I mean in terms of what he's actually achieved he probably the best president we've had in my lifetime, and considering his lack of control in the houses, that's pretty big.
Joe Biden is either the singularly greatest president to have ever lived and our only hope for the future or the worst president in history, a total disaster, possibly the entire reason everything bad has ever happened.
I haven't decided who I'm voting for yet, so I can't tell which.
Plus one of the former applicants was accused of both communism and antisemitism, the latter just due to not being 1000% pro-Israel and despite being Jewish himself. One another had "bad vibes", people called her a "warhawk", and called the former guy's fans misogynist bros.
There a multiple people running, the only third party candidate that is actually on the ballot in all 50 states (RFK is not on all 50 states ballots) Chase Oliver gets no airtime, the msm rather talk to you about brain worms then a practical candidate.
Because the democracy is a farce. The parties control their primary elections and can rig them however they want. The US legalized bribery with Citizens United and again last week with Snyder v. United States.
Pardoned people convicted for simple marijuana possession convictions
Funding important infrastructure projects
Banning abusive and junky bank fees
Going after landlords who are price fixing
Minimum 15% tax on corporations, who otherwise use every trick in the book to hide their profits in tax shelters overseas
Rejoined the Paris Accord
Antitrust actions against Amazon, Google, Apple, various airlines, book publishers, even meat packers
Blocking mergers that would reduce competition, like Krogers acquiring Albertsons
Reducing fees real estate agents collect for home sales
Requiring airlines to refund passengers for delayed or canceled flights
Automatically recognizing a union when a corporation interferes with a union vote
Massive climate wins in the Inflation Reduction act
Giving IRS funding so it can go after the rich tax cheats, instead of just the poor people who make small errors
Allowing Medicare to actually negotiate drug prices, instead of being forced to accept whatever the drug companies decide
And, this is despite a senate where Sinema and Manchin supposely give democrats a razor slim majority, but in reality they block almost everything. And, despite a congress that is currently republican controlled and block even the things their constituents want because they don't want to let Biden have a win.
In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?
We still have the world's highest prison population.
Landlords are still price fixing and rent is still out of control
Amazon, Google and apple nor any other large companies have been broken up with antitrust
Despite giving the IRS funding, the rich are still not paying taxes
Allowing Medicare to negotiate was pretty great. I'll give you that.
"In what way (other than Gaza) is he not doing a good job?"
I don't know if you've been to America or met most Americans, but most of us are really struggling. There's a housing crisis. Most people can't afford to live on their own. There's a ton of food insecurity. Education is abysmal. I mean the whole thing's just fucked. This pretending things are really good right now and gaslighting Americans and trying to shame them into voting for Biden is part of the problem by the way.
I'm not and it's only gotten worse. Republicans and Democrats have both made it that way. I'll admit the Republicans are worse, but the Democrats haven't helped either.
It takes seconds to shatter a vase, and hours to glue it back together. That’s the difference.
As an outsider watching US Politics in abject horror - this pervasive both-sides-bad arguement is utter bullshit.
Hillary Clinton was an imperfect candidate, but she would not have appointed three bat-shit crazy judges to the Supreme Court who would the. Go onto gutting almost a century’s worth of civil and environmental rights.
Complaining that Dems aren’t doing enough is media spin, owned and paid for by Billionaires and the corporations they control. A lot of good work gets done that you don’t hear about, because if you did - you’d actually be incentivised to vote for Dems, and the 0.1%’ simply can’t have that.
This upcoming election is without hyperbole the most important since the US’s founding - this is your Fall of Rome moment. Trump needs to be defeated in order for your nation to continue to exist in any manner that you could continue to recognise. The very ideals of the Constitution- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - are at stake.
So make sure you get out and vote, as this could very well be your last opportunity to do so while it still matters.
And if you manage to do the right thing - get involved with politics on your local level, and participate in the primaries. Help pick the candidates that should run, who share your agenda - but when it comes to the general elections, vote against those who share none of your values.
There’s a saying that Democrats need to fall in love with a candidate, while Republicans fall in line. You need to fight them on their terms, the high moral ground is built on sandy foundations and your opponent is armed with shovels and an intent on seeing you destroyed.
Just a note, from one political activist to another: saying "this election is the most important election in history EVERY SINGLE TIME" just gets people exhausted, and make them develop a disbelief in your words. People could not have lived through several "the most importan election in history" in a row.
Trump needs to be defeated in order for your nation to continue to exist in any manner that you could continue to recognise
He needs to be imprisoned, not just defeated. The fact that he's running again and not sitting in a prison cell is a colossal failure of our legal system. If we can't even hold someone accountable for trying to overthrow our government, then idk that we even have a government worth saving. Our country is already lost.
I mean, arguably, the president has little to no control over these things. It's primarily congress and they have been the least productive congress in a long long time.
"Most progressive" is a very low bar to clear given the presidents we've had. Unemployment is not controlled by the president. The credit for capping insulin prices should go to Bernie Sanders, who would've been the president starting back in 2016 if the democratic party hadn't insisted on crowning Hillary. We could've had a much better president and no Trump!
But when hiring for a job, you don't only have two choices you have an entire pool of candidates which you can vett.
This is like your recruiter telling you that they narrowed down all the candidates for you, you have no say in that process and you can pick between the two worst candidates.
More like "here, you can keep your current guy who should have retired 20 years ago, or you can hire this ex employee who set fire to the lobby last time he was here".
Oh yeah? Go ask some elderly folks if they want their Medicare and Social Security to go away. I asked that to some aging folks and the look of shock on their faces left an impression I'll never forget.
Oh right, the war in Gaza is completely Biden's fault and not the product of decades of politics coming to a head in a way the US can't explicitly control. I think I saw Biden out there personally shooting Palestinian children in the face 🙄
You're right, it's not all Bidens fault. There are many evil actors in this conflict. But that doesn't mean Bidens hands are clean.
Hes the one supplying all the bombs, going so far as to hide humanitarian reports and circumventing US law so the munitions can keep flowing.
Hes the leader of the nation which is vetoing UN peace agreements.
He is spreading pro-genocide propaganda. Remember when he went on live television to address the nation and said that he saw pictures of 40 beheaded babies? What a horrific thing to lie about.
If the Nuremburg laws would apply to US presidents, then each one of these actions would be legal grounds to convict Joe Biden for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I have indeed. That does not seem to change how rare of a surname it is, I don't think. Especially when speaking of U.S. politics, I'm assuming he's American or at least in the U.S. which seems to narrow it from people in Poland. It seems like it's much more likely to be related than someone with the last name Smith related to another Smith.
I'm not trying to imply they are alike in personality or anything past the surface level; I just think it's interesting as I have hardly ever heard that name in the U.S.
Edit: I just looked it up and Andy has stated there is no relation.
Look, the guy might have been fantastic and sharp years ago, but mental decline at that age happens and happens fast sometimes.
The question I'm asking isn't what will be the fate of the world if he gets reelected, such an old man in office, my question is what might be mismanaged or handles poorly NOW, because we just saw how incapable he is of pretty basic stuff, and he's already at the helm of a huge counter making gigantic decisions that affect billions one way or another.
I don't wish him any I'll will, but I think there should be an age limit on political office, not to mention far stricter cognitive testing. We need our world leaders to be the sharpest, quickest, on-point minds the country has to offer.
You do realize this is exactly the problem and the reason half of eligible voters sit at home on election day. Keep putting up shitty geriatrics and see how long it takes you to reach your future fix.
It sucks, and is something we absolutely need to fix in the future…
But we're literally picking the new head of the HR department. And every head of HR before this person was picked this way, because of the policies set by that HR department. Like, the only way you could change this rule would be for 37 of our 50 departments to come together and agree to change the rules as part of a company wide convention. And all of them run their HR systems the same way, so that doesn't look too likely.
What happens to a mfer with no concept of class consciousness and a lack of understanding of the present dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The only way forward that doesn't involve fascist genocide is the creation of a true workers' party. Yes, the implication is that a workers' party would be for the complete dissolution of the United States, but that is what is needed right now.
If you disagree, you may as well tell any of the families of the 35k ethnically cleaned Palestinians that they must indefinitely wait until you get your genocidal ecocidal government (which was devised only 4 generations ago by rich, white, landowning slavers) sorted out.
"Just hold on folks! We are still figuring this out!". Bullshit. We tried our experiment, and we quickly failed. The backslide into genocidal fascism has begun. The only recourse is to abandon American electoralism, read Marx, and start planning for what comes next. We have a moral obligation to look at our genocidal nation and call a spade a spade. Dispelling the chauvinist myth that we as Americans protect the world and dispense limitless freedom to all is one of the first baby steps from liberal to leftist, and admittedly it's not easy.