_Quaz 19 0 ReplyRailing5132 Oh, shit! Who will water my plants?!
18 0 ReplyWaxedWookie It's your lucky day - I happen to run a post-rapture plant watering and pet sitting business - I'm sure as shit not getting raptured.
16 0 ReplyRailing5132 Great Scott! I was so busy packing, I forgot about the dog! Quick! What are your rates! Nevermind - here's my bank info - I won't need money anymore!!
6 0 ReplyKingJalopy
I'm guessing you haven't had many customers yet?
Also, you think you're not getting raptured but you are literally offering a good thing for people that won't even pay you. Pretty sure Jesus would think you were dope.
5 0 Reply
Flying Squid OP
Jesus. Obvs.
6 1 ReplyKingJalopy
Pretty sure pouring wine onto plants will kill them.
6 0 Reply
Dr. Wesker
What mental gymnastics do you think the sign maker will have to perform, when nothing happens today?
18 0 Replyeezeebee
Mysterious Ways ™️
19 0 Replymodifier This is someone who is clearly winded after light mental calisthenics.
2 0 ReplyEinar But imagine how foolish we all would look if this would happen. 😁
1 0 Reply
Ð Greıt Þu̇mpkin Good thing I tried pegging for the first time tonight then! Ticked that one off the bucket list just in time!
18 1 Replydaggermoon
Congrats on the pegging, happy for you.
8 1 Reply
Monster It's probably a coded message. Read it in the order of colors.
Jesus is rapture - 9-18-24 will on coming the happen.
It all makes sense!
sigh… if you insist
12 0 ReplyValorieAF JESUS IS A RAPTOR
8 0 Replytourist
This image is stained on my occipital lobe
11 0 Reply
Troubleinmind Post-Rapture looting anyone?
17 0 Replywjrii Why do you think I still live in Texas?
13 0 ReplyNoForwardslashS If you already live in hell, nothing changes?
11 0 ReplyTroubleinmind 9 0 Reply
itsgroundhogdayagain Why not Pre-Rapture looting?
6 0 ReplyTroubleinmind I feel like that has a higher chance of getting oneself beaten up (at best 😂)
1 0 Reply
Flying Squid OP
Everyone gets a new phone!
8 2 ReplyTroubleinmind Woohoo!
3 0 Reply
niktemadur Haha! Yeah right, this is like the ten thousandth time they've s
16 0 ReplyBootyBuccaneer Oh no, they were raptured mid-sentence! How nice of the angels to hit send before dragging them away.
2 0 Reply
Queen HawlSera God, I wish God would actually just end this cringe already.
17 1 ReplyAlligatorBlizzard Still the 18th here. Anyone know where I can buy some inflatable sex dolls and helium at this hour?
15 0 ReplyKingJalopy
Why helium?
7 0 Replyhomesnatch To inflate the sex dolls.. He prefers doing chicks when they're high.
11 0 ReplyEvolvedTurtle Maybe so the sex doll will go to heaven too
8 0 ReplyAlligatorBlizzard So they float, of course.
This is an old internet joke.
7 0 Reply
Captain Aggravated
Can we go ahead and get the rapture over with so the rest of us can get some peace and god damn quiet?
15 0 Replyyemmly We should sell tickets.
3 0 Reply
9point6 What timezone is the rapture in?
Trying to decide if I should stay up and get some photos
14 0 ReplyHarvey656 Sorry, gonna have to miss the rapture, I have DnD this weekend.
13 0 ReplyFordBeeblebrox I didn’t get raptured, too much thc and alcohol in your system makes you too heavy for the angels to carry I think.
If all the good folk are gone though I sure hope for less traffic on my road trip this weekend. Praise jeebus? 🤷♂️
12 0 Replyn3m37h May you be toughed by thy Noodley appendage! - FIFY
3 0 Reply
atmur Can we reschedule? I have plans tonight
11 0 ReplyGork Jesus is having sex today.
9 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
The miracle of prophecy is not related to the miracle of proper kerning.
5 0 Replydan
The kerning looks okay - it's the font that's weird.
4 0 Reply
9 0 ReplySteal Wool
"Yes! I have the foresight to predict The RaptureTM, but not the foresight to fit the words onto a cardboard sign..." lol
8 0 Replywerefreeatlast WTF! I missed it? Did every single Jehovah's witness drink the juice so they could fly into the spaceship or what? Postponed?
8 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Fun fact: Jehovah's witnesses think only 144,000 men go to heaven and then all the good JWs get new bodies on Earth.
5 0 ReplyAngryCommieKender Funner fact. The Jehovah's Witnesses calculated that the year would be 1844, and someone did start a religion that year claiming to be the return, but that was in Persia, so they didn't know. They decided they must have miscalculated, and recalculated the date multiple times until 1900 at which point they basically just said, "he's late." They were literally started to look for the return of Christ, and because it didn't happen exactly the way they thought it should, they gave up and claimed that God must be wrong.
I have fun with JWs when they come to my door.
5 0 Replywerefreeatlast Shit! I had it all wrong! Okay but now that the rapture is over and not gonna happen anymore, then maybe everyone can go back to their regularly scheduled Friday?
2 0 Reply
Spoiler alert: it's already happened, and all the virtuous people already ascended to heaven.
8 0 ReplyI Cast Fist
I REFUSE to believe gahd has put me on par with Karen by leaving both of us on Earth! I demand to talk to his manager!
8 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
That explains why I'm still here.
4 1 ReplyMobileDecay
My nipples are on fire. Send help. 😢
2 0 Reply
Phoenicianpirate There were 666 likes to this post. I ruined it by turning it to 667!
7 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Do we need any more proof that the rapture is over and we missed it?
5 0 Reply
lemmycdatass Is this EST, PDT, Australish? Need to plan my pooping.
7 0 ReplyHubertManne again?
7 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
It's an ever-occurring rapture. People stop being alive all the time.
8 1 Reply
Shit, I missed it.
7 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Shouldn't have taken that nap.
3 0 Reply
lugal c/agedlikemilk
POV: It didn't happen
6 0 ReplyRandom_Character_A
I hope it's during work hour. Would be shame to do whole days work just to get eaten by the rising dead.
6 0 ReplyPeriodicallyPedantic I think the rapture happened a decade ago and this is hell
7 1 ReplyNotyou
4 0 ReplyMystikIncarnate Everyone is a sinner. Especially the religious types.
3 0 Reply
Treczoks Time to paint a new sign, methinks.
6 0 ReplyThassodar Seems like the planning for this was the same planning they put into making the words fit on the sign.
3 0 Reply
Oh man I'm here just waiting to look at jesus and say "Fucking took you long enough!! wtf you doing up there while I was working my ass off you fuck? I hope that linda removed is not coming with us!"
6 0 ReplyMaggoty I'm pretty sure my plans are fine. Jesus is going to take one look at us and turn around.
5 0 ReplyPenisDuckCuck9001 I'm glad it didn't happen because I got to pet a cat while the world was supposed to be ending.
5 0 ReplyATDA Batting .000 here religious sign guy.
4 0 Replysamus12345
Imagine if what qualified to get raptured were believing in it. The world would be so much better without all those people!
4 0 Replyslurpeesoforion Is that why there's an abandoned pair of shorts in the parking deck? And here I thought someone was running around pantless.
4 0 ReplyRGB
Oh come on! I was gonna get a haircut today.
4 0 Replyunemployedclaquer I would get letters from my grandma - long, winding beseeching me to come to the Lord or whatever, with often a specific date predicted in the near future of the end times. I never kept them because I was embarrassed. She was lonely and mentally ill, and probably trying to manipulate people into visiting her, but she also believed the shit she was saying, even though it kept changing, IMO.
I think that's a little bit of what is going on with these signs
4 0 ReplyNoobnarski Welp, I have only now seen this post on the 19.09.2024.
I guess I did not only miss the notification, but also the rapture itself.
4 0 Replyhate2bme The rapture probably did happen but nobody on earth was worthy.
4 0 ReplyMystikIncarnate According to their own book, no man will know the day or the hour IIRC. So anyone who says they know, at all, is by default wrong, and you can guarantee that it won't happen at that time.
4 0 ReplyAngryCommieKender The
Jehovah's Witnesses7th Day Adventists figured out that it was supposed to happen in 1844. According to The Baha'is, they were right but wrong at the same time.1 0 Reply
swag_money ah fuck i missed the rapture again. guys how was it?
4 0 ReplyFlying Squid OP
Kind of boring actually.
3 0 Reply
It's gonna be 10:12pm so we have time for a last meal still if you want before Jesus chucks everyone in the woodchipper. 😊
4 0 ReplySchadrach He's got the wrong date.
To quote late musician Peter Steele:
April 2029, the final time The end my friends is not near, the hour in fact is quite here ... It's a Friday 13th of course you won't live, to see noon. ... Are you paranoid what's on the asteroid has got your name tattooed on it? This stone's called Apophis And it brings apocalypse.
4 0 Replyacockworkorange Jesus came, broke my fridge, and didn’t even leave a note. Asshole.
3 0 Replydanc4498 I wish
3 0 Replyllii Oh please yes!
3 0 Replybadbytes I think the Rapture was going to be happy before it was to happen.
3 0 Replybouldering_barista Surely MORE letters will fit in the same space! Haha, this is the first thing I thought of
2 0 Replybruhduh
wordington rapture
2 0 ReplyAdori
Fuck no it ain't gonna happen, I gotta finish my studying so I can actually work fuck that
2 0 Replymisterwu Meh.. I prefer the Zorp scenario
1 0 Reply