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Getting IP address for LXD/Incus for ssh

Does anyone here use LXD/Incus? What do you do if you want to find the IP address of an instance, but incus list does not give you one? I am not sure what would be stopping one from being issued since that is how I have found that information before.

I am just a student trying to learn about them and do stuff. I often just find the IP of the container and then ssh in as that feels natural, but perhaps I am cutting against the grain here.

  • What do you do if you want to find the IP address of an instance, but incus list does not give you one?

    If that's the case then it means there's no networking configured for the container or inside it. The image you're using may not come with DHCP enabled or networking at all.

    I often just find the IP of the container and then ssh in as that feels natural, but perhaps I am cutting against the grain here.

    You are. You aren't supposed to SSH into a container... it's just a waste of time. Simply run:

    lxc exec container-name bash # or sh depending on the distro

    And you'll inside the container much faster and without wasting resources.

    • But that then leaves me as root, is there a way to just have a normal user? Or is that also not really intended?

      • Well, it's a container, in most situations you would be running as root because the root inside the container is an unprivileged user outside it. So in effect the root inside the container will only be able to act as root inside that container and nowhere else. Most people simply do it that way and don't bother with it.

        If you really want there are ways to specify the user... but again there's little to no point there.

        lxc exec container-name --user 1000 bash 
        lxc exec container-name -- su --shell /bin/bash --login user-name

        For your convenience you can alias that in your host's ~/.bashrc with something like:

        lxcbash() { lxc exec "$1" -- sudo --login --user "$2"; }

        And then run like:

        lxcbash container-name user-name