Sources close to the ex-president’s campaign have said he’s particularly fixated on a single seven-second clip.
Those close to Donald Trump fear the former president “may have legit PTSD” from the assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally last month.
That’s according to a Vanity Fair report published Wednesday that claimed those in Trump’s inner circle have noticed that he’s become fixated on a seven-second clip that shows the moment he nearly lost his life.
“He’s been watching that seven-second clip of how close he was to getting shot right in the head—over and over and over again,” said a Republican close to the campaign, reported Vanity Fair.
That's not PTSD. He's a narcissist and that was the last moment where he was the center of national attention and it looked like there was no way he could lose. Then Biden stepped down.
Idk, he has a history of obsession with being killed. Supposedly his fast food habits were formed because he could be anonymous, he'd send someone to get the food so he doesn't have to worry about being poisoned.
I think I'd be traumatized by being an inch from a bullet to my brain. I also think Trump is mainlining toxic traits into his persona like "men don't cry" and "mental health is for pussies" so I wouldn't ever expect him to actually publicly admit to having feelings about it or getting support.
Come to think of it, him not bringing up the shooting in every sentence out of his mouth for martyrdom points, seems really out of character. All we got subjected to was a comically large, stark white bandage at the GOP convention. The lack of milking it for sympathy ad nauseum makes me think he really is affected by it.
It's so so sad that he's bound for a nervous breakdown and potentially Harris slamming her hand on the podium with the right force and angle could potentially be a trigger for it.
Not unprecedented. Even doing so intentionally isn’t new. Just look at Admiral James Stockdale in the 1992 election. Dude was a decorated Vietnam vet and former POW, but before a debate, someone thought it’d be a great idea to jingle some keys. Apparently, that was something his captors did to mess with him in Vietnam. Cue the PTSD flashback, and suddenly Stockdale’s looking disoriented on stage. So yeah, a well-placed podium slam? Could totally set off a meltdown.
There is zero fucking chance he's having an "am I the baddie?" Moment while watching this clip. He's probably thinking how bad ass his hair looks or something about manliness blah blah.
It sounded like, from the shooter's web searches, that if it had been Biden holding a rally hear the shooter's house, Biden would have been shot at. It was less anything about Trump and more that the shooter wanted to shoot someone famous/important, from what I've seen.
Have reverted back to a state where the world is all The Flintstones and have identified "dabba dabba doo" as the universal tone that initiated the cosmos.
Are you insinuating that the God Emperor is scared of a woman?!
Because you'd be correct.
He is absolutely terrified, will be completely screwed when that happens, and mushrooms would make it extremely entertaining for the rest of us.
The VA is also conducting research into it.
Look, Donnie, PTSD sucks. Unlike your cult, those of us working against you do want you to seek treatment. Like legitimately. We want you to get better.
That's not PTSD. That's a fixation, maybe an epiphany on his mortality. There's a whole range of symptoms he'd need to be displaying at least some of. Calling that PTSD is problematic on so many levels.
I can't stand the guy, but PTSD can manifest in several different ways. I'm willing to bet obsessing over the event is one of those ways
Edit: it could also just be "post traumatic stress" without it being a disorder. I'm not a professional and I don't know trump personally, but I would like to warn against telling people this isn't what PTSD looks like because someone might not seek treatment due to misunderstanding their affliction
It is but what other symptoms does he have? And will he have them months from now? It's absolutely normal to obsess over a near death experience in the short term.
Maggoty is a licensed clinical psychologist with 30 years experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and trauma. He co-authored the most widely used academic textbook on the subject and served as an adviser to the Obama administration for 4 years.
Ain’t no way. They are putting this in the media because no one cares about someone shooting at him and they are desperate to explain why he’s only don’t small indoor rally’s now. They don’t want people to notice he has no supporters anymore.
Nazi peon doesn't become special because of his job or because he took a bullet intended for Nazi leader. Nothing of value was lost, except the opportunity to take out a larger pile of trash.
I'm trying hard to understand your point of view... It's easy to be angry.
The problem I see is that the way you feel about the "peon" is probably the same way trump feels about him too. Trump feels everyone else as insignificant.
Unfortunately this means you and trump have very much in common.
Let that sink in...
Now... If that previous comment has not completely closed your mind...
We all know what else in this vid. The cinematographic rise of Trump from under security agents with a fist. He is nutting over how great he is at that moment.
Yeah, but, like, he didn't do anything for such a legacy, he happened into his own Triumph of the Will moment by a coincidence of so much mistakes. There's though no wonder why he's seen as a messiah by his cultists and he sees it as a personal gift from the god, the recognition he didn't have in his family as per biographies.
Yeah, who knows what's going on in that head of his. In a moment when most people would be in momentary shock unable to process what just happened quickly enough, Trump knew immediately that he needed his shoes. Then stood triumphantly with blood running down his face and a dead body behind him.
Edit: when the transcript of the secret service communications was released i was shocked that Trump would be so concerned about his shoes. I immediately assumed, set up, he's trying to move on to the next part of the act in full costume.
Now after posting this and thinking about it more, I can see someone, in that moment, being disoriented, noticing they're bare footed, and focus on that. I still know that Trump is a pos.
In his shoes, I'd be traumatized by the huge percentage of people that are disappointed by the poor aim. I'm one of those people. Only good Nazi is a dead one.
This will change nothing. This is quite possibly the most narcissistic human in at least a century, the only thing PTSD would do is make his behavior worse and more erratic.
As a person he presents as such a terrible person.
But as a human being, I feel for him and don't think anyone - even the worst of us - deserves PTSD.
Mr Trump deserves a long life in a very thick-walled cell, and needs to think on the terrible things he's done and how it affects others. This isn't possible if he's dead.
He isn't capable of self reflection or remorse. He's a sociopathic narcissist. I do hope he ends up in prison long enough to suffer the humiliation and degradation he so richly deserves while he witnesses the world slowly forget all about him
Not endorsing violence, but I don't think he deserves a long life. He's done plenty of harm, and him thinking about it doesn't help anything. It only allows him to continue to be a threat. However, I think an assassination would be the worst possible outcome. It'd give power to all of those using him. Power that they don't have as long as he's alive. He'd become a symbol, and all the horrible things he's done would be forgotten. He's better alive and losing the election and all credibility and support.
Yeah I still can't get over how a couple of days later his right ear didn't have a mark on it. At his age, even with the best of plastic surgery, he wouldn't have clean skin on an ear for at least a week if he'd actually had a bullet pass through any part of it. I don't believe things he has to say about his health- he has a pretty solid track record when it comes to not telling the truth about his height, weight, bone spurs, being a stable genius, etc
Okay, but what's the alternative? Trump faked the whole thing in some sort of false flag? He planted a fake gunman to get killed by the secret service, and put two of his close supporters in the hospital in critical condition, for a bump in the polls, when he was already confident that he could beat Biden? Is that really a more plausible explanation than "someone decided to kill Trump over the Epstein files, missed, and was killed"? I absolutely hate the guy, buy I just don't buy it. I can accept "he got hit by a shard of glass instead of a bullet" or "he got grazed elsewhere and it just looks like he was hit in the ear" but claiming the whole thing was faked is just a bridge too far.
We're supposed to be above this type of shaky conspiracy theory level thinking.
FWIW, I didn't read anything in BM's post that made me think he was arguing the incident was fake. I interpreted that (s)he was saying it probably was other debris or shrapnel, and he's insisting it was an actual slug to look like a tough guy.
nah, no sympathy. most people with ptsd probably didn't fuck around like there are no consequences for your actions. this fucker deserves every bad thing that is coming to him, including finding out that he is hated and people want him dead.
I have real trouble with this. He seems to lack any kind of human qualities - no empathy, no wit or warmth.
If someone ripped his orange mask off, Scooby Doo style, and it revealed some kind of mindless racist/sexist slur and weak-insult spouting robot underneath, I think it would explain a lot.
We see his public facing persona. It says things that are more or less within the realm of normal for most of society.
I bet when he is with the wealthy follks the real Don comes out. Says things that rich and wealthy want to hear, akin to agenda 2025 but more focused on poors being confined while they still get to break laws.
I'm honestly not sure if this is a better outcome than him being dead. I think the new even more paranoid batshit Trump is doing way more damage than his literal death would have
Don't worry, he's too much of a dumbass to go see a therapist about it. Instead he'll just bottle it up so fester into a new mental illness to add to the pile.
The first thing he did after getting shot was blame democrats instead of stopping the nazi rhetoric
That's despite them laughing and joking that palosis husband got attacked. They supported Trump and still get blamed. He has no honour whatsoever. He's still a massive lier who has promised suffering to many who elect him and to impede justice
The only reason I wish it didn't happen is because it puts other politicians at risk and further empowers right wing crazies
Honestly, he deserved it. He deserves jail (he raped multiple women). He defamed the women he raped. He cheated his way through life and brags about screwing over the trades he hires ruining their lives. He's degrading the rights of everyone he isn't and marked a return of racism and bigotry. He makes jokes about other people getting injured. He's a bully and now since people don't call him out until now, he's successfully raised to the spot of president bully
He uses people, and abuses them and is following a mafia playbook.
The only surprise is that it took so long honestly... Everyone expected it eventually (especially after he promised to be a dictator and free criminals).
It's not a surprise it was a registered republican who did the shooting either, because many of them have probably felt screwed over by him too and there are some decent people on that side too who are likely sick of the extremism
Maybe he'll get access to a therapist once he's in prison. Group therapy once a month, individual sessions once a year or so, that's about how it goes for incarcerated folks I hear. It won't be a lot of help, but then again, he doesn't deserve any.
"a lot of people say I got a good ear. the best ear. they're smart people. this ear fooled that bullet from hitting this youthful head. let's see that stable genius moment again"
I don't know man.....I don't like trump, at all, but getting intentionally targeted by an assasin, and only surviving because you unknowingly turned your head just the right way to make the bullet miss by inches seems like a legit reason to develop actual PTSD.
Theres lots of reasons to hate trump, but if you dehumanize him you run the same risk that 1940s had with hitler. If you think of him as a monster, you stop thinking of him as human. If you stop thinking of him as human, it's easy to dismiss his behavior and actions as being not something a human would do. And once you do that you open the door for it to happen in the future.
Everything trump and hitler have done are fully able to be done by someone else. As terrible as they are, they're still human.
You could have a decent thought here if it weren't for his response to BLM movement, trying to call in the national guard to crowd control with live ammo, the border and war crimes, as well his assault on the court system and attack on reproductive/women's rights. That among many other things no one remembers. The sheer volume of trauma he's generated in the world easily negates any sympathy in my mind.
As a human he deserves medical and psychological treatment like anyone else as that's a human right imo. One which he's happy to ignore for others. By no means would i ever feel a shred of sympathy for the fleshpile.
That's not at all how PTSD works. Bad things happen to people all the time and they don't develop PTSD. It's insulting to people who really deal with it.
PTSD is not "something bad happened and now I have feelings". It does not automatically happen after a major event. It's a lot more complicated, and y'all are not psychiatrists. It's insulting to throw the word around and use it for politics.
Reminds me of people saying "omg 'm so OCD!" Because they like a clean house. That's not what OCD is, and getting shot is not what PTSD is.