Convenience and cost, means amazon isn't going anywhere. You can spend more time, and more money avoiding them if you want, but don't be upset others aren't willing.
Plus, even when you do find what you're looking for elsewhere, are Walmart, Target, and Home Depot really so benevolent? The odds of me finding what I need from a small locally owned business (at least in my area) are pretty slim.
That's exactly why climate change is going to kill us all.
Edit : you can downvote me, but if you systematically go for the easiest and cheapest solution, and can do otherwise (and generally, you do), you're a big part of the problem.
It's not just about the monopoly though. Their site is rife with counterfeits and is basically Wish now. Want a GE lightbulb? There's a 50/50 chance you're getting a counterfeit that isn't UL tested so you don't know it's safe, and that's if you can even find the product at all hidden between the random name generator company listings for random garbage that's slightly similar to the search term you entered.
What's a better alternative? All I know of is eBay, but I used Amazon to buy DVDs and Blu-Rays to support films, and eBay sales don't count as disc sales the same way that Amazon sales do.
Genuine question, what better alternative is there? I put a lot of effort into buying from small businesses with good morals, but I have no idea how to do this for the things I would buy online. If I don't buy from amazon, i'm buying from target, Walmart, or some other supermarket. I don't see how those are better.
The difference that there is at least some choice. The choices may all be bad, but still better than Amazon. They have no realy big competition. The fact that it is so hard not to order on Amazon is very concerning.
eBay is ok for a good portion of what Amazon sells, but it's not a perfect replacement. It's not all auctions now. There are lots of things you purchase outright and they ship very quickly. Watch out for people who resell Amazon items at a mark up though. It too is not all that much better than Walmart, Amazon, etc, but at least you keep anyone from dominating.
Otherwise, sometimes there are small sellers you can find for niche products.
It's also so much more expensive to buy from small, local businesses. Not everyone can afford to do that, no matter how much they hate buying from Amazon or Walmart.
It is faster to have 20 slaves in 20 different parts of the warehouse stuff 20 different envelopes than it is to have 1 single slave go to 20 different locations in a warehouse and stuff a box.
Their obligation is just to get the product from their facilities to your door. They don't give a shit HOW it gets there.
I mean, if it were 20 different items I could probably put it down to that but there were six packets of each of the flavours and types. You'd think all the Alfredo's could go in one package, for example, not each in their own padded envelope. Does pasta even need padding? It was just ridiculous, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were a disgruntled worker engaged in a bit of malicious compliance!
I'm in the process of manually transferring my wishlists for ebooks and physical books to Kobo and B&N atm. Then I'll be transferring my other wishlists to Notebook.
After all that I'll just use Amazon like a search engine.
And you will have no recourse wheb the product you buy is (a) not what you thought you were getting, (b) going to break in a month or two or (c) set your house on fire if you leave it plugged in.
Hate these bubble envelopes! They cannot go into paper recycling because of the plastic liner, and cannot go into plastic film recycling because of the paper wrapping. The two are glued inseparably together and can only go IN THE TRASH!
It honestly depends on your local municipality. Where I live they don't take anything but straight up hard plastic that is cleaned, and clean cardboard, cleaned tin cans. Anything else they don't process. And even then they're probably throwing out the whole truck of recyclables cause one dingus didn't clean out a can and it got tomato soup on everything else. Recycling is honestly a scam in America, especially once China stopped buying our waste years ago.
There was like 12 packet pastas @ 85 grams each, 12 cans of spaghetti and baked beans. A couple of other odds and ends. All piled on my front porch when I arrived home from work today. The postman must've been livid.
Kinda sorta...while it's a lot to take to the door, it knocks off most of the packages off our list in one stop. I'm more upset when people order cat litter.
I put the packages in this box to bring them in, so I can imagine it would've been pretty frustrating going back and forth to the truck with handfuls of packages. I sure hope he forgives me. lol.
But anyway, why cat litter? Because it's heavy, or spills? I'm in Australia so online cat litter offerings are not a cost effective option, but I'll keep your protest in mind for the future.