There was like 12 packet pastas @ 85 grams each, 12 cans of spaghetti and baked beans. A couple of other odds and ends. All piled on my front porch when I arrived home from work today. The postman must've been livid.
Kinda sorta...while it's a lot to take to the door, it knocks off most of the packages off our list in one stop. I'm more upset when people order cat litter.
I put the packages in this box to bring them in, so I can imagine it would've been pretty frustrating going back and forth to the truck with handfuls of packages. I sure hope he forgives me. lol.
But anyway, why cat litter? Because it's heavy, or spills? I'm in Australia so online cat litter offerings are not a cost effective option, but I'll keep your protest in mind for the future.
Cat litter weighs a ton and must always be brought to the door. Really, anything heavy and bulky is just a pain. I'd rather take the 20+ little parcels to the door.
Are you a kind little old lady that makes Christmas cookies as a tip every year? I don't mind doing it in that case. Everyone else can stub their toe on a coffee table every day for the rest of their lives as far as I'm concerned.
❤️ Last year I gave the postie a six pack of beer, the year before I gave him a box of Favourites (popular box of mixed chocolates). The postie is delivering rain, hail, or shine. He's usually already dropped off my delivery while I'm still in bed! It's a tough job and they don't get enough praise.