‘Democrats are losing’: a battle on EVs could cost Kamala Harris votes in Michigan | Trump promises to end electric vehicle mandate. Harris has been silent, risking swing state autoworkers’ votes
Well if all they want is their gas cars idk what to say. This isn't a preference thing, its a get with anything and everything or we all die thing. There won't be many options, until there are no options.
I say we build new, people centric cities, move to them, and tear the old ones down. Or find ways to uproot the roads and replace them with useful infrastructure. I agree with you, the thing that sucks (in the US) is our cities have all become car centric tombs that stretch for miles on end.
I agree we need strong public transportation but there is still going to be a need for cars. I travel across state borders for my commute from a small town. Sure I could move, but then I'd have to likely pay way more for a house, taxes, groceries, etc, so unless the unlikely event they add a train that crosses state borders and connects small towns, some people will always have a need for a car unfortunately.
Also the public transport would likely take decades we don't have to be everywhere meanwhile you can buy an electric car right now.
That being said I wish I had public transportation everywhere. I'd totally use it. I hate driving.
It's more that there needs to be a lot more discussion of the fact that converting to EVs doesn't mean fewer jobs. So the autoworkers unions don't need to fight it.
The workers don't care about what dildo is installed in your car's driver's seat! 🪑💺. They care about having a good paying job, a career, healthcare and a good life. Tail pipe emissions are not necessary for all that to happen.
Absolutely, but the executives started claiming that EVs would require less labor to manufacture. It's utter bullshit, but they managed to panic a bunch of the workers.