And I'm over here pissed that the only way I can at least give my kid a chance at a decent school education is to go private. Our public schools have been systematically eroded to the point of barely being called daycare so the only way to give my kid a chance to actually learn is a private school that has the resources and small class sizes.
Imo, education should not be paywalled. Everyone should have equal access to quality education and not just "memorize these facts" and "be a good worker for the overlords" but actually be encouraged to think and understand the world as it is and how it can be
Shit I was homeschooled and I tend to keep that on the DL just due to the stigma lol. Really sucks that fundies like this ruin something that can really be beneficial for some kids. I'd stress the worst offenders of homeschooling stem from religious fundamentalism and it can be done very successfully in a secular household.
We homeschooled our kids while we lived in Utah simply to avoid the religious fundamentalism. But we definitely also knew religious people who “homeschooled” their children, who ended up completely unable to read at age 10. Turns out spending time with the pigs doesn’t constitute a well-balanced education.
As someone who wasn't home schooled, can you explain what the benefit is when the goal isn't to indoctrinate your kids into believing exactly what you want them to believe, especially when those beliefs go against societal norms?
Because that seems to be the only purpose from those I've seen even entertaining the idea of homeschooling, though luckily those acquaintances require dual incomes and didn't have the time.
I ask this sincerely. Because it seems like if you want a better education than public school offers, supplementing their normal school with additional home lessons seems better for their socialization, and gives the best of both worlds.
I can see an argument if the kids have special needs that aren't being met at school, or insulation from extreme bullying. But both of those seem to lead to a rude awakening when they're eventually forced into the real world.
Same. I tend not to mention it, especially IRL. I fucking loved it, and feel like I got a much better education than most public schools offer. But fucking fundamentalists make me feel like if someone finds out then they're going to assume I'm a cousin fucker who thinks the planet is 300 years old and that Jesus rode a dinosaur to rescue America from the communists.
I was raised young earth evangelical and home schooled K-12.
That is not a flex, I have just summarized the trauma that is defining my middle years of life as I deconstruct and unpack it - now that I recognize it as the trauma that it is.
I was sort of homeschooled. I kept getting kicked out of school for... basically civil disobedience, and dad just had enough and decided to homeschool me.
he had a masters in education, and I got all my lessons from university professors for a few years. people still think I have a LOT more formal education than I do. there were some really incredible school trips, some of which I can't even talk about without doxxing myself. I got three aquariums, and most of the backyard, and if I did anything other than routine maintenance, I had to justify what I was doing and why. if anything died that wasn't supposed to, I had to cut it open. which is great, because I was a few years behind and really needed the motivation to catch up. there was a textbook, and I paid a LOT more attention to it than I did in any class. I called my teachers for help. I was far enough ahead on humanities and tech shit, dad really just had to occasionally remind me to do critical thinking about whatever I was reading, and throw books in my general direction. he made me write a few essays, which I resented at the time. I remember the sparse geology classes (really just a couple field trips-it wasn't my whole education, and the previous year science class was geology, so there probably would have been more) I got involved a lot of rope.
I feel like I mostly wasted the opportunity, but I'm more well read than probably 95+% of the country, and was before I hit high school, where I promptly squandered my entire advantage with a year or two before dropping out, but I can still pass as having a degree in a small handful of subjects.
I agree that most parents should not be fucking home schooling their kids, but in my case, its probably the only way I got any education at all. I think every kid should get opportunities like I did, but can't really think of a way to scale it up without just generally making the world better in every way. why are we not doing that, again?
They wouldn't want to make more money because that would mean they'd have to pay a higher tax rate. Don't try to explain how tax brackets actually work because you'll just make them angry for highlighting their ignorance.
I remember having to explain to someone how overtime worked, he was convinced that any overtime was completely taxed away so there was no point. Taxes are hard.
Well 90 to 95 percent of us would be. The other 5-10 percent would be afraid to have their wealth redistributed, and would do anything they could to not let it happen. Kind of like what they do now.
Communism depends on the people on top not being greedy fucks who will just keep the power instead of distributing it. Humans aren't like that. We're greedy for power and we won't share it from the top down.
Socialism is much better as it works within the confines of the established system and just wants to alter it. Communism work on paper but humans are the part of the plan that doesn't work. By the way I say this as a survivor of a murderous, Communist regime.
I'll preface this by saying I self identify as a socialist (I say self-identity, as I have not read specific books on the topics of communism and socialism. Think what you will of this), and believe in from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
However, communism has become a bit of a loaded word where I feel myself both defending it from people on the right, and feeling weird about communists calling for communism (well, especially the two things below).
This is because of some of the variants I think are a bit generous in their belief that people won't act selfishly:
Anarcho-communism? Sure, if you believe in fairies and that every single self-governing group will uphold the social contract with every single other self-governing group and not raid their shit. I hate to say, but I think at our current population levels, we need some kind of state to have a monopoly on violence, which the people as a collective have meaningful control over. Anarchism was only possible when there weren't as many people, and let's be real, I'd prefer not to worry that another group might attack us...
No money?
I think this is just a recipe for corruption where managers wield influence over the production they oversee for personal gain. Money is just a useful symbol for value which can be exchanged. I'm for "no money" in the sense things which ought to be subsidised should be free, public transport, healthcare etc. However I think it would be truly dumb to make everything free, because it would reduce people's choices, in a world where we have finite resources but unlimited desires.
If we are each given equitable money (i.e. I'm not entirely against people earning more or less, for example if you have to work a job where you necessarily need to be away from friends and family) then some things ought to cost money so that the people who want something most will pay more. And prices could be guided partially by demand, or public policy as appropriate. The profit would be redistributed to the people.
Else you're left with a system where you're waiting years to get a car, it's a lottery, or more likely corruptly given to some over others.
I think I do want communism, in general, but the specifics, remains to be seen. I don't agree that everyone would be a communist if they knew what communism is, because communists themselves also don't agree on the specifics, it would seem.
As an Anarchist I'm irresistibly compelled to respond to this in order to spread propaganda. (Sorry for the ramble I don't know how to write concisely.)
To start I don't use communism, democracy or even socialism to refer to my beliefs. I use anarchy. That's because anarchy in my mind is concrete. no-archy. against hierarchy. Even though anarchy does follow the classical definition of communism, and is socialism, as in worker-owned means of production. These words are unnecessary as anarchy does the trick. And communism has too much bloody history to most people, me included.
Anarchy is not possible in the current cultural space. Anarchy requires a complete transformation of all parts of society,
including culture. A lot of your problems come from having underlying archic (hierarchical/capitalist) beliefs. For an anarchist society to succeed these beliefs must be abandoned.
This is because of some of the variants I think are a bit generous in their belief that people won't act selfishly:
This entire paragraph is based in tribalism. An inherent idea that people belong to distinct groups that compete with each-other. It is one of those archic beliefs that I mentioned. There are many different responses to this but I believe in federation (Thanks to this video: timestamp 36:44). This system envisions the anarchist society not as distinct groups but a large number of intersecting groups. No group would "raid" other groups because they have friends in all those groups. On top of that everyone in an anarchist society should be educated enough to understand that everyone in the society has a role to play and hurting them is hurting the society which is in turn hurting them.
On your opinions on money. It seems you do not understand how an anarchist economy would function. In anarchy you wouldn't buy something, you would order it from the person or co-op who makes those things. Generally used items like food and clothes would probably be available for free, but anything requiring construction would be ordered. This allows you to receive a completely personalized item. Otherwise people would just work for no reason and end up with things they don't need. I don't see any point in producing an item just so it would sit on a shelf somewhere. There might be a small storage for conveyor-produced items in order to reduce order times, but in general retail wouldn't need to exist.
Also due to your usage of "managers wield influence" I can see you haven't read any socialist theory as in socialism and anarchism the managers are responsible to the workers. If they are acting in corrupt ways that's because the workers don't care enough to uncover it and change the manager. And when it comes to "oversee production for their own personal gain" I am left wondering what personal gain would that be. without money there is no incentive to hoard and if that personal gain is abusive then it will be discovered and the manager changed.
Else you're left with a system where you're waiting years to get a car,
The fact that you think cars are a thing in a socialist society again reveals your inexperience. Cars are a fundamentally capitalist construct that have no use in socialist societies.
finite resources but unlimited desires.
The unlimited desires (that I'm interpreting as material as spiritual and mental desires don't need resources) are exactly the thing that anarchy seeks to destroy. It is a poisonous mindset cultivated by capitalism that leads to catastrophe (for example look out the window). It is incompatible with continued existence and the destruction of it in an individual is the first step towards anarchism. It was made with the specific need to fuel the hyper-consumerism of the modern age. You get told from everywhere that you need more stuff. Understanding that you don't is fundamental to all anti-capitalist thought.
I want to suffix this post with a point that if any of this comes across as rude then that was not my intention. The points made reflect my own ideas and opinions and other anarchist will have their own. I hope you consider what I wrote (and again sorry for the rambling.)
Or a sense of superiority. Some of the biggest narcissists I've ever met were homeschooled.
Aside from the crazy Christian homeschoolers who don't want their kids taught by the evil, woke liberals and the homeschoolers whose kids were just antisocial, you get the homeschoolers who think that their children are "gifted" and need to be taught in some special way to bring out their superior abilities.
my siblings are like this. I'm embarrassed to admit to it, but they run around telling other people that their public education was shit and being homeschooled is so superior lol. i don't understand it other than maybe they're coping. I've worked hard to overcome being homeschooled and actively try to educate myself.
Some public schools absolutely are shit. And we've got a wealth of propaganda invested in selling "education as a luxury service" rather than a public utility.
The marketing strategy of homeschool sellers is to convince people that working with your PTA is a waste of time and only you know how to adequately teach your kids.
I’ve worked hard to overcome being homeschooled and actively try to educate myself
Ideally, education isn't some singular struggle, but a group effort. I've learned more and faster in small groups with a talented TA and enthusiastic professor than in any independent study.
When I was still in school some of the smartest kids I knew were originally homeschooled.
Though their parents had the clairvoyance to realize they had to go to public school at some point.
Anyway my point is it was a flex when I was in school outside of the socializing thing but those same kids generally ended up being some of the most popular within a year or two.
I was homeschooled and like to think I am only half a shitshow, whilst unapologetically and enthusiastically supporting Harris and Walz.
*Important context, my entire immediate and extended family is far-right, including my mother who did said homeschooling. She and my brother were at Jan 6th and, I suspect, were in the Capitol. Though I have not found them on any videos.
A good friend of mine was home schooled, but they did high school in the public school system. Which probably is what made the big difference in how they're a well adjusted person.
First, that's socialism, they're not 1:1. Second, stripping wealth & power from the top and redistributing amongst the workers is a great plan. And third, Giga Chud there being the homeschooled makes perfect sense.
We keep assuming conservatives defend the rich because they think they’ll be rich someday, and, sure, they would love to be. But it’s more nuanced than that: they defend the rich because they believe the rest of us need the rich. We’d be lost without them. There should be no shame in being beneath the rich, not if the right people are rich; no shame in being a cog in the machine so long as the machine produces something beautiful. There is a real fear that everyone filling their proscribed role is the only thing keeping us from complete and total not-the-fun-kind-of anarchy. There is honor in being in your place and doing your best with it. Most especially if your place isn’t at the very bottom.
It's said he and elsewhere that the reason non-rich people are like this is because they hold onto some delusion (consciously or subconsciously) that they could be rich one day. Something something American Dream.
The rich don't like actual democracy because nothing would really stop the majority of not-rich from democratically deciding to redistribute wealth and privilege toward a more egalitarian situation. Hence, anti-democratic. He's just reaching the authoritarian goal from a different angle.
The rich can't really construct democracies. At best, they like censitary/census suffrage - where voting power is weighed (proportional to) personal wealth.
I prefer the term liberals than richs. Not all richs are assholes. Some of them are humanist a'd working to make the world better for everyone at their own expanse. They are not many, and not enough definitely. But underlying the moral superiority from the material one is an important thing imo.
I have a homeschooling neighbor with 4 kids. So far theyve been compataritively levelheaded but i dont really focus on them too much so as not to be the creepy old man nextdoor