Maybe. Maybe not. Factorio really tends to scratch the constant-stimulation dopamine button that makes autistic people quite happy and get into hyperfocus, so it's one of those really really close venn diagrams...
First you build your miners. Then your factories. Oh no, a bottleneck. Gotta optimize. Good, let's scale production up. More building, but then another bottleneck! Optimize.
Occasionally shoot biters because ain't nobody got time for alien bastards ruining my optimization experience.
From an outsider's view, I'd think they're close. What I wanna know is how Kirby has more lore than My Little Pony. He's a blob with a one-word vocabulary.
Kingdom Hearts as a franchise is autistic, but the adult fans know it's fucking stupid. Meanwhile, HP adult fans don't realise how weird it is to put your Hogwarts house in your profile bio, because HP is mainstream, and they're autistic.
Thank you. I found it to show a data cloud scatter and no linear regression. Just because there’s a few near the origin, doesn’t mean you can connect a line to them and call it a day.
The "Amount of Lore" measures across the board are entirely bullshit. Warcraft, LOTR, Star Wars, and Warhammer are all in an entirely different league from the rest of the things here, yet somehow Warcraft is like in the middle? Lol.
You wouldn't say that if you had a conversation with somebody about lightsaber forms. EU contains MASSIVE autism. Filoni stuff is pretty autistic too and that's the new core of the franchise.
I don't know how anyone can say that Star Wars has more lore than Star Trek. They both have about the same number of movies and books, but Star Trek has hundreds more episodes of TV to expand the lore even further.
I still remember all the hate threads on modern warfare because of how warzone messed with the canon of the series. Haven't seen such an autistic fan base not sure why it's so low
As an ex Protection Paladin I can confirm. I was completely obsessed with Warcraft lore when I was playing the game. The « Time travel in a parallel universe » BS killed it though.
I know I'm not supposed to take it seriously but how the hell does Elder Scrolls have more lore than Warcraft? Warcraft has so much lore there's books to compile the lore that are also not definitive or accurate because there's more lore.
Ooh, the lore in Elder Scrolls goes way deep. I mean, there are more exotic concepts most know which are not really discussed in games like Lunar Lattice, Godhead and CHIM, but if you dig deeper, you're in for a real ride. Most of it goes way over my head, but concepts like time travel and AI from the future, Amaranth, and lastly, the Elder Scroll themselves about which Septimus Signus made simplified, but not inaccurate, in-game comments, are much discussed topics among the deep lore fandom. Plus all the more mundane stuff behind the scenes--dreughs, ayleids, Akavir and it's many inhabitants, sloads, Hist and their origin (discussed in Infernal City/Lord of Souls, but more questions raised than answers given. Hint: the Sleeping Tree is related to Hist and the rumor Ysolda dismisses as "nonsense" is literally true.) etc.
You could write a heavy tome about the history and deeds of the Dunmer people alone, let alone all the other events that happen(ed) in that universe.
I'm not saying there isn't lore but there are 30 novels for Warcraft as well as nearly 20 years of WoW and another 10 or so of Warcraft. All of that before touching Hearthstone, the tabletop games, or comics.
I'm not accusing Elder Scrolls of being lacking but that Warcraft as a franchise is absolutely massive.
D&D is not because of the Lore its because of crunching numbers!!!
(my autistic friend who lives P&P in General and also love to optimize his Charakters)
If you hang around the communities you'll notice a lot of people who admire Spock or Data in terms of relating to their emotional struggles and relating to the broader community. It depends on where you hang out but yeah, there's a lot of autism around Star Trek, and it's just the genuine kind of people who are neurodivergent.
I think its more depth and emergent gameplay intruigue autistic people. Lore is a type of depth people can enjoy so games with it make the world more interesting to explore. But also complex mechanics also work for the same reasons.
Dwarf Fortress is probably a good example of this.
I think given how massively popular globally marvel is. The ratio of autistic fans would be quite small even if the numbers are large. Maybe pre MCU I'd put it more to the right.
Not pictured: FFXVI. Shits got so much lore packed in it, the game literally has a special pause button to read its own Wikipedia of what's on screen so you're not completely lost. Even the devs of the game admitted they didn't fully understand all the lore.