I think bad decisions influence him cause he was younger than me. It makes me want to know what happened in his life he was able to buy an AR-15 at 22 I think. He had a good life going and it's like no he tried to shoot Trump and I wonder why? I don't see how you can just hate someone that much to also end your life over.
Guy was the archetypical school shooter loser that everyone made fun of at school, no skills, no ambition, it literally was a matter of time before something like this happened.
The weapon he used was owned by his parents for many years prior. He grew up in a household full of guns. From everything we can tell right now, it seems like your typical school shooter. Depression and mental illness leads some to want to go with a bang, pun not intended. It doesn't seem like he hated Trump, so much as he wanted to target someone famous.
That said to your ladder point, literally millions of people gave their lives to kill Hitler.
Aaah thank you, I reread the original post trying to find a point related to a ladder and eventually decided I just didn't understand what the "ladder point" was referring to, but now I understand them!
Depression and mental illness leads some to want to go with a bang
No, they really fucking don't, privilege and the sense of entitlement it gives do.
Like seriously, beyond the bullshit that is scapegoating mental illness because it's easier than facing reality, that's literally not how depression works, nor "mental illness" in general, especially when you consider that mentally ill people are significantly more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrate it.
While I get the point you are trying to make, unfortunately unthreaded bipolar depression can indeed lead to manic psychosis episodes. Hyper fixation and grandiosity are also common symptoms. We're not talking about gender or racial violence here.
Most people do not go out and attempt an assassination. That alone is an indication of some sort of psychotic break. Evidence may not have been made public yet or there may not be any. The only person who knew for sure is dead.
To add to this, he had looked up several targets, including Biden. So it was likely as you say, a psychotic break followed by lashing out, rather than a partisan choice.
I don’t think we can necessarily call all killers psychotic. Antisocials in the broadest of terms, maybe, sociopaths, probably, but they’re not necessarily all losing touch with reality.
In his case, given what we know so far, it does sound rather likely.
Some people see injustice and the suffering of others and are willing to sacrifice their own lives regardless of how good they have it. I also don't understand this guy's motivations, but I sympathise with people all over the world who have chosen to end their lives in pursuit of some higher goal.
Look at Aaron Bushnell. He ended his life to protest Israel's crimes in Gaza and the US's complicity in them. I often wish I had that courage.
And with regards to killing other people, some people just deserve to die and I'm not succumbing to some liberal bullshit about civility when those same people who spout that nonsense turn a blind eye to the mass slaughter of innocents around the world in the name of the status quo and their privileged existences.
The shooter was a registered Republican and probably did not attempt to shoot Trump out of a concern for the people endangered by Trump (or by Biden for that matter). Also the youtuber whose merch he was wearing at the time larps as a ww2 nazi. So I don't think he was a lefty of any kind.
I really think this country is too crazy to really determine a motive. Why do people shoot up elementary schools? It seems so easy to think it's politically motivated, but I'm not convinced he hated trump, really.
The shooter is dead, knowing what they were thinking is going to be impossible now. People are going to guess based on situational information but we will never know
It’s a shame he’s been accused of being a creep/rapist. Not for his sake, I hope justice is served, just so many misplaced “I told you so”s to go around because of it.
They said he searched online for both Trump and Biden. Maybe it wasn't matter for him whom from them to kill. Just to kill a person of power as big as the president or a candidate of such country as US, with all modern security measures. Like Unabomber, or like in the film The limits of Control. And he was quite near.
All signs point to depression + disillusionment imo. He seems to be targeting the most convenient major political figure available. With the system being as inexorably broken as it is, it makes sense.
Pretty sure the reports point to him having it for over a decade. Without taking any effort to look it up, I think his dad bought him that gun in like 2013, so he was much younger at the time.
As for 'good life going', doesn't sound that way in general, but apparently he just got his associates degree from community college, and had been accepted into a university, but he decided not to go.
We can never know or speak for why anyone does anything, unless we're relaying what the person says, because no matter what kind of act we're speaking of, the only ones who can speak for someone's intentions is that person. Anything else is putting words in their mouth, an educated guess, based on what we see and not what we don't. People should stop emphasizing motives as much as they do. Sometimes a motive might not even be able to be manifested in words while still existing.
I am sure that some information and reasoning will emerge at some point, after they've looked through his phone, computer, home and talked to people who knew him.
My best guess is he was hoping to kick off the Christian jihad/civil war by creating a martyr. He knew the maga folks would believe he was a Democrat plant and run with it.
Not really. It's like with any mass shooter case where the shooter kills themselves. It's frustrating because we'll never know what in their mind, got them to do what they did. So we're all going to be spending lots of time just simply speculating and having hot takes.
'We' as in any humans vs no humans? Yes. 'We' already know. And 'we' likely knew before. 'We' just didn't find the needle in the hay stack soon enough.
But 'we' as in you and I? No. 'We' may never know anything. And, 'we' certainly won't know everything. It's on a need to know basis, and 'we' don't need to know.
Parents worked in Psych, media failed to differentiate whether therapists of spcial workers, but that particular group is great at fucking up their kids and is capable of hiding and/or minimizing issues.