Pregnenolone But there’s also chests full of coins and ammo in the same cave. And paint on the walls where you can climb.
98 0 ReplyDragonTypeWyvern So intelligent dinosaurs. People!
40 0 Reply
This reminds me of some old-school 2d porn animation I saw that didn't involve lara croft but involved two characters fighting enemies while in a public toilet on a beach dock
Pretty sure there's also a part in the intro where they are driving a red car
Probably originated on newgrounds
Don't remember the name of it
45 0 ReplyTrack_Shovel OP
106 0 Replyx4740N
I got reminded of it because the 2d animation has a similarish style to the image of lara croft
16 0 Reply
rindo25 That would be Riding Shotgun by MondoMedia, it's on YouTube. You're welcome.
35 0 ReplyFarid
When I was clicking the link I did not expect to find a video that I have in fact seen like decade ago.
Mondo Media was cool. Who remembers Baman Piderman?
15 0 Replyx4740N
Yeah this is it, I was never able to find it on my own
3 0 Reply
hakunawazo The reason why the dinosaurs went instinct in the first place.
31 0 Replysunbeam60 Man the particle effects of that game were unreal.
1 0 ReplyMenjoo Unreal engine 3, if I recall correctly. ;)
2 0 Reply Revenge for patricide>zoology
But not always.
6 0 ReplyBoozilla
Aloy: And now they're giant robots, thanks a lot.
4 0 Reply