UNLESS you work a blue collar job, or any other job that requires you to be outside the whole time, I don’t see the point in showering every day. Especially if you work from home or in a building with AC. It seems excessive and is also a waste of water. But do what you want lmao.
Washing your hair every day is excessive, but showering?
Speak for yourself. I shower every morning just to get my hairstyle back. I always look like I've been zapped with 10.000 Volts when I wake up and nothing else aside from warm water and shampoo helps. And I don't even have long hair.
And I think that’s the point. We all assume everyone else will shower if they do something that makes them sweaty. If not. That’s where the problem arise imo
TIL that I have always "Navy Showered". I grew up in the Caribbean where all we had was a solar water heater. The hot water would barely be enough for one person so we always water on/rinse/water off/lather/shampoo/water on/rinse/water off. It's how I have always done it. Same applies for toothbrushing. My wife leaves the water running while brushing, which has always driven mad.
I know this sounds crazy, but there's a scientific basis for leaving the water running while you brush your teeth. See, I'm actually just making stuff up and wanted to see if I could get any bites lol
A Navy shower [...] is a method of showering that allows for significant conservation of water and energy by turning off the flow of water in the middle portion of the shower while lathering.
Dont people just turn off the water when they apply soap to themeselves?
No, most people keep the water running while soaping parts of the body outside of the water, then changing what part is soaped while the previously soaped is being rinsed in the water.
Yea, that 60 gallon thing is absolute worst-case, using a shower head from 40 years ago (which would be plugged up with minerals by now).
I've looked at the numbers everywhere I've lived over the last 25 years, and it's nowhere near 6 gal/min. Virtually every shower head sold since about 1990 limits it to 2 gal/min. You have to go find one that does more.
Eh, I was shopping with a friend while staying over and they decided to pick up a really cheap shower head, and it made their hot water last 5-10 minutes. Before it would easily last 45min
As former Navy, a Navy shower is all you actually need. Unless I am having a stressful day or week I take a Navy shower. If it a stressful day or week I turn the temperature up as much as I can stand and let it relax me. A sauna would probably work better, but I don't have that option.
This is not how all people shower? Huh. The only reason I leave the water running might be because I'm so sore that I need to to loosen up my cramped muscles.
Some bath/shower faucet setups are really not conducive to stopping and starting unfortunately (I’m thinking of 3 valve systems where you have hot, cold, and bath <> shower faucet with no easy way to turn off and back on to the same temperature)
Showers really should work like dishwashers. Basically fill a reservoir, filter, re-heat, and recirculate that water a few times. Could also slowly drain and replace a bit of it throughout or have discrete wash/rinse cycles.
Most of the water used when I shower is just standing there because the hot water is relaxing.
For me, agreed. I live in a desert, work a sedentary job, and spend the vast majority of my time freezing in the ac because I'm not warm unless it's like 76 degrees. My skin is happier if I skip a day and I try to save water whenever possible. But for other people, they know their stink levels better than me, and I'm not gonna tell anybody else how to wash themselves. Unless they're like my ex, taking 2 or 3 showers a day for literally no reason and running up the water bill in, again, a damn desert. I did tell him to knock that off.
UNLESS you have a highly active lifestyle all you need is survival rations, I don’t see a point in eating literally anything else. It seems excessive to eat food based on “taste” and a waste of resources.
Also, typing words other than the information on the few required government documents is also a waste, exemplified by your post. But do what you want 😉
Depends on where you live and what you do, right? If I don't sweat, smell or got dirty somehow, I shower every second day. I don't need to shower every day if I just hang out at home and game and sleep the whole day lol
That link is overly exaggerating. It's only really bad for you if you have a skin condition in the first place. Where I live showering multiple times per day is the norm and you don't see anyone with those problems at all.
Raise it by 10℃, and consider that temperature. That’s what I feel like at your “comfortable” temp.
Simply put, my body runs super-hot. My ideal temps for various situations tend to be 8-15℃ below the same range of other people.
As in, even normal office temp ranges can make me look like a drowned rat if I engage in any physical effort at all. Even something as simple as moving banker’s boxes around can have me drenched in sweat at “normal” office temps.
I love winter, because I can be out there in -10℃ weather without even a jacket, be shovelling snow, and I can actually exert myself without sweating. Winter is about the only time of the year where I can experience truly comfortable temperatures.
Nice to know there are others out there like myself. I'm not this far in the extreme, but I very obviously have northern genetics and I live in the humid South. I abhor summer and dream of winter. I just want to live somewhere where I don't become dehydrated from less than 30 minutes of effort outside.
Different bodies different care. I constantly ooze thick oily sweat and if I don't shower I start getting bad acne. Also, just massive amounts of musky BO if I don't reapply deodorant every day.
It's nasty but it's just how my body do ATM. Gotta shower daily.
it's likely you ooze oil because you're constantly using harsh products to scour all the oil from your skin lol, i had the same experience up until i stopped using shampoo for a month and my body finally got the memo and simply stopped spewing out grease, now it simply doesn't get oily at all.
Bruh i'm bald. I don't use shampoo period. I use what's supposed to be a healthy-skin face wash, and i just apply it by hand (no sponge or anything).
If anything I'd guess diet is the biggest thing, but I'm climbing regularly and not eating my current protein-heavy diet leaves me hella sore and out of energy, so i don't feel like experimenting with my diet ATM.
Agreed. When I was younger I had very oily skin. Skipping a day without showering I realize I was much hotter and generally irritable. I needed to get the oil off me to stay cooler and happy.
Now I'm older and much less oily. I can skip and don't get stinky or hot. Even working out I don't really get stinky, at least per my wife. Not the case when I was young.
You’re catching a lot of flak but if you’re not generally stinky skipping days without showering is fine.
If I’m just hanging around indoors and not doing anything strenuous not showering for a couple days is NBD. One afternoon doing yard work or similar and I’m taking a shower as soon as I’m done. Other people have other body odor issues and that may not work for them, so to each their own.
Every human body is different. Some people need a shower twice a day. Some people have natural perfume.
If you are concerned about it being a waste of water, then you can campaign to make society treat it as a valuable resource and not a “free swimming pool for everybody” type deal. Cause for a lot of those cases you point out, people are just using it like it’s priced dirt low.
This seems unnecessarily rude without engaging with what OP said. They're basically asking why 24 hours is a magical shower number? Why not 20, or 12? What about 28, or 36?
Not everyone on the planet has the exact same body, so why would going any longer than 24 mean OP probably stinks?
Yup. Unpopular certainly covers it. Your body produces oils, it varies person to person, but that's why you bathe. Just because you don't think you worked up a great sweat doesn't mean you aren't dirty or smelly.
Depends quite a bit on the lifestyle; but I agree.
Days I'm working (physical labor) I shower when I get home; but my days off I'm mostly sitting in an air-conditioned room watching media or playing games. Then I shower every other day; cause there's really no need. There's always exceptions though.
At home it's just part of my wake up routine to take a shower. I do it in the morning.
On holidays, like cycling holidays i may end up not taking a shower for a week even though i'll be sweating my ass off every day. I don't feel like i smell terrible then, and i have not gotten the vibe ever that somebody else thought i did. I use deo though and do some 'cat wash'.
Depends on weather. In summer I usually shower at least once a day. Peak heat wave it was 4 times because I just could't function like that. Winter... depends, but often it's every other day, depending how I feel.
I live in Wyoming. In the winter I bathe once or twice a week simply because it is so cold and dry that I don't sweat. If I bathe too much my skin will dry and crack in the cold dry air, which is not pleasant. Notice, I said bathe instead of shower. That's because if I am going to skip a few days, I need to make sure that I properly scrub off the dead skin. Dead dry skin can also lead to painful cracked skin. Wyoming winters don't fuck around.
In the summer it can get very dusty so skipping a shower is a rare thing. Hell, sometimes I have to wash the dust off my face multiple times a day.
I live in Canada. In the summer I'll shower every day, almost. Except days where, like you said, I stayed in with the AC on all day. Then I'll shower the day after.
In the winter I'll shower every two days. Or when I'm really cold and need some extra warmth.
I shower every day because it feels nicer when I go to bed. With alopecia I got really sensitive to how sticky the skin gets, probably because there's not even a tiny push fuzz left. I only use shampoo every other day though.
I have a disability and cannot not shower every morning. It's also 35-40 degrees here most of the year. I cycle around town. I also don't need much water, I get myself wet, put shampoo, rinse, turn tap off again, lather, on, face was, rinse, off. I probably use five litres or less than that.
Where do you live, and do you no exercise? I walk to work, get a ride home, go to yoga or take a long Pokemon Go walk or lift weights, no way am I crawling into bed without a shower.
If you are dead idle and living in a cold dry place, sure. But I don't think that is most of the world.
ETA: I saw the comment below about rinsing, not washing. I am not using soap everywhere every day, no. More of a rinse off.
I don't see the point either. Now in winter for example I'm taking, like, 4 showers a week - I never skip two days, but I'm not going all the way to shower religiously every single day either.
I work from home for my main job (desk job) and still sweat; I also try not to over-use my air conditioning. Additionally, I have to mow (though the goal is to continue reducing grass in favor of edible plants, it takes time), do other work around the house, and do small-scale farming.
All of that nonwithstanding, I've gotten into the habit here in Japan of not getting in to bed dirty. I don't wash my sheets every single day, so I wash me before getting into bed rather than stewing in bacteria, fungi, pollen, etc. for a week or more at a time. Additionally, a hot bath before bed helps me relax and get ready for sleep (though I skip it sometimes in the worst parts of summer). My sleep quality is also now better than it used to be.
yes and no, IMO it's probably best practice but not really necessary to shower with only water every day, but it's definitely not needed to also use products every day, unless you work with stuff that gets on your body and actually needs soap and shampoo to come off.
For the average person i'd say shower with soap once per week and then just rinse with water and scrub yourself down whenever you feel the need.