Have you ever seen a do-it-yourself one without all the flaws and bubbles? If I gave a shit about looking cool in my vehicle I would save up to have it done right.
I have, but those guys were kinda cheating. They had worked as tint installers previously, and knew what they were doing. Did some badass decal applications as well.
The nipple isn't technically one hole, it's kind of like a porous sponge. After all, mammary glands are just mutated sweat glands, it's a series of holes connected to a series of ducts.
So a lot of people find when lactating that it can spurt in crazy directions from unexpected parts of the nipple.
They don't. Piercing jewelry is usually made from robust materials that are inert in normal conditions, like stainless steel, gold, plastics, and sometimes glass or gemstones. So, no, you don't taste anything, just as you don't taste a plastic cup, ceramic mug, or stainless steel pot.
I'm not really sure who likes them other than the people who get them and other people who like those specific piercings for whatever reasons.
It's wild how insanely defensive people get about their piercings and body modifications though, just read through this post or any post like it on reddit.
Like, chill out you freaks. If someone doesn't like your fashion choice, unhinged rants and attacks aren't going to make someone magically start loving metal accessories stuck in your soft parts.
Why are you disappointed? What is the disappointment here? That you don't want to sleep with random women who get those piercings? You were never entitled to do so in the first place, so I'm not sure how that could be a disappointment to you.
Save the next commenter some time, the word dissapponted implies that someone or something failed to meet an expectation the speaker has for it. In this case the someone or something is women who choose to get nipple piercings. So the implication is that the commenter has an expectation for women that is failing to be met when they get nipple piercings.
I don't give a fuck who he does or does not want to sleep with, or what reasons he may have for doing so. I'm calling out the way he framed his opinion in that sentence, because again, it implies he has an expectation for women that is not being met if they get nipple piercings.
Don't bother responding to me unless you're going to tell me why it's alright to have such an expectation for random women about their bodies.
Have you seriously never just had that one moment where your hands were full and you needed the keys out of your hand for a second but you knew you were about to need the keys again shortly so you just put them in your mouth real quick so that you can do what you need to do and then grab the keys again
The jewelry should be non-reactive metal, and thus doesn’t have a distinct flavor. Unless you’ve never tasted anything cooked on stainless, in which case you might notice it.