The gun is on the correct side of the plate for a right hand shooter, but should be laying on it's left side so that it can be picked up from above with the right hand. </s>
A gun that size isn't actually big enough for situations where you need a gun, it's just meant to provide cover fire while you get a bigger better gun. You'll be using your left hand to fire the cover gun, so that your right hand is available for picking up the bigger gun. This has the additional benefit of leaving your dominant hand free to eat with.
No I haven't eaten cereal or processed breakfast foods in decades. Just give me the eggs, bacon, sausage, toast with lots of butter and cheese. Where the fuck is the cheese?
You mean beaurocracy and nepotism? Because in USSR there were no traditional corruption because having money was not enough to get anything you want. Usually there was problem of not having enough stuff to spend money on.
There's not nearly enough butter on that toast, not enough eggs, and where's the sausage? In Florida the breakfast gun goes on the dominant side with the grip out. Once alcohol is served the slide will be locked back. In particularly liberal circles the magazines will also be popped out. We aren't savages.
This is going to get so Florida, so I'm sorry. Most of the people I know who carry daily carry guns without safeties, so that just wouldn't work. Also, it's literally a mark of distinction between "responsible gun owners" and irresponsible ones that before the alcohol comes out all the guns are made conspicuously safe, unless the person is a designated non drinker. They would take on the unspoken responsibility of being armed and vigilant for the rest of the group. This will happen discreetly in mixed company, but likely conspicuously if everyone present carries a gun.
And anyone committing the faux pas of calling a magazine a clip would get a polite correction, and if repeated they wouldn't be invited next time.
Even in France, arguably the biggest of the bread snobs, they call American style white bread: pain de mie (soft bread) and they call it pain grillé (toasted bread).
The Breakfast Gun goes on whichever side the diner's firing hand is.
Edits below!
After some discussion and reflection, I agree with that the Breakfast Gun would indeed go on the left, "to show you plan for a peaceful meal."
Furthermore, presentation of Firearms depends on the level of dining:
At a polite table, guests are expected to lay their Meal Arms down holstered, so as not to soil the table linens. Placing a Meal Arm directly on the tablecloth is a sign of disrespect.
At a formal table, a Firearm Napkin will be provided for each diner. This allows diners to display their Meal Arms openly without soiling the linens.
At a "high table," Meal Arms will be provided by the host. These Arms, while fully functional, are adorned with many engravings and flourishes, as a demonstration of the host's status, and the diner's status as a guest at the table.
Gun goes on hip so that you don't need to train on drawing while eating breakfast separately from training on drawing while doing anything else while sitting.
At the conclusion of a satisfying meal, Americans are expected to fire their Breakfast Guns into the air in the parking lot. It's considered courteous, and it signals to others where a good breakfast can be found.
Have you seen the trigger "safety" on a Glock? Yeah I don't have a safety on any of the guns I carry. Only one of them is a Glock, but that's the closest to a safety any of them have.
It goes on whichever side your dominant hand is. Also, in the picture it's flipped the wrong way: Handle goes out so you can pick it up easily for when you need to dispense freedom seeds.
American breakfast is the same as English breakfast except we don't have beans or blood sausage. The beans are replaced with fruit, the blood sausage is replaced with regular sausage, and the gun is just a centerpiece, not actually part of the meal.
Never occurred to me that I've never shot any firearm left handed. Wouldn't start with a pistol but I kinda wanna try it now with a rifle lol.
If I shoot anything like I throw left handed tho my curiosity will prolly kill the neighbors cat. Unless it is more than 3ft away, then it's completely safe lol.
I carry a LCP, (subcompact .380). I practice two hand, right hand, left hand. I also always try and shoot a magazine or two with sunglasses on at an indoor range to simulate low light conditions.
It has like a three inch barrel, so it's not the most accurate or easy to aim. I only shoot it at seven yards.
It's nasty to shoot, lot of kick. I call it the Angry Cricket. Trigger pull is heavy as it is a double action with no safety. I carry it with one in the pipe.
Hope I never have to use it, but if I do, I will be as accurate as possible. That's the ethical thing to do as I see it.
Exactly, and that's why you have your sidearm holster on the right. So the breakfast gun goes on the left to make dual-wielding easier, all while freeing your right hand to scoop eggs and bacon into your mouth.
It depends on your timetable. Right after it's consumed? Of course not, we're American. Does it shorten our lifespan significantly to the point of heart attacks in your mid to late 40s? Absolutely.
I'm surprised you put the guns away. I'd assume they'd just accumulate, and by the end of the day, all Americans would be carrying about 16 or 17 different firearms.
Then at the end of the year, you drive your 17 * 365 to the car dealership and trade the lot in for a bigger SUV.
If a European can't park inside your vehicle without damaging either it really even worth owning? Why risk driving down the road unnoticed? Imagine leaving parking spaces unparked in... inefficient!