Yep, the legal team advised a scare tactic akin to ISPs fishing for low-effort compliance. Reminds me of CAMP & the ATF busting farms in Mendicino until the '10s.
I often tell my students “whatever you do, don’t go to libgen dot rs to download our textbook illegally. You’re gonna want to avoid Anna’s archive as well. You really want to steer clear from these malicious websites.”
I've been using Jetbrains products for free in college and I can say that it is the best advertisement. I bought it the day after my student license expired.
Ehh even when I was in school I used foss like blender and gimp. I've never had an actual copy of 3dsmax, Maya or photosoup. Been plenty productive with that my entire life.
Some software uses license servers where each client is supposed to request a seat temporarily. If more people use it at once than seats were licenses they detect that with phone home features. We had that with Matlab I believe, if you tried using it in the most popular time you might not be able to.
As a french, please don't give a penny worth of licence to Dassault Systèmes. They were founded by some of the worst ennemy of the people my country made.
Dassault is a group which covers multiple company, the most notorious is "Dassault Aviation" which sells warplanes like the "Rafale". But it is also implicated in a lot of other activities like infrastructures and road work, press, informatics, etc.
The company is very close to the government because it need public contracts to work, it can't sell planes without it being a contract between France and the country who buys it.
Which is very problematic because Dassault has interest in influencing exterior politics of my country to sell it's planes. The head of Dassault company in the last few decades is Serge Dassault, Billionaire and French Politician.
S. Dassault has used his influence and power as a media owner and elected regional politician to promote his business.
On the politic side he was a right wing politician, leaning to the far right. He made some homophobic statements during the discussion about same-sex marriage stating that homosexuality in ancient Greece was "one of the reasons for its decadence" and that "there is no renewing of the population. We're going to have a country of Homos. There will be nobody left in 10 years. That's stupid."
He was also publicly anti-union (which is honestly pretty rare to be claimed publicly in France) and against the right to go on strikes. He said that he admire the Chinese work organization.
He was brought to the court several times :
For concealing during 15 years millions in other countries.
For rigging elections by buying votes in 2008. His election was canceled and he was sentenced to 1 year of ineligibility. He went around it by making one of his partner, Jean-Pierre Bechter, elected. In 2013, Mediapart (a french independent newspaper of investigation) released an audio of S. Dassault claiming he spent 1,7 million of euros to elect Bechter.
I am not an expert on this and a lot of what I am saying here is documented on his French wikipedia page about his politics view and his legal problems
Much more can be said but it is a beginning to understand what I meant.
Serge Dasault is now dead but his children are all at different responsibility positions in the Dassault group.
Here is a map of who owns the medias in France (last updated in December 2023) where you can see what Dassault owns, it seems to be less than when S. Dassault was still alive, for exemple until 2006 they also owned "L'express"
SW was great to use back in uni but holy hell is it full of phone home stuff and really annoying these days, I scrapped my license, they straight up wouldn't let me cancel within 30 days of renewal so I yanked my cc and "cancelled" that way.
Use FreeCAD, mentioned in a few posts, it's got some clunk but it's 100% useable, has more than enough features for prosumer/hobbyist use, personally I'd make an argument it's fine for enterprise use too, Ondsel seems to think so considering that's the market they're targeting with their releases. I'd recommend the Ondsel release or Realthunder's (what I currently use) which has features/fixes that will be merged back, and 100% look at mainline freecad when the 1.0 release drops
Pro tip: Always use a program like binisoft windows firewall control
Look at companies like this. The software KNOWS it has been cracked but instead of disabling itself it sends home your info so you can get sued for copyright infringement
Ps: I'm curious to know the price of the geovia suite. I'm guessing it's a subscription and I'm guessing it's more than 10k per year
I didn't encounter a single program that bypassed the block applied by windows firewall control - after setup they usually don't have the admin rights anymore to control it
We also had expensive engineering software at university. Oftentimes it's a major PITA for everyone. The PhD students have to get their work done and are met by the software refusing to start because all licenses are taken. Sometimes someone forgot to log off or the computer crashed and the software takes most of the day to recover that license. Or some people do like 5 simulations in parallel. Or lock the computer, go home and block a license. The IT department will get lots of calls and have to deal with it. Especially when the pool of licenses is small. And it takes additinal effort to coordinate practical courses and excercises where you teach a group of 24 people which then need half the license pool available at a fixed time each week, despite the daily routine of everyone else.
And I'm not even sure if the people responsible, care too much for pirated software. But they're liable. Of course they write strongly worded mails when talking to everyone. It's their IT infrastructure and they can't have people do illegal things with it. Especially not while having an expensive contract with some supplyer. They can't have anyone leak a mail where they endorse piracy. Or post screenshots or turn in assignments or papers with screenshots that say "unregistered copy" in the bottom corner. And once students do silly things and the piracy is on display publicly, they'll have to do something. Usually that's writing a strongly worded email first. Because that takes next to no effort. I think the usual IT department doesn't care as long as things go smoothly, people do their various things and no one complains. They usually have other stuff to do. That makes me think in this story something must have happened that warranted some form of public reaction or at least show they addressed it and they have it in writing.
And I think the rest of the mail fits such IT people. They said why they do it and that they can't have piracy connected to the institutes name. They say they need some incoming complaints to justify buying more licenses. And the punishment fits the crime. They just disconnect the computer from their network and it's not their problem anymore. I think that's fair.
So thry're saying they have plenty of licenses for the use case, but somehow people are still pirating?
Maybe their license management paradigm is just garbage. This could be the vendor, but also poor IT policy if the users can't requisition what they need.
As usual, service problem.
So much licensing fuckery-- dealing with floating or reissuing licenses, users needing to move to different machines-- could be solved via affordable site licensing. But that might leave dollars on the table if users don't overbuy.
Shucks... Maybe if the college didn't rob the students blind on tuition, and the publishers not rob the students blind on books, maybe they could afford to pay for software licenses. 🤷♂️
How did they detect it? Did these people install the pirated software on devices owned and managed by the college, or did they use their personal devices and only connect to the network? Anyway, they definitely should have used a VPN.
These softwares use your pc's network connections to send data to the servers which then checks whether you paid a license or not. When they can't use your internet connection, they also add personal information to any file you generate with the softwares such that if you send the file to someone else who has a license they will unknowingly rat on you through their connection.
When they can’t use your internet connection, they also add personal information to any file you generate with the softwares such that if you send the file to someone else who has a license they will unknowingly rat on you through their connection.
This sounds evil, possibly violating some EU laws too.
Ok then use a firewall like (I assume that this was on Windows) to block these apps' internet access. There are other good options like the Safing Portmaster (which also works on Linux), OpenSnitch (Linux) and LuLu or Little Snitch on macOS. There are many more options for Linux, iptables, nftables, firewalld, or ufw with a GUI like gufw.
they also add personal information to any file you generate with the softwares
In that case, I'm using a VM where there is absolutely no information about me
Pretty much every software crack says 'Block this application in your firewall'. I guarantee most people don't. Following these instructions would have prevented this entirely.
As a mechanical engineer who spent multiple thousands of hours using SolidWorks, trying to use FreeCAD felt like flying a Cessna 172 after getting used to a Citation jet.
Are there any opensource alternatives to these things? Could they save themselves this whole hassle, just get the alternative and cut their budget in half with a yearly donation?
Well, Solidworks is the industry standard, but I think NX wins on capabilities, and Fusion has a much better workflow. Both are still corporate though.
I hope we get a good open source option, because Freecad is so far behind the rest that it's basically unusable.