I'm anti-russia and fully agree with this. I know the knee jerk reaction is to do unto others what they've done to you but that just continues the cycle.
I’m so happy to see this take, it always rubbed me the wrong way when people were like “don’t worry, he will become someone’s removed in the prison”. Like, wtf!??
On one hand, you should be safe in jail to serve your time. We aren't animals and treating criminals inhumanely or allowing as such is just perpetuating a cycle.
True... Once we start talking about more ethical treatment of prisoners, it gets embarrassing fast when we have to confront the fact that not only is most or all US incarceration not intended for any personal or societal benefit or protection, but it is actively seeking to enslave the population for shareholder value.
An entirely new philosophy of how criminal offenders should be dealt with is needed, but I'm not even sure those cards are in this deck.
You left out America's seething thirst for revenge instead of justice and good Ole American racism. Prison is just a house to keep the undesirables. If you're there you deserve everything that happens to you. There are no innocent or even people in prison. Those are things that are kept away to keep society (white ppl) safe.
One source told CNN the AR-15-style rifle was purchased at a local gun store as a Christmas present. The timeline the teen’s father provided to authorities would put the gun purchase months after authorities first contacted Gray and his family to investigate school shooting threats made online. https://archive.li/cC1FT
Oh, threats of violence you say? We should definitely look into that, maybe go talk to a few inmates with some softball questions, dismiss their batshit crazy answers, and never follow up.