Just saying
Just saying
Just saying
Kanye is crazy racist and has been for a while, I don't think anybody here disagrees
I don’t see the reason to give him any attention. What he says has no meaning, even he doesn’t understand it.
It’s a guy who’s bipolar and off his meds, there’s no argument or discussion to be had. Would you argue with a crazy homeless guy on the street?
Because that truly is the stage that he’s at, he just has the income to keep himself afloat.
We're not the ones who are going to mimic him. His audience will use his words to rationalize their own bigotry. We need to pay attention to him because his audience will make themselves a problem.
His meltdowns would be entertaining if they weren’t incredibly sad. I’m bipolar and have been in a manic state that would be deemed as detached from reality (usually just racing thoughts and insomnia; this one included delusions of persecution). He needs people in his life who can steer him towards help during these times and clearly has none or doesn’t listen to them.
Emphasis on crazy
It boggles my mind how he still has such a large following of people that praise him and his music
I mean he do got some bangers frfr
I agree, but praising Hitler and Nazis is a deal breaker for me
Graduation released in 2007.
Everything since then has been coasting, and YES THAT INCLUDES PABLO
Nah, that's not fair, it doesn't.
Pablo sucks.
You just know that whenever anyone says, "I can’t be antisemitic/racist/etc because" they are are about to say some ignorant shit that counters the first half of the sentence.
I can’t be racist because that would be hurtful and wrong.
I can't be racist because human races do not exist, I just hate certain ethnicities.
i’m not resist/antisemetic/etc buuuut …..
"because" is even worse than "but". At least the guy saying "but" is acknowledging that the statements conflict and the same rule applies to everyone, even if they're negating their first statement.
I can’t be antisemitic/racist/etc because to save time, I only scroll through Bumble while I'm taking a shit. And they say romance is dead.
Death con 3
As opposed to deaf con 3
Bone apple tea
It's extra ironic since the scale goes from 1 to 5 with 3 being in the middle and 1 being nukes are dropping.
This shit was a problem in 2020 when Kareem Abdul Jabbar felt the need to comment on it.
can u not read?
as previously stated, he are actually jew…
You know, the least you can do if you’re dumb is not be a racist piece of shit. Dumb and racist is just too much
Have you guys not seen the leak that he only said this because it was the only way to get rid of his record labels and contracts
So it's ok to be anti-semitic if it makes you money? Kristallnacht would like to have a word.
Please explain how the fuck him getting fried from his contracts is making him money? Are you ppl really this slow?