Instead the story is that the source engine was located in the "Src" directory in their Visual Source Safe. And the Half Life 1 engine was in a separate branch named GoldSrc because it was about to ship real soon, and they needed to keep changes to a minimum.
You make me feel old for realising people younger than me have not ever realised this. But it makes sense now I type it... out loud(?)
Back in my day the Steam UI was army green and you'd use it to play all the LAN games your mate had by copying their entire Steam folder over to yours a couple hours before the LAN started. And that was it. That was the "install". You had Steam and all the HL mods like DoD and CS. Primed and ready to get noise complaints from the neighbours.
That's not why it's called that. The real reason is that they didn't bother ever giving it a name. When they needed a stable fork so they could further develop the engine without interfering with the development of Half-Life, they referred to the two source codes "GoldSrc" and "Src" and the name stuck.
I'm in my mid 40s and when I was that age let's say in the mid 90s there were hardly any digital cameras and the image doesn't look like a scan... So it's day here is in his mid thirties. Know your memes says the picture is from 2009, so that roughly matches.
I started my Steam account in 2004(?) because it was required to do so even though I bought the DVD-ROM version of HL2. Imagine my rage when it also forced me to update -- I was on dial-up at the time.
Ohh man, i am right there with you. It was the same for me with CS however I already had it installed. I wanted to update to 1.6 but I had steam installed and it forced me to update steam before I could update CS. I know they had a lot of growing pains but they eventually did it right due to our struggle.
I'm shocked people didn't realize this. Maybe it was obvious to me because I was playing valve games before steam came out? I think the game Blood 2 even made a joke about it on a sign on the museum level.