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  • The food doesn't matter if the person eating is my dad. He makes loud nasty noises no matter what he is eating. Once he is done eating the noise continues for 10 minutes because he is cleaning his teeth with his tongue.

  • Jokes on them, listening isn't my torture. It's seeing people eat with their mouth open and especially bits falling out while chewing. Yuck

  • For me, it’s corn on the cob.

    Man, I dunno if I really want to explore this rabbit hole, but I'm sure that there's much-less-tolerable stuff out there. Say, live mice or something.

    • I was honestly envisioning foods that people eat normally, that might sound disgusting. But I don't want to be too restrictive of answers now.

    • Did you read the other person's suggestion about mice or are there two people here to independently came up with this grim idea?

      • I just posted it myself as the first thing that came to mind with something small and cute and noise-making. Hadn't read other comments at that point.

  • My ex-MIL has TMJ and chews with her mouth open so I’d say her eating kettle chips, jaw clicking with every bite.

  • My captor must have had experience working help desk. I've endured people eating chips and sandwiches, chewing gum, and sniffling with stopped up sinuses right in my ear, while trying to focus on fixing their computer.

  • CRAB!

    My hubs loves them so I get to sit across the table and listen as he brutally cracks open his food.

    You know what they do with the legs, yeah?

    • Does homeboy not know about crabcakes? All the taste, none of the pain in the ass and paying for the privilege of preparing your own food. Just get them somewhere that doesn't use filler.

  • Ramen. And they are slurping like an 85 year old man who hasn't had to care in 6 decades.

    • It's polite to slurp it.

      • I know the cultural context and respect it as different from my own.

        But it will never stop being viscerally disgusting to my personal sensibilities.

        Every time I just suck it up. Pun intended.