What do you to your home when you leave for a week or more
Things like turning the water off, or unplugging things...
At minimum I shut the water valve and unplug pretty much anything I can. I'll usually set the thermostats to be a little more extreme than usual. Do you do anything?
On one hand, yes, on the other hand, if your breaker panel isn't properly labeled, that'd be a good idea to do. Much easier to do when things are working than when they aren't or there's an emergency and you suddenly need to figure it out.
Cleaning before leaving is a game changer. To add to this, launder your bedsheets and towels and have them ready to go for when you get back. Not only will your home smell fresh, but you'll feel fresh after washing off the travel grime and have a nap.
“Travel grime” hit me hard, I’m currently traveling and the airports I had to pass through were balmy as hell; airports and aircraft were full of the smelliest people
We don't shut off water or other vital equipment or services since a friend will be over to check on the cats, the cameras still need network connectivity, and I can monitor other things remotely via Home Assistant. Anything that would unnecessarily use power will already put itself into low-power mode. We do set the thermostat to a wider range, and make sure that everything is shut and locked.
It's also nice to come back to a clean and pleasant home, so we take out the garbage and clean the place before we go.
If you want to have remote access to a computer, nice to test killing the power on it to make sure that it comes back up.
I do have a light timer, the sort that is usually used to make it looks like someone away from home is present and is operating lights, but I use it for a different purpose, to flip a bug zapper on at night, to zap any moths that make it into the house without having to stare at UV light most of the day. I suppose I could use it for its intended role.