This is what conspiracy theories are supposed be. Absurd insanity. Not "vaccines are bad for you" or "a secret agent with Q clearance wants patriots to overthrow democracy".
Case in point: A reality TV show called Big Brother, named after the nebulous, terrifying, all-powerful overseer in George Orwell's 1984, was created specifically to rob the name of its power.
I was gonna conspire, the first step would be to trivialize the idea in the first place.
Not me. That sounds like way too much work. Spending a century or so running skeptic magazines/podcast/book publishers/blogs/whatyou just so i cam sneak my little thing in.
It's vicious and anti-scientific, but it's not in the same level of obviously untrue statement as good conspiracy theories. Things that were claimed to be safe turning out to not be safe is something that actually happens. They're just lying that it's true of vaccines.
My favorite conspiracy theory is that Kelly Johnson was read into alien tech at area 51/roswell and he was allowed to reverse engineer it. That's why he got government funding directly to him, and how he developed the sr71 blackbird so fucking quick
In a way what's happening now is a speech impediment, but it's re-emerging as he loses ability in the same parts of the brain that handle critical thinking due to the normal effects of aging.
I'm just tired of so many people writing this stuff off. Like, it took 2 minutes to find those videos and show he hasn't always been like this. He just couldn't win until the only other option was trump. Even tho he was a much better candidate back then.
Quick edit:
Ironically something like the Havana weapon would actually cause this shit, it's incredibly unlikely someone used it on Biden for the debate...
But it's fucking 2024 y'all, who knows what's real anymore I guess.
Also, allegedly had a cold and probably got flustered after the first time he tripped on his words. And inexplicably kept trying to recite various metrics from memory.
People really underestimate how bad a cold can be. When I'm sick, it's so hard to function mentally that I can barely do my job.
I believe he was sick, and I believe this was just a case of unfortunate timing. What matters in politics is perception, though, and the perception isn't good.
If we're going to go all conspiratorial, here's my theory:
Both campaigns are dealing with old men with diminished faculties.
There's some drug cocktail(s) that both campaigns have been using to pep the doddering old farts up for public appearances.
If you'll remember, very shortly before the debate, the accusation that "Biden's on drugs" made the rounds, and Trump made some noises about demanding a drug test.
For some reason - possibly fear, possibly determination in the face of a challenge, possibly a subtle communication that the Trump campaign had some hard evidence they would, if pushed, release publicly - that led to the Biden team withholding his customary drug cocktail.
Trump, meanwhile, was dosed to the eyeballs.
And that was the contrast we saw - Trump was on drugs, while Biden, for whatever reason, for that night alone, was not.
Remember - for the Republicans broadly and especially for Trump, every accusation is a confession.
I sincerely think it's broadly accurate - that, for the Republicans and especially for Trump, (most) every accusation is a confession.
There's a simple psychological element to it, most often illustrated by moralists who rail against perversion of one form or another, only to be revealed to be perverts.
There's another aspect to it though, and I think this is more often the case with Trump specifically - it's a way to proactively undermine someone else's accusation against you. If you can get your accusation out there first, then they end up sounding sort of like a child saying, "I know you are but what am I?"
They are not left or right. They are just people that strictly believe everything that has been disproven or is too stupid to bother disproving, as long as ANY thread of correlation can be made up between it and observable reality.
He actually said on camera that the reason he is running this time is because Trump is running, meaning that if Trump wasn't running, Biden wouldn't be running, meaning he doesn't even really want the job.
The DNC put up a guy that doesn't even want to be president again, and now 40% of democrat voters want a new nominee because apparently they weren't paying attention for the last 4 years and only realized now, during the debate, that Joe Biden is dealing with cognitive decline.
No we realized years ago. It's the entire reason his campaign started the idea that he'd be a single term president. People brought it up after the midterms when he confirmed he'd run again. It's been in the news and an open question ever since then. According to insiders, the debate was held early specifically to show he wasn't too old.
Biden and the Party have been aggressively going after critics, accusing them of being Trump supporters and disloyal to the very concept of democracy. Which would have worked if he didn't shit the bed so badly.
so your idea is that people close to Biden are making a conspiracy theory as cover. So your conspiracy theory is that there is a conspiracy spreading conspiracy theories ?
My dude look inside your own house. The conspiracies are coming from inside your own home.
While Havana Syndrome is real, to my knowledge it's not that refined. It should have impacted everyone in the room, Trump and the moderators included.
The known reports of the syndrome occupied entire floors of buildings. The idea that someone could use it and just target one guy is a little out there.
The work done on it has been fascinating. You'd think if it were simple hysteria there would be outbreaks among the civilian population, but it's always government employees.
Biden was exhausted and prepared to follow a debate training regimen that just left him confused. He's a senior, not an athlete you can train up spryly, he was accustomed to debate in one way and told and exhausted into debating in a way he was not used to.
Hmm not sure if that's a bad thing, don't get me wrong I'm all pro choice but those pills have a lot of cancer side effects. Frankly I think you should go to the doctor and do it there then use pills that can give you cancer or make you sterile, then again that's my opinion.
Havana Syndrome is complicated and not well understood. It doesn’t happen randomly though. The best working theory was that it happened due to phones or other similar on-ear devices. It’s not space lasers or random shit like that