This is aimed at students/ex-students that used Linux while studying in college.
I'm asking because I'll be starting college next year and I don't know how much Windows-dependency to expect (will probably be studying to become a psychologist, so no technical education).
I'm also curious about how well LibreOffice and Microsoft Office mesh, i.e. can you share and edit documents together with MOffice users if you use LibreOffice?
Any other things to keep in mind when solely using Linux for your studies? Was it ever frustrating for you to work on group projects with shared documents? Anything else? Give me your all.
LibreOffice has opened every DOC(X) the school has sent me, albeit imperfectly, and all assignments are turned in as PDFs, which I usually make using Markdown and LaTeX. I have had to use Office 365 for collaboration, but only about twice a year, and that runs very smoothly in Firefox. On one occasion I tried to collaborate with CryptPad, but it didn't work as well as I hoped.
Most computer labs at my uni run Windows 10, rarely 11, but a lot of the science labs run Linux. A surprising amount of the software required for classes has been open-source, too.
The most frustrating thing has been the lockdown browser used for some exams. My university library has computers I can borrow for exams, but yours might not, and they detect VMs, so you might have to dual boot for that.
Oh yeah, I didn't think of the lockdown browser. I'm in Sweden, so I should only hope our education has come so far that I'll be able to borrow a spare Windows computer.
I've been using exclusively Linux since high school, and now I'm doing a PhD in math. It's always been pretty smooth. I used to have a separate Windows rig for gaming, but don't really need it anymore, now that Proton works very well with most games. (I don't really play AAA games, so that helps.)
Coming to the point, for academic stuff, I mostly needed to use a PDF reader (Zathura and qPdfView), LaTeX, and some computation and graphing software (mostly SageMath). I sometimes needed to use DOCX files, but LibreOffice works well for that. Most other software I need from time to time are usually Linux native.
Also, many universities provide access to O365. I've used it in some rare cases where I needed to provide input in some collaborative document. But in most cases, I was able to convince my friends/colleagues to use Google Docs instead.
Unless you do CAD, or some creative work, Linux should be perfect for your usecase.
I'm surprised you use Google. I would assume people on Linux are avoiding big tech as much as possible. I personally don't use a Google account so I just use the o365 school account to edit collab documents
As a physics major, daily driving Linux worked out pretty smoothly. The thing that saved me from trouble the most was making a weekly full system backup (I used Clonezilla and my file server). If anything was truly incompatible, I took care of it on the school's computers.
In my second semester, I began dual-booting on my X201 Tablet and desktop, eventually booting into Windows infrequently enough that I made my X201T Linux-only by the end of my second year.
Around that point, I began using LUKS full-disk encryption on my machines and USB drives. I highly recommend if you don't already, even if just for peace of mind. I have strong ideas about the way things ought to look and work, so being able to customize Linux to my heart's content (with Chicago95 ofc) made doing work on my computer a bit more enjoyable.
MS Office: Libreoffice worked 95% of the time. For the other 5%, I used the school computers or my Windows VM.
Google Docs and GMail: accessed through Chromium, which I only used to access Google and sites linked to my school's SSO system.
We did a lot of writing in Latex, though it might be a physics thing
A lot of other small stuff I'm starting to forget, but if I don't mention it, I probably did it through the browser.
MATLAB: GNU Octave sufficed 75% of the time, often needing just slight changes to the code. Otherwise I used the lab computers or my desktop with actual MATLAB.
Proprietary dana analysis software: One had a .deb package for oldoldoldstable so I set up a VM just for that. Otherwise, lab computers it was.
Lab computers running old and new versions of Windows were available to us, so if there was anything computationally intensive or requiring proprietary software, I would just take care of it in the lab.
Slack, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp: browser client, which I would check on a schedule
VPN: NetworkManager, though it was a bit janky. I think it's a lot better nowadays.
Printing: We had a web print portal to upload docs and pdfs to a printer of our choice.
Mostly prepared my posters, etc in a mix of Libreoffice Draw, GIMP, and Inkscape
Adobe: Had to use it on one occasion. Used the library computers where it was installed for everyone to use.
Digital notes: I would use Xournal on my X201 Tablet whenever I forgot to bring my notebook or refill my fountain pen. Managed to impress a few of my iPad-toting classmates when I whipped out the pen and the display around on what they believed to be an ancient clunker.
As for the desktop, I had purchased it with gaming in mind, but it eventually became my SMB file share, media server, and RDP session host so I could make any library desktop like my own. Each thing in its own VM, of course. By the end of it, I was one of about 3 students running a server over the campus LAN. Even in the comp sci department, surprisingly few students used Linux.
Linux also met all of my computing needs while studying abroad in Germany. For five whole months, I had not used Windows once. Though my SSD did give out on me once, a backup saved the day.
A friend once did need to use a rather invasive remote proctoring tool. Highly recommend a separate laptop or at least a fresh SSD for this case.
Mobile privacy, if it's relevant
I was in the fortunate position where none of my classes or jobs required proprietary mobile apps
Friends used Venmo or whatever else, I paid back in cash
SMS and emails sufficed for regular communication
Overall, it was smooth sailing using Linux throughout my college years and no incompatibilities that couldn't be solved in the library or a computer lab.
I used UNIX on a greenscreen terminal at university before Windows was even released. There were no compatibility problems because nobody used computers outside of CS departments. And now get off my lawn, damn kids!
Well, I'm a psychologist and my entire college time I used Linux. Most of the times me and my friends used Google Docs instead of MS Office
In psychologist school you'll be reading a lot, so you'll need pdf reader, but that is easy in Linux. Maybe, but this is a big maybe, you'll learn about statistics using a software, but we have Jamovi and JASP for that. If you're into R or Python, that's easier in Linux then Windows
If you really need to share documents with your friends using MS Office, LibreOffice may do the job for the content, but have in mind that if you're in charge of formatting the document, noone else could do it. Otherwise, if other person is in charge, you'll be better not try to format. Or just use Google Docs / Office 365 (online)
In my own experience, I had no issue using only Linux in my school time
Also, in my daily work as a psychologist, I have no issue with that as well
I belonged to the Department of Computer Science at a university in the UK so granted there's a lot of bias here:
I will point out a few observations, without going into much detail or reasoning:
Microsoft's Office suite was a non-requirement. For collaboration, everyone was using Google's Office suite (Google Docs, Sheets) or Overleaf (Premium if we signed up with our university email).
Around half (maybe more) were MacOS users, maybe 25-25% split between Linux and Windows.
Lots of iPads, particularly in any Maths classes.
Anything else to keep in mind?
Yes, that people are ignorant. Even in our CS department people used to actively avoid using Linux, a lot of people will buy Macbooks because of reasons I would attribute more to the demographics of CS students, i.e. primarily from Asian countries where Apple is seen as a economic symbol.
Be prepared for people to judge you (not saying they should, but that they likely will). If you want to avoid this judgement, get an Apple silicon Macbook Air or something. However, I commend you for going out of your way to learn and wanting to reduce your dependency on Windows. I think that learning to be comfortable with the machine will help you in the future, most likely indirectly.
Lastly, keep in mind that when we have discussions about privacy or Linux or not supporting big tech companies who we might not agree with (e.g. Microsoft, Google, Apple etc) it's never a binary problem. You might find that you will end up relying on teams for internal communication or that your university email is with outlook/office365.
Try and do your bit, but don't be too harsh on yourself. :)
Needless to say, if you're looking for a laptop that runs Linux well plenty of people will tell you to buy a used thinkpad (great from a value perspective), or if you'd prefer some of the new kidz stuff then a Tuxedo notebook.
Do not make the mistake of buying a notebook which doesn't have a reputation of good Linux support. I bought a HP notebook (can't quite remember the model number right now but can get back to you) and still no sound without manual kernel module patch :D
It's great, and in fact the recommended setup. We even had a lab running Ubuntu, managed by a bunch of volunteers that pass down sysadmin knowledge.
There was this one class, tho, that required MS Visual C++ 2008. There was no way around it, so what I did was I installed Windows on VM.
Office document support was janky with LibreOffice but it got the job done for me. They seem to have improved a lot recently, so you probably won't have issue.
Even up to today, I never felt the need to have Windows. Some proprietary softwares like Zoom are available thru Flatpak while the Windows-only ones like Adobe Acrobat can be installed thru Wine.
The only times I had to have Windows was to play certain video games. In general, I could live without them, as most video games are playable on Linux with Wine (thanks, Steam!), while some others provide Linux native port.
College the art dept ran Macintosh OS X while computer science ran Solaris & Windows (outside of C# this didn’t matter). I had a OS X/Windows dual boot laptop at the time as well as a Windows/Linux (Crunchbang) desktop which let me accomplish everything. Adobe products were pretty easy to pirate at the time, & I was intially annoyed WINE didn’t really work with them, but I worked slowly towards getting skills in the FOSS tools & when Adobe moved to a cloud subscription model I said “fuck ’em”. The tools are certanily good enough if not better if you learn them. The CS stuff was much easier with Linux to get compilers & whatnot. OpenOffice was fine for everything else. Professors were never asshats & cared that you completed the assignment rather than what specific tool for file format you were using so long as there was something they could easily view (such as PDF). If I really needed some dumb app, I could just use the computer lab. I carried around a stateful distro on a USB as well so I could get around the opposite issue of not having my Linux tools at say the library that was all Microsoft.
Outside of classwork, Pidgin+libpurple & a browser covered my use cases.
I'm doing a CIS degree right now, and I did 99% of my first year on fedora. I did need a full windows install because some exams took place using a lock down software.
Honestly, the hardest part was remembering to boot into windows the day before so it could update and stabilize for the exam the next day
I'm currently using Arch Linux in college and my advice will be to dual boot. In some lower div classes my specific professor wanted Visual Studio .sln files so there was no other way (I guess you could VM it but I'm not trusting that with my grade).
Group sharing documents, our schools and most schools are in the MS ecosystem so you can edit on word online through the onedrive thing.
For writing stuff I would mostly use libreoffice with the LanguageTool plugin installed.
For lockdown proctored exams, I would typically get a loaner laptop from school because no way am I downloading their sussy stuff.
Edit: Since you're studying to be a psychologist, my first paragraph will probably not apply to you. If you want to, dual boot, if not, I think maybe you could boot up a vm if there's some really niche use cases.
I used nothing but Linux for my Master's and am currently using it for my doctorate. I've been full-time on Linux for over 10 years.
I did find that OnlyOffice played better with MS Office than LibreOffice. I also use the school's Office 365 that they provided me to open my finished files in the web version to verify the formatting matched. There was only one time it didn't.
I login to the student outlook email on the web and use OnlyOffice with Microsoft fonts installed. Presentations and Documents work as needed. I got a fellow student to switch to Linux and he's had no issues either.
I was forced to. I had no money and needed a PC for my studies.
A roommate gifted me his old desktop with OpenSUSE.
For at least 2 days I googled various forms of "how to install programs on Linux" and got more and more frustrated, cause all I found was stuff you had to compile yourself, or things called "packages". But I didn't want "packages", I wanted programs.
On the third day I found the YaST package manager and was immediately blown away by the fact you could search, download and install everything you need without hunting it down on various websites.
That was 20 years ago. Been on Linux ever since.
😄I don't want packages I want programs. That's like a Mac user saying I don't want programs I want applications. Booting up a Mac and saying where's my god dam exe, why doesn't anything work.
My university mainly ran Solaris, pretty much everything also ran on Linux. In the rare case where Windows was required a remote desktop was available.
My university probably isn't your university though, so answers may not be worth much...
Honestly, if you're sharing office files you're probably using office 365. This means everything is a web app first and therefore Linux compatible.
I tried using the desktop version of word on a Mac last week, and the latency was so bad on a shared document that I had to switch to the web app anyway.
Basically, if you just want to use Linux you'll be fine. If instead you don't want to use Microsoft, you'll probably have lots of problems.
Microsoft have been brutally effective in getting their tentacles into academic institutes, and you'll find that everything from email to logging into internal sites relies on an office 365 account.
Only thing to add to what has already been said: Office related stuff will be your biggest issue. Personally I suffer a lot with the web version of the Office apps, so I recommend dual boot or VM for when using office.
using google's office tools is going to be pretty generally acceptable for most people. depending on your studies, you might be expected to use windows software at some point. i would recommend dual booting. depending on your computing hardware, buying a relatively cheap 1 TB SSD from any retailer and installing windows on it is usually the best option. should simply be a matter of selecting the correct boot device from your system bios. for psychologists, my supposition would be that any proprietary software used, if any, would be windows exclusive.
Honestly I did look into dual booting some time ago, but I don't think (and this is just a guess) that I'll be that dependent on Windows for my studies, and it feels a bit icky to have a secondary OS that I'll barely use (just like me having Play Store on my GOS phone). :')
If you're ever forced to use windows for whatever reason, your college should have computers in a library or something that you could use. As far as office software compatibility goes, the office documents themselves are likely to show up with formatting errors if opened in another office suite, but there's no such issue if you export to PDF though, so I always did my work in LibreOffice and then turned in a PDF and there were never any issues. For group work, I always found it easier to just use one of the browser-based office suites for file compatibility or for working on the same document together.
Google Chrome, which has a native Linux version, but I chose to use Firefox anyway.
Laragon, which doesn't have a Linux version, so I just used XAMPP instead.
Microsoft Excel, which doesn't have a Linux version. The school offered an Office 365 license, so I could've used the web version, but I chose to use LibreOffice Calc instead.
I had a cis major and I didn't have issues using Linux all that often. One class we had to write code in VisualStudio, before the Linux version existed. My professor was fine with me using my own IDE as long as the code compiled on Windows, which it did after adding about 3 lines of code to the start.
If we had shared documents they went in Google docs, and libre office, (open office at the time) docs were exported as PDF before submitting. I also had a Windows 10 VM ready to go just in case, but rarely used it.
I study computer science and it's definitely been an advantage. That being said, I believe circumstances might wary between institutions, countries, subjects and teachers a lot.
For documents, when we have a group task, we just use collaboration platforms online, like Google docs. Gets the job done easily.
When you're alone, using free stuff shouldn't be a problem.
A little advice: don't bother with latex and use typst instead. Latex works but it's often weird and the error messages are hidden in a thousand lines of "unfull hbox"
Studying mechanical engineering at a university in Europe at the moment and using Linux exclusively on my main laptop for a few years now. Mostly it's totally fine since I almost always work with PDF documents while studying and when working in groups we always use something cloud based (Office365) to enable simulataneous editing anyway so no problem there.
However recently we had had to use a program to get bonus points that only runs on Windows and not even inside a virtual machine. Also CAD software is essentially Windows only (I got by using Fusion360 online but it's much slower than the native app).
So I guess you should be fine, especially since some university/college staff are also Linux enthusiasts but it will probably vary wildly based on where you're studying.
Studied languages at a university in Sweden, using only libre programs, except for one group assignment where we used Google docs. Nothing terribly interesting (computer-wise). Everything worked. Professors wanted .docx files, which LibreOffice happily exported. If I was so inclined, nothing would've stopped me from using something like OpenBSD, or hell, even Haiku would probably work.
It was great with my CS program. The only issues I had were due to me using some tiling WM so it was harder to make HDMI work for presentations, and then when I switched from Arch to NixOS it was too much of hassle... so should have been way smoother just staying on Arch
We installed Slackware. One kid bet me that Linux wouldn't let him drag his entire drive into the bin to delete. It did, and we all laughed, including the professor - who still gave him the passing grade since he'd seen enough of it working before it went up in flames.
Linux was just being invented when I was in college...
But if your profs want certain files traded as MS documents Windows will make your life easier. While docx is opened/saved by LibreOffice etc, there are formatting things that can trip you up like default margins, missing fonts (on either end of use) this means what you send somebody may not open and look as intended (even if the issue is actually on the MS user end). It makes things frustrating unless they only want pdf. Also powerpoints get wonky too.
Turning in a docx is very bad practice. It is best to convert to PDF for both security and compatibility. Docx are never going to render properly in the browser.
Many of the online dropboxes for assignments render docx (and pdf files) and many instructors will want the docx for the metadata display (ie author, time taken to complete assignment, etc).
Software engineering student here.
Well we had a course about Microsoft excel but i used Libreoffice and almost got a full mark. There were no problem with lessons like Advanced programming (C#) and Data structure (C and C++) and few others with languages like python and php. There has been few courses that requires softwares that are not available on linux(Cisco packet tracer and Proteus) but wine solved the problem perfectly. Back in high school i even managed to run Visual Studio but it was hard tbh. I don't know about what they teach on the other countries colleges but i think you should mostly be fine with linux and wine.
The people I know in my program (undergrad History) use their computers for little more than Google Chrome (specifically Google’s Office suite), a PDF reader (sometimes also Google Chrome), sometimes Zotero, and sometimes MS Word.
We get a lot of Mac’s around here, so one can imagine Microsoft products are not highly relied upon, generally speaking.
Everything’s through the browser nowadays, so I’d say just pick a stable distro, install 2 or three browsers in case something doesn’t work (like Google Docs with Firefox in my experience…), and submit everything as PDF.
Can’t speak much to LibreOffice as I write my papers in Typst (and before that in LaTeX, which got me brownie points with some of the older professors), which I find much faster, easier, and more flexible than WYSIWYG word processors.
I had no problem, but my classmates hated me because everytime a professor gave us an assignment to be done in excel I asked that if it was ok to use livreoffice because I use Linux and they always changed it to be done on R or Python.
I switched to Linux while going back to school in 2014.
My calculus class had one of those "buy the $80 textbook to get the code for the online assignments" things which didn't want to work in Linux. I think the URL had something to do with Wolfram. Figures. Side question: Do they still give out copies of Mathematica to Raspberry Pi owners?
Turns out English professors can't tell the difference between Times New Roman and Liberation Sans.
Writing papers in LibreOffice Writer isn't a problem, it works fine for that. My professors tended to want them printed out and turned in on paper, so they had no clue what software made it. Printing to PDF works perfectly well too; if they specifically want a .docx file you'll probably survive. I would probably recommend OnlyOffice over LibreOffice for MS Office compatibility, but an MLA formatted school essay should survive that conversion.
The least plausible thing was working with other students on PowerPoint presentations. LibreOffice Impress works well enough, you can put words and pictures on slides, but its compatibility with PowerPoint just ain't there. "Let's each make five slides." maybe if you work with a blank template first, collect them all together, then apply a style.
+1 on OnlyOffice, it has 1:1 formatting compatibility with Microsoft Office. Unlike LibreOffice, it doesn't have to translate documents between odt and docx in the background.
In the same vein, OnlyOffice has poor compatibility with odt files etc.
I've definitely notice weirdness with odt files, but truth be told I damn never run into those, everything is xlsx, docx, etc as I'm interfacing with companies that are firmly MS, but they're also none the wiser usually. Every now and again there'll be a formatting issue, especially with Excel, but it isn't too common thankfully.
Ex CS student. I'm on 100 % Linux, even back then.
Huge advantage in the Linux/Unix, networking labs.
The main issues were Matlab (Octave is kinda ok, but must be tested before you submit your project),
FPGA simulator - Altera (no alternatives, but it can be run on a Windows VM),
3ds Max - must be run on bare-metal Windows (maybe GPU passthrough to a VM will work),
some old weird software,
C getch() on Linux.
No problems with MS Office, I can run whatever I want, just exported it to the PDF.
No heavy formatting in drafts helps with a group project.
MATLAB works fine on linux for me these days. Some weird small text on hiDPI screens, but its fixable. I've only tested on Debian based distros though.
Funny enough, my college pushed me to a Linux dual boot.
One of my classes required an Ubuntu environment for C++ programming, and after trying and failing to get WSL working, I decided to just dual boot (from 2 separate SSDs) instead of trying to work around the limitations of a VM.
On the other hand, 2 of my other classes required a Windows-only program.
I used to default to Windows, but after the BS from Microsoft this year I switched to defaulting to Ubuntu.
2001-2005. My computer lab in the school of math and natural sciences (including computer science), had windows 2000 (best windows of all time), Apple Power PCs, and all dual booted linux. All we used for comp sci was linux. Yellowdog on the Power PCs. Learned to program/develop in C++ and Java, mostly used e-macs, goal was to never lift hands from the keyboard or use the mouse, keeps you in the zone. Used Gnome as the desk top environment back then.
So pretty good :)
Today I use linux mint with cinamon for day to day computing, been using it for about 10 years now without issue.
I went back to college for a professional program, and used linux mint in 2022, it worked out just fine. As far as office software, I used word 365 online through the university web portal.
I think word sucks a lot and 2003 and 2007 are the best versions and little improvement since then (improvement is efficiency and easy of creating an end-product), but I'm not willing to re-learn how to master Libre Office, I just can't be bothered. So no input on that.
Currently in college. They are agnostic as it's all turned in on PDF files, quizzes on browser, etc but my online classes require I install some root kit program to make sure I'm not cheating and it detects if it's on a VM. I talked to IT and they let me borrow a laptop with windows. Slow as hell, but I only need it for the online tests so 4 times a semester.
you can just dual boot linux next to Windows and switch to Windows when needed.
I really like my linux fedora - way more than windows or macos.
What do i like about it?
it's very easy to work with multiple virtual desktops
it looks way more beautiful and is more fun to work with
extentions make it very customizable, e.g. in the top left I can see the title and artist of the current song playing.
the feeling of of not being spied on, at least on the os level, I still think online is a lot of tracking
the apps are open source and trustable and do just what they are suppoesed to do and nothing more
there is an app to download youtube videos (parabolic)
the audio player is very beautiful and minimalistic - I miss it on windows (amberol)
the app solanum is a timer app just for the pomodoro time management method. It helped me a lot
for notes I use Joplin, which does the job reliable. But I have to admit that I liked working with OneNote more, since it has more functionality and way better pen support.
Regarding office was my experience that MS Office is still better if you have to make an presentation or want to work at the same document at the same time. For basic office work LibreOffice is fine. I would use OnlyOffice if you want better compatibility with MS Office.
I booted windows only if I had to do a presentation or work with an Windows exclusive programm. But most of the time (around 90-95%) I used happily Linux Fedora. I use it for note taking, listening to music, browsing the web and reading & marking PDFs.
I use Firefox as my primary browser but it has sometimes problems with some videos. Then I switch to Brave which does not have those issues.
I general I think Linux needs some time to get used to and wants to be discoverd. It's not that difficult as it may sound but probably wont be a without some learning curve and looking some things up online. I recommend doing it since my user experience has been much better than on windows or macos - plus the privacy thing :)
It was 1993, so not super impressed, but I needed a tex distribution, and PC dos tex sucked. The best option was a Nextcube, but that was a little out of reach being as much as tuition. Or use the x terminals in the crowded computer lab (shudder).
But I was able to keep that slackware install up and working just long enough to get my thesis done.
It depends on the college and the region honestly. Remember they are trying to prepare you for a job.
With that being said Linux tends to be pretty popular in high ed especially in computer science. Mac OS and of course Windows also have a foothold. I would get into virtualization and distrobox (podman). Even if something is natively supported on Linux is best not to pollute your system with junk. Create separate environments for everything.
Current student here (CS, so sadly not in your field):
In my case, college/university actually made sure, I and many others would be using Linux as their main system. The computer lab is using Linux (Ubuntu 22.04 mainly) although Windows machines (mostly for beginner courses) and Macs (for stuff like Final Cut Pro and other Apple exclusive software) are available and many courses are either requiring or putting mainline support towards Linux.
Document wise - we were taught LaTeX from day 1 and are expected to have at least the knowledge to utilize the given .cls files. Sharing documents is rather a free-for-all: When LaTeX is required for the course, either Overleaf or the university git is the choice for group-work, otherwise there aren't requirements for using .docx files or other files.
Hope I could give you an insight, although not in your field.
When I studied at the uni 5 years ago we only collaborated over Google Docs. I'd strongly recommend online collaboration over sending files back and forth. For most things I ran Linux, and booted into Windows when there was a particular need for it, which wasn't often. But it all depends on what software you're expected to run during your studies. If you have room on your drive maybe having a minimal Windows install along side Linux could be a good thing?
Also, I'd recommend a distro that comes out of the box with working BTRFS snapshots. The last thing you want is have the machine you rely on for school shit the bed due to a bad update or something you do, and you have to learn how to repair Linux in the middle of an assignment that's due tomorrow. With snapshots you can just roll back to before it shat the bed.
In college right now 2yr computer science, anything Microsoft is a pain to work offline. I miss the onedrive sync in windows i just use syncthing for that now .
I use onlyoffice since it has one of the best Microsoft office compatibility though I submit my obsidian export as a pdf for my assignments or records.
If you really need ms office or for group projects and you have an o365 account, just use the web version for it.
I'm a bit like you! I'm studying to become a High School science teacher, so I'm not in a technical program. My computer serves mostly as a typing machine. I switched 2 years ago and it wasn't all smooth, but I'll share some of the things I encountered and what I did.
First problem I had, cloud sync. I used to be a a big OneDrive user and I wanted to sync everything with my drive as I used to be. There isn't a very good program for syncing OneDrive. I bought a licence to InSync and it made it work flawlessly. Seriously good software! (nowadays I host my own Nextcloud server, but don't start with that, it's a lot of job for not a whole lot).
Second problem was getting used to LibreOffice. Compared to Office, LO isn't formated around pages, every text you write is considered "one big text" and then it calculates where to put its page breaks and everything. What does it change? Not a whole lot, but technically speaking, it's not as good as a formatting tool as Word is. Doesn't really matter if you aren't a formatting freak like I am, but it took me a some time to get use to it. To get better with it, I recommend you to practice styles on it (text style and page style).
Third problem, collaboration. I didn't find a very good solution to it. What I do is I ask all my colleagues to write their parts online (Google Docs, MS Office Online,...) then once everything is done and perfectly written, I download it and open it in LO and do the final formatting. So I'm always the one doing the formatting. It's important than when you give it back to your teachers, give it in a .PDF format. (Btw, unrelated, but look into Zotero, it's a life saver)
And a general tip and trick I could give you is to keep close a Windows/Mac machine (not with you at all times, but just something you access fairly easily if you plan in advance). There were a few times a professor mandated that we submitted the work in MS office format, and I didn't want to risk it not being right, so I did it in LO and polished it in Office. That and I was asked to use a very specific, Windows only software, so having it was very useful.
If you have other questions, don't hesitate to ask!
I was in for computer science major but took lots of other electives. The only course I needed Windows for was Windows App Programming. The rest I was fine with on Linux.
It depends on the field you are studying. I was into CS, using Linux was recommended because the machines they used to test our code were also running linux.
Most fields are going to be okay with linux, the only exception being fields that rely on specialized software like architects, engineers, and audio/video editing. Also, some software like MatLab are possible to run on Linux but it's a pain to set them up.
My freshman year I had a windows VM, only for WeChat and MS Teams, but by 2nd year WeChat got Linux support and MS Teams can now run in the browser, so I deleted the VM halfway through 2nd year. Zoom can also run in the browser.
Also a good idea to make sure your microphone and camera works.
And don't update if there's a deadline coming up soon since it might break.
None of my professors required anything to be submitted as .docx. Every single general education class required PDFs for submissions, and programming classes were usually submitted by pushing to code to a Git repository. Group projects were all done in Google Drive which runs in the browser, otherwise latex usually worked (one prof even required latex). I never used LibreOffice, but I'm pretty sure it should be fine for PDFs.
Psychology might require a bunch of proprietary statistical analysis software that probably won't support Linux. I would say a windows VM is best for that. Although R is fine on Linux. I was in computer science so none of my classes required proprietary software. In total over every single class I think only C, C++, Haskell, and Python interpreters/compilers were needed which are all free software. In some of my classes professors said they would refuse to help anyone on Windows if they weren't using an Ubuntu VM. One even said he would subtract points if anyone asked a question about windows. One crazy prof said he would fail you from the class if he saw you developing in Windows instead of the VM. Also any classes that require Docker are going to be way easier on Linux. Some of my friends were electrical engineers and they had to use some big proprietary IDE's for flashing binaries to micro controllers which didn't support Linux, but they were using Windows anyways. Also any CAD software almost certainly won't work, a VM is needed for that.
If you do use a windows VM or dual boot or whatever, make sure to pirate Windows 10 LTSC since it has the least default applications installed and will run faster.
I did computer science 5 years ago and it was mostly good. I used KDE Neon before it was considered a real user distro by developers so I had some Wayland issues. When I tried to use the commandline and edit config files manually I messed stuff up but using the distro as intended was always nice and easy.
Your milage may vary depending on what programs your school forces you to use because universities don't support anything except Linux and Mac. I want to argue for accessibility but teachers don't care enough.
I had no issues with compatibility, just made sure to save documents to older microsoft office formats in the hopes of avoiding issues.
I never had to use an exam browser or anything like that, I'd imagine you'd want to have a polite conversation with the instructor if that were to occur, perhaps they can make an exception or allow you to do it on a library computer
Collaboration was always over google docs, so there were never any problems working with others. My CS classes were all expected to be done in Linux VMs so that was sort of ideal. Other science/humanities classes were totally software-agnostic.
Depends on your school/classes. I had no problems. Last school I attended used MS for email etc. I got a discounted license for Office which I was able to access in the browser if/whenever LibreOffice wasn't a good option.
I'm also curious about how well LibreOffice and Microsoft Office mesh, i.e. can you share and edit documents together with MOffice users if you use LibreOffice?
You can. But if the sender is the type to use linebreaks for spacing and textbox for grouping, be prepared that the layout may explode after saving and reopening the .docx in LO.
But that's the formats (MS OOXML) fault, consists mostly of proprietary extensions, no such issues with .odt (ODF).
Almost everything was web based. Being in computer science i did have to write code and compile executables that my TAs running Windows could run; so it wasn't perfectly smooth. There was also Respondus Lockdown, but I could borrow a laptop from the library to use it.
I'm a CS student and Linux was great for all of the programming classes. For any classes that were more writing focused you can still use the online versions of MS office/Google drive. I'm assuming there aren't any programs you'll need specific to psychology but that is sometimes a problem with some STEM majors like engineering
The one problem that kept me dual-booting on my laptop was OneNote. I like taking notes using a pen for some classes (and my laptop has pen support) and nothing I tried on Linux even comes close in my experience. I tried obsidian + excalidraw plugin, along with xournalpp, but nothing came close for the way I take notes.
I studied Computing Sciences and switched to Linux in my second year. I'll skip the computing science specifics, but my overall experience was really good.
First of all, know that when you install a Linux based OS on your laptop, that you are fully responsible to make sure it works. In a BYOD exam, I had to unzip virtual machine hard disks and import them, and something went wrong. I ended up not being able to do the first try of the exam. So be sure you know how to get around and do whatever you need to do, even the specifics.
I tried to make MS office work on Fedora and got it to work using WinApps. However turning on and off a Windows virtual machine all the time you need office takes time. I found it not worth the hassle. LibreOffice can save documents in .docx format, however, there are some compatibility issues where documents don't look the same on your/your group's end. I have stuck to OnlyOffice which looks very similar to Windows and has very good compatibility. If you want to live edit with friends you can use Google Docs or the web version of Microsoft Office.
My university is invested in the Microsoft ecosystem, the administrators disabled the use of third party mail clients. I had to use the web client of outlook. Minor inconvenience but one to take in to account nonetheless.
If an app is not available you can always create a web app from the web browser so you can get the web version.
If you run in to an application you need, but is not available as a package of your distribution (deb, rpm, flatpak, snap, appimage etc), you might be able to translate it with Wine, an application like Bottles should make this quite easy, as long as it's a simple application. Worst case scenario you need a Windows VM and install it in there.
If you need more specifics let us know. Good luck on your journey!
When I did CompSci (before dropping out anyway), Linux was actually the recommended setup.
When I switched to Communications, I pushed on with Linux for a long while -- MSOffice wasn't really a thing? Professors and colleagues alike all used GSuite, which runs in browser and is therefore OS-agnostic. Nobody cared what I was using, we all just wrote stuff in Google Docs. (that said, if everyone around IS using MSOffice, then in my experience, stuff translates between Word and LibreOffice pretty well? There's a little bit of derping around with PowerPoint ig, but word documents were seamless afaic. ALSO it should be noted that if you have to use M$ stuff, Office365 has a completely functional WebApp :P)
I did a lot of graphical work on GIMP and Inkscape.
Buuuuuuut eventually we got to like. Video and compositing related stuff. And much as I'd like to, nothing on Linux can even come close to what Premiere and After Effects can do. A lot of my professors had Macs, but even if I wanted a Mac, I couldn't afford one. (neither could 95% of my colleagues) So I had to set up Windows. Though it should be noted that since I live in Brazil, my professors encouraged & helped us with pirating the Adobe suite lmao.
I actually kept using GIMP/Inkscape on Windows for graphics stuff, simply because I didn't want to relearn all the keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop/Illustrator.
Anyway now that I've graduated and mostly do writing (worked at a news site, now trying for a job as copywriter at an ad agency), I still keep my Windows install around just in casetm but have not logged into it in like a year.
It should also be noted that, at least here in Brazil, Canva has consumed like 80% of the market for graphical work. They never ask for Photoshop experience anymore, they ask for Canva. It's weird to me because they have totally different vibes, with Canva having all those presets and shit, but it is what it is. :P
I actually switched to Ubuntu full-time way back in 2006 when I went back to school (anthro major), specifically to help me focus when using my computer and not get distracted by playing video games. Of course, nowadays with wine and proton on steam, that might not be as effective. But it worked well for me, never experienced any issues with word docs opening in libre office (or rather open office back then) or vice versa. There was once or twice where I had to use a computer in the lab in the library to run some niche program or another for an assignment, but not a big deal.
Comp sci undergrad from a mid tier university graduated in 2012, didn't need Windows at all. I mostly used an Ubuntu desktop, pocket sized mini laptop with bsd, and a red hat vdi the school provided during a research assistantship.
The school had labs in the library and comp sci building if you needed windows for something but it never came up. Group projects shared files on school provided web based tools or dropbox and used the same for class forums, sharing docs and assignments, etc. Some web stuff was broken for Firefox and had to use chrome, but never hit anything requiring IE (pre Edge).
Even if you're not in a technical field you may want to explore some of the common tools they use like git for version control (like save/restore points in a video game), LaTeX/TeX for better typesetting than office, and off-site backups.
Heck, I ran Linux on my college computers back in the 90s. It was just a thing you did. Ah, memories...
Anyhoo, it largely depends on the school but for most intents and purposes Windows, Mac and Linux are interoperable. By that I mean they can generally open, manipulate and share all of the common document formats natively, with some minor caveats.
Many schools also have access to Microsoft O365, which makes the MS Office online suite available as well. All you really need to use that is a web browser.
I work in an office environment these days where Windows, Mac and Linux are all well supported and are in broad use. I use Linux (Debian) exclusively, my one coworker is all-windows and a third is all-mac. Our boss uses Windows on the desktop, but also uses a Macbook. We are able to collaborate and exchange data without many problems.
I would say the two main challenges you're liable to face will be when Word files include forms or other uncommon formatting structures. LibreOffice is generally able to deal with them, but may mangle some fonts & formatting. Its not common but it does happen.
The other main challenge could be required courseware-- specialized software used in a curriculum for teaching-- and proctor software for when you're taking exams online. Those might require Windows or Mac
If it ever comes up, Windows will run in a Virtual Machine (VM) just fine. VirtualBox by Oracle is generally free for individual use, and is relatively easy to start up. Your laptop will probably come with Windows pre-installed, so you could just nuke it, install Linux, install VirtualBox, and then install Windows as a VM using the license that came with your laptop. You'd need to ask an academic advisor at the school if that's acceptable for whatever proctor software they use.
I recommend against dual-booting a Windows environment if you can avoid it. Linux & Windows are uneasy roommates, and will occasionally wipe out the other's boot loader. It's not terribly difficult to recover, but there is a risk that could (will) happen at the WORST possible moment. However, it might be unavoidable if they use proctor software that requires windows on bare metal. Again, you'd have to ask the school.
Your laptop will probably come with Windows pre-installed, so you could just nuke it, install Linux, install VirtualBox, and then install Windows as a VM using the license that came with your laptop.
Would you suggest I buy a computer with Windows pre-installed, or a DIY-edition computer (like Framework) with no OS pre-installed?
Oh, shoot. If you're gonna roll your own then that's probably the better play because at least then the firmware won't be all locked down and you can pick known-compatible parts. Get it with no OS and sort it out later if you need to.
It's easy enough to buy a Windows license key later on if you need it. The school night even make it available you at a student discount. Boot it from a USB drive, even.
Most of the time it was not an issue. Occasionally a teacher gave us a office document that loaded a bit funky, but it never blocked me from doing my assignments.
Deliverables were PDFs, so it really doesn't matter what you use.
I do remember having to learn some ghostscript command so that I could edit PDFs and stitch together a bunch of PDFs into one file. It was annoyingly difficult to edit PDFs back then, but I figured it out.
Forgive the stupid question but I just want to be sure. If I write a document in LibreOffice and use a bunch of fonts and fancy stuff, then send it as a PDF to a MOffice user, they will be able to see all the fonts and such?
I've used Linux all through college and haven't had any problems. I never had to use Windows only software for my degree, but I can't really say what you might need. LibreOffice can mess up the formatting of more complex documents, but will normally be fine. If you're working in a group project and need to use shared docs you can always use Word or Google Docs online.
For the office part: Libreoffice formats differently than MS office so there may be problems, but you could also use Onlyoffice (Foss) or WPS office (free but proprietary) which have supposedly 100% compatibility. You could also use MS office web which is free
@RmDebArc_5@clark , I know MS Office can open and save ODFs, I am not sure how well it does it. One would pressume that it being an open document format (hence the name) and it being a NATO standard, MS office would have proper compatibility, but I am rather reserved to confidently pressume this.
Last time I tried MS office is worse at opening odfs than Libreoffice is at opening docx created in MS office, but you can save as doc from Libreoffice which also has problems, but way less
I had a teacher who was really passionate about Ubuntu and was distributing Ubuntu 5/6 live CDs. I ended up installing it on my laptop. It was a pretty miserable experience. Everything was ugly as hell, configuring the sound card was a pain, Wi-Fi drivers had constant problems, upgrades to the new x.04/x.10 version borked the system 100℅ of the time. Pretty miserable but got the job done.
Nowadays the experience is much, much smoother. Just ensure you don't need exclusive software.
@clark Uni sould their soul to Microsoft, not one Linux machine in sight.
However, I've been using it since last year just fine, as it was intro to programming class.
Though, I will have one electronics class down the line which uses a proprietary, Windows-only, not-gonna-give-you-a-license software, and it really sucks.
Hoping that next time it gets better...
I think many technical educations are dependent on Windows to some extent, but I'm not sure how it is with humaniora / social studies-focused education programs.
I studied CompSci, so a very technical field, and with one exception (Power BI), everything I used ran on Linux just as well. For my Thesis, I used TeXStudio. For normal writing or presentations, I just used LibreOffice. For calculations, I used Python. For collaborative document editing, we used Google Docs.
Word of caution: LibreOffice supports the various formats of MS Office, but I've had issues the other way around, where a presentation I created in LO wouldn't work in MSO. If you need to collab on files together, I'd recommend Google Docs. If it's just you, I recommend sending PDF versions along with (or instead of) the original file, just to be sure.
My experience was that the school provided free Windows keys for a personal computer if you needed one (they didn’t provide the computer itself) but the majority of computers I interacted with on campus (mostly in the computer lab) were Linux (some Debian variant iirc). I think the printing computers in the library were windows. I took an art class at one point and they had Macs (it was for using the Apple’s Final Cut Pro).
We never used LibreOffice though. Everyone just uses Google Drive.
I've used Ubuntu on a laptop during my undergrad 2008-13. I used LyX to write anything I'd submit, including some psych work. I've used LibreOffice (OpenOffice) for some stuff too. I had to use MS Office or some other Windows-only software on occasion. I used a Windows VM for that. I've kept this formula till present day. Linux (Ubuntu LTS/Debian) on the hardware, Windows VM on Linux for special occasions.
I did computer science in uni and it was never an issue. The only time I remember needing specific windows software was a RISC processor simulator we used in my low level programming class, and for that there was a hefty license on the software anyway, so basically everyone used the lab computers.
I made it through college without using windows on any of my personal machines, but I did need to access a library or computer lab to take 1 test that needed a specialized web browser for some reason. Other than that, I was actually pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to slip by with a good PDF viewer, libreoffice, and Inkscape.
My degree was in computer engineering, most groups I worked in outside of the engineering department just preferred collaboration through office online or google docs.
I ran Arch on a convertible laptop around 2006-2010. Most notes I did using OpenOffice Writer, with hotkeys to quickly add formulas. Drawings were done with the pen. Homework (where speed didn't matter as much but where I wanted high quality) were done in ConTeXt.
Programming was done in FreePascal using Lazarus IDE or Java using Netbeans IDE, depending on the course and my personal preference.
I think I had no complaints from anyone. Quite the contrary, one professor even gifted me a book as a thanks for the high quality typesetting in my homeworks, since most students didn't give a shit and had no fucking clue how to really use their beloved MS Word.
I set up dual boot but ended up only running Windows once when I had trouble with my Windows VMs. You'll be fine.
Especially since MSOffice everything is just browser apps anyway.
I didn't but it was the early nineties and honestly I did not even realize the command line was unix on machines vs dos. I just thought I was messing up the terms or it was just a variant system. I did not realize all dos was the same.
Big waste of time. Spent too much time troubleshooting to get it working on my laptop before I just said "fuck it" and installed Windows. There was way too much software compatibility issues and I was spending more time troubleshooting than I was studying. I'm sure Linux can work for some students but for me and the field I majored in, Linux is no bueno.
It is pretty good actually. I can install every programming language compiler/interpreter in Linux and everything just work fine.
LibereOffice should work fine if you work on it and export it to pdf. If you want to bounce between LiberOffice and msoffice then don't expect things to go smoothly.
Any other things to keep in mind when solely using Linux for your studies
Go for a stable distro like Debian, don't install bleeding edge distro like Arch or Gentoo unless you really want to.
I’ve loved Linux for college. Studying CS and Math, graduating soon. Just know your requirements software wise and be prepared to find workarounds or dual boot if necessary. I never had to dual boot but I was able to use Google docs or the browser version of office for anything requiring office formatting or collaborative work. I also couldn’t download some testing software on Linux (respondus lockdown browser 🤢) and used a school desktop in the library to run that when necessary. I love my workflow though outside of those niggles and couldn’t ask for a better research and development OS
I had a great time. I studied electrical engineering and my department had moved from using Matlab to Python which made my life a lot easier. There was one class where we had to use a Matlab library but I was able to use Octave with the library. There weren't any other programs we had to install there weren't compatible with Linux. A lot of classes just required a web browser, no additional software, so no issues there.
I was super lucky apparently because my degree's curriculum required C# and ASP.NET, on top of our CTO having a big bug up his ass and hitting the switch that disallowed Linux computers to connect to the wifi. Even connecting Macbooks was a huge headache I guess. Dude didn't fucking care and would just jerk himself off about how hardened the school's network was.
My laptop was really shitty too but I ended up running Windows 7 in a VM just to get by. But had to do a lot of bullshit between OSes and in the end, it would have just been way better if I had just bit the bullet and used Windows for the time I was there.
I'm probably an outlier and today it's probably better but if your school gets kickbacks from M$ and you are going for programming just expect it I guess.
LIbreOffice's .docx formatting sucks when going between it and M$ Word too but someone else already mentioned that.
MS Office works oob on Crossover and could work on Wine with a bit of tinkering. Research if your college uses examination software. If they do you are either forced to either using Windows / Mac or gambling your academic carrier via running the software on Wine.
I've used GNU/OpenBSD all the way through community college (US) with minor issues. Biggest issue is having to use platforms like zoom for some online courses, which requires an RTC capable browser (aka firefox or chromium, neither of which I am a big fan of) for the webclient, which the company clearly does not want you using as they won't actually give a prompt to use the webclient until you click their link to fail opening their native spyware client (so who knows when the webclient will just disappear altogether). Another issue was professors using proprietary microsoft formats which require installing libreoffice, which isn't tooling I particularly enjoy using, but at least the option is there. I haven't had to use a malware "lockdown" browser or anything like that thankfully (though if I had to, I'd just use computers on-campus to do the work). Most classes allow submissions in PDF, and if the syllabus only allows docx submissions, the professor will allow me to submit PDF after contacting them.
As a former computer science and economics TA and lecturer all I have to say is please don't be that guy.
If your class uses Windows, use Windows, if it uses Linux use the exact same distribution as the instructor and for the love of whatever you believe in if you bring a Mac into my classroom and argue with me that it's Unix so it's close enough I will smash it over your head and fail you so you don't hold up my class because you think you're special.