It's honestly really funny how transparent our attempts to goad China into a war are. Nothing short of a suicidal false flag would get them to make a military move.
47 0 ReplyExactly, China is winning by default right now and they have no reason to escalate.
41 0 Reply
Lol isn't there a faction in the Republicans that basically wants the opposite (getting Russia to help them against China)?
33 0 Replylol yeah, funny part is that before the war US likely could've convinced Russia to join the western camp too if they just gave Russia a bit of respect
34 0 Replyif they just gave Russia a bit of respect
Too racist for that, fortunately
11 0 Reply
I don't think so. The closest think I have heard is the liberal mythology that some Republicans are Russian agents.
20 1 ReplyThere is the Tucker Carlson camp which I'd not consider to be completely pro Russian, but it's certainly friendlier to them and rabidly anti china
17 0 ReplyJohn Mearsheimer comes to mind
10 0 Reply
"...expected to attempt to pressure Beijing..."
...with what, mate?
16 0 Replylol right, China holds all the cards because it's where actual material things that burgerlanders need are produced
12 0 ReplyKissinger, but he's dead now.
10 0 Reply
'Hey China, wanna nuke your relation for a conflict in which we are in over our head?'
'Wait what?'
14 0 Replybig dumby
11 0 ReplyReminds me of Kim il Sung that said, “It’s better to close up like a clam until the war is over.”, very wise words to live by.
8 0 Reply