*please note i deeply value and respect the vegan movement. i am just critical of how humorously it precipitates in online spaces, particularly this one. :)
it is especially frustrating coming from a person who would die if they just stopped eating meat (eating disorder), I have mentioned this online and gotten responses from these people saying that they think it would be better for me to starve to death than to eat meat. it makes me depressed to know that some people want me dead
I am glad that people are able to go vegan but some of you go into a moralistic argument and act like everyone who eats meat is glad about it and gets off on torturing animals
I've got a medical condition that meant I had to take it fairly slowly just it be sure my body wasn't going to literally fall apart when I went vegan, luckily I'm doing well (in a few ways I'm actually much better off now, though I'm still scared of falling apart). Medical conditions are valid as hell for not going vegan, I wasn't aware of how an eating disorder could prevent it but I've read a fair bit online now, so thankyou for sharing.
One of the scariest moments of my life was when my friends and I were publically assaulted by a pair of very large vegan men who didn't like that we weren't vegan. I was vego at the time but sure as hell wasn't going to tell them, people who act like that are an absolute disgrace and make me ashamed to be vegan. Veganism to me comes from a deep sense of empathy, if you can't feel empathy for other people then you're not a vegan as far as I'm concerned.
obviously this doesn't work for everyone, but this is why i'm such a big proponent of meat alternatives
having stuff like pea protein nuggets fortified with vitamin B12 and whatever else is an actually practical way to reduce meat consumption, if we make it possible to replace meat and barely notice that you've done so then everyone but the meat industry wins, which is even more of a win for the rest of us.
I have too many other things to worry about, to make myself hate meat.
That said, I understand there is terrible shit happening in that industry, most militant vegans I have crossed paths with are wearing an apple watch and Nikes...so, I can't take them seriously. We all pick our battles.
In the end, work harder on making fake meat great. Get on it vegans, fund the research and go to school for it! If I can get my animal proteins and whatever else from a burger thqt I can't tell came from a lab, I will never buy farmed meat again, just like that, overnight.
If you sit in front of a dairy isle with pictures of sad cows, I am going reach past you, get my milk, and forget you exist in 2 isles.
A lot of people are not actively against your cause, we just don't care either way. Be more effective.
I personally love cheesebreather, bloodmouth, and milk-drinker.
Bonus points to milk-drinker because that’s not even a term made by vegans to call people coward babies. Play Skyrim and you’ll hear it all over the place!
Carnist doesn’t count because it’s not technically an insult. It’s just a name for someone that practices carnism. Carnism IS terrible, but the purpose of the word is no different than Christian to Christianity.
It’s hilarious that carnists get so butthurt about being called what they are though so I enjoy that part.
Carnist seems to imply that they eat ONLY meat though. They're not carnivores, they're omnivores. It's on the same level as using the terms pro-abortion and pro-life to describe the two sides of that debate. This kind of name calling of an out group is not too far removed from all the wacky names flat-earthers give to all the rest of us just living here on the globe not being wack-a-doos.
Using the term butthurt is some straight up 90s era homophobia too. Nice.
That could be carnivore, carnist means they follow carnism, which is the ethical framework that justifies human subjugation and exploitation of non-human animals
I think carnist is a useful word that a lot of people get caught up on. As you say it's not a pejorative, just a word that describes someone who chooses to eat meat as opposed to carnivore which is a creature that can only eat meat. All humans are omnivores, but not all are carnists.
I get vegancirclejerk posts in my feed and in most cases I am not sure if these posts are serious or just making fun of vegans. Most of the time it looks like troll posts. It's more like a meat-hate cult.
Yeah seems like it, either way it's cringe. On one hand these are sicere and that is just too bad for vegan comunity, on the other hand it's pure trolling - which is just sad.
You should try human flesh. There are some countries that humanely kill unadoptable children, their flesh is subjectively delicious, it's an undebatable truth! And if that's not to your liking, Elwood Dog Farm humanely slaughters all numbers of dogs for your gourmet pleasures. Debunk that, vegans!
first time i heard someone using the term carnists it was being used as an insult and i was so confused because "wait why are vegans mad at carnivals now?"
I once had a fling with a vegan girl who referred to me as a “carnie”, intending it to be a jab at me. Having worked in a carnival for several years I found it hilarious she tried to make it an insult.
Not a vegan, but you're an asshole. People recognize a genuine problem with an industry that contributes massively to climate change, antibiotic resistance, and environmental destruction, and you're mocking them? That's some South Park level shittyness/stupidity. Maybe one day you'll realize vegans have a point, but you probably won't own up to how much harm your attitude caused.
GTFO. You aren't welcome here.
Edit: thank you for editing the post. It really wasn't clear that it was meant to mock a shitty subset of vegans when you first posted it rather than the entire movement. I 100% agree that those people can be snobbish dicks.
when on earth did i say i wasn’t vegan or disagreed with them :) i simply think the words are objectively very funny
edit: but taking your criticism to heart, ive just now edited the meme to be less acerbic and to better reflect my intention. thank you for sharing your thoughts. i don’t mean to be hurtful, just shining a light on the silly stuff in the world.
You're right. They can be oh so holier-than-thou about an individual choice that can't practically solve the problem. I saw your comment about vegans not harming anyone(even though those vegans harm by being mean), and assumed you were a chud. It's really important for all of us to be more clear about our intentions. If we aren't, it invites reactionaries to feel comfortable here.
Your response isn't any better, to be honest.
Yes, there is a certain risk of a negative impact on cognitive performance related to a large and long-time B12 or iron deficiency. But there is a large difference between "you have to take supplements to be healthy" and a blanket claim of "veganism does cause intellectual deficiencies", especially considering most vegans supplement.
Side note: the B12 in factory farmed meat is also supplemented to those animals, otherwise their meat wouldn't contain it, being produced under those conditions. One can only hope all farmers actually do this
Also a favorite of mine, but that meaning is usually transitive. So it “precipitates <something>”, not simply “precipitates”. A more syntactically equivalent synonym would be “causes” or “leads to”.
Like “slightly misusing a word on Lemmy precipitates a nerd-off”.
Reddit had some vegan communities that were about recipes and food-porn shots without constantly talking shit about people who ever eat anything non-vegan.
You're not kidding. The ones on here go out of their way to make sure non vegans never turn vegan.
They seem to think that if you don't immediately go vegan you're trash, instead of helping slowly push people in that direction.
I'm not a vegetarian but my culture has a ton of great vegetarian options. I give these recipes to friends after they have them at my place. This is a good first step to get people to eat less meat. Just make good food that happens to not have meat. Baby steps. I would say about a third of my meals are vegetarian at this point.
It's... so counterproductive. It's like zero waste, we don't need a few people doing it perfectly, we need millions doing it imperfectly. By being such dicks and so combative about it, they actively are stopping people from having anything to do with them and reducing their animal product consumption. I've recieved various responses to this, from "If someone being mean to you stops you from not continuing to torture animals then you're a really shitty person" (and like yeah you don't have to convince me, I'm already suicidal, but contrarianism and not liking groups that are dicks to you is human nature) to "I don't care, you're evil and deserve to feel bad" it really seems to me like those people ironically just like hurting others and don't really actually care about improving lives for animals. Give up animal products? Sure! Give up shitting on people? NEVER! Certainly not all vegans are this way but the vitriolic ones online certainly are and give the rest such a bad name.
unblocking you temporarily just to say that this is by far the tamest callout-style post i have made in a hot second, 196 or not, both in my messaging and in reception :) people are being by and large very chill here and i am proud of this fact. when you see insults getting thrown, report it as it’s not allowed here. oktakecarebyeeee
Sure, it's super tame if you ignore the insults getting thrown against vegans, which are far more than the ones in the opposite direction both in this thread and elsewhere around Lemmy. But since those are sent against the same people you're throwing hostility against, everything is still "tame" to you. Fucking amazing.
It's nobody else's fault when an instance configures itself wrong.
I have provided polite feedback about the utility of downvotes, in threads that went 'it's great this instance has no downvotes, so everyone has to use their words for polite feedback!,' and some ShitJustWorks admin put a boot in my ass like I was ruining their fun. The modern internet's idea of civility is complete nonsense.
Are you referring to Lemmy? As I write this, I can see your downvote count (7) as well as your upvote count (12).
I am using Voyager for Lemmy on Android. It has a setting to show both values instead of just the sum of them (which I believe would be default setting).
If a server has downvotes disabled (as does dot blahaj dot zone), you will only be able to see downvotes coming from your own server (which is dot world).
Vegans use silly insults "out of a profound concern for animals...At social events, [they] sometimes gave graphic accounts of the slaughter of animals in an effort to make...dinner guests shun meat."
For every person I see who is actually vegan, there are a dozen people who complain about the existence of vegans, denounce vegans as hypocrites, and insist vegans are doing veganism wrong. And thank the heavens for all those vegan Indians, or the numbers would be so much worse.
Americans simply have no idea how fucking expensive it is to produce meat at the scale they want to eat it. We are one Dust Bowl away from ground beef going to $12/lb and patriotic burger-eaters lighting the suburbs on fire in protest.
I can't handle not wanting to kill myself, let alone a giant change in diet. What's this, another way in which my existence is detrimental to others? Add it to the fucking pile, it'll be enough to get me to kms eventually.
Look I've got terrible depression and chronic nerve pain. Idk what to tell you, hurting isn't a good reason to hurt others.
Personally I tend to feel better about myself when I'm doing good, I think that's pretty common. It's not so difficult of a change, if you learn like 5 solid lentil/bean based meals you can make easily (such as stews you can just throw in a pot) then you can just rotate through those as you learn.
Something like a chilli non carne, Moroccan chickpea stew, couple of dhals, and a pearl barley stew with lentils. I can dump some of what I use to avoid starvation when brushing my teeth is a 2 hour battle if you like?
I uh don't think you understand what veganism is about.
I'm queer, and for a long time I was not allowed to marry my wife. Imagine how ridiculous it would be to say something like "you shouldn't shame people for not treating you as an equal. You would have more of an impact trying to get people to recognise your relationship for medical authority purposes". It's just completely missing the point.
Humans are not fundamentally different to non human animals. Each one of them deserves dignity and respect, every cage must be empty.
TIL there’s vegan slurs. Don’t think I’ve ever been called something specific for being pro-meat. And I do loooooove my meat-based diet, let me assure you. No vegan slur would ever change that.
THATS THE ONE! I was trying so hard to remember the new one I was called that I really liked.
That one is t-shirt worthy. One half over the other in a bloody grin.
Meh, I wouldn’t say proud. I’m just not going to change it. If you don’t want to eat meat, don’t.
I’ve got solar panels, I ride a bicycle, don’t fly, don’t have a car, I recycle everything properly, I conserve water, and generally try to consume less whenever possible.
Is meat bad for the planet? Sure. But by and large, I don’t think me eating meat three times a week is going to have much effect. I’m much more concerned about people elsewhere on the planet discovering the joy of meat, like growing consumption in China.
So reactionary, you going to start complaining about loud blue haired feminists next? Apparently it is too much to acknowledge those who can't advocate for themselves, but perfectly fine to participate in their genocide.