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Redditors coping about "the loss" of (Nazi) Ukraine:

The whole thread is ridiculous lmao.

  • When we don't agree with the outcome it's a show trial.

    But a black teen charged on possession of marijuana defended by an overworked public attorney is totally legitimate and the thin line that prevents society descending into madness.

    Edit: soldiers can be tried for war crimes during war cope and seethe libs. That's the price of surrendering.

  • Show trial is when Russia

    • Damn, we can't even get a "Soviet Russia" here?

      I feel cheated by the libs out there... Come on, you can recognize the Soviet Union as its own thing, right?


  • I was looking at that thread earlier, it's full of people who think this is some kind of game. Like the UK can just send in elite units to go rescue them or assassinate Putin and nothing bad will happen because of it.

  • Motherfuckers can't even bring themselves to acknowledge the existence of the DPR - the whole fucking reason for this war.

    They weren't sentenced in "Russian occupied Ukraine", the supreme court of the DPR sentenced them. Afaik btw these mercs have been fighting against the DNM for years, long before this invasion started, because this god damn war started 8 years ago, which the leddit brain also can't comprehend.