Donald Trump was ridiculed Saturday after attending what his campaign called a Black roundtable at a Detroit church — with photos showing a largely white audience.Trump’s campaign reached out to the 180 Church to set up the event at which attendees asked a handful of questions before bursting into a...
Donald Trump was ridiculed Saturday after attending what his campaign called a Black roundtable at a Detroit church — with photos showing a largely white audience.
Trump’s campaign reached out to the 180 Church to set up the event at which attendees asked a handful of questions before bursting into a rendition of Happy Birthday.
The evangelical church is in the heart of Detroit’s west side and has a mainly Black congregation.
But photos caught by the media, and shared widely online, showed a lot of white people in the audience.
I saw someone wearing a Maga hat at their kids highschool graduation this past week. I just can't fathom how someone is so cringe that they can't put politics aside to be happy for their kid.
In a different article, a report spoke to 8 black people in attendance. Of the 8 only 1 lived in the Detroit area and none were members of that church.
Remember the origin of "Alternative Facts?". It was Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press Sunday after Trumps inauguration. She was claiming that despite the rain, crowds were bigger than Obama's, even though photos and transit statistics say otherwise.
Really set the tone for the rest of the administration.
What makes you think anyone is upset? Ridicule comes not from people being upset about something, but thinking that this is the dumbest thing they've seen in quite a while. Getting ridicule should tell you you need to be a bit more introspective about what you're doing. And since this is Trump we're talking about here, we know that shithead isn't going to be introspective about anything, so we just point out the irony that Trump claims he has "very strong support, so very strong" with the Black community, but can't seem to find a single Black person to put in his photos of the event.
I guess the only option here is to literally Youtube, "Blacks Trump". The general consensus is that Blacks are tired of being fooled by Democrats.
They should have taken Malcolm X more seriously /shrug
Trump’s side marketed going to a black church and having thousands turn out to support him
It was an attempt to sway the black demographic into supporting him because other blacks do. The pictures paint a different story than what was advertised
No, it's more that it is another obvious failed attempt at exploiting an image. Remember all those white folk holding placards saying "Blacks for Trump" at rallies? Or, holding a bible (upsidedown) after he stormed a protest to a church (putting his secret service detail in a sweat).
You need to take a peek at what's going on beyond the projection. It's pretty obvious.
That video shows like 70 % to 80 % of the people beeing white. How is are you calling this fake news and then post a link that literally proves the point of the article??
I wanted to find out why the fuck they invited him:
"For him to have a community conversation, I thought it was an opportunity to be able to really give the least of these, the disenfranchised and marginalized, an opportunity to have a voice at the table because typically we're on the menu," Sewell said. "If you come to Grand River, if you walk through our community, you will see, quite frankly, that it's desolate. ... (Trump campaign officials) didn't want to talk to people that had high prestige and high power positions. They wanted to talk to the least of these."
And it's not like he supports trump or hates Biden:
"I let (the Trump campaign) know clearly that I don't endorse any candidate," Sewell said. "I'm a pastor. I can't trade, my spiritual influence for political influence."
In an op-ed on the digital divide published last year in the Free Press, Sewell praised Democratic elected officials such as Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for their infrastructure bill. At 180 Church, he and other leaders created a computer lab and offer classes for adult literacy, computer training and resume-writing, Sewell said.
People have serious issues and want to be heard, but Biden is too busy dining with George Clooney in California than campaigning in Michigan....
And like, am I the only one that forgets Hillary's victory lap and focus on big donors instead of boots on the ground campaigning being one of the reason we already got stuck with trump for four years?
Why are we just doing it again? This is 2016 all over but people are too scared of hurting Biden if he continues that they wont ring an alarm bell.
People have serious issues and want to be heard, but Biden is too busy dining with George Clooney in California than campaigning in Michigan…
Biden with George Clooney in California:
oh no, sorry. That's in Warren Michigan in Feb 2024 source
Biden with George Clooney in California:
oh no, sorry. Thats in Detroit Michigan in May 2024
Biden with George Clooney in California:
oh no, sorry. Thats in Michigan where he was supporting Union workers in Sept 2023 source
And like, am I the only one that forgets Hillary’s victory lap and focus on big donors instead of boots on the ground campaigning being one of the reason we already got stuck with trump for four years?
Why are we just doing it again?
Err, if your memory is anything to go by....we're not? You're painting this false narrative as a strawman saying Biden hasn't been in Michigan and he was there LAST MONTH!
givesomefucks does this in every single thread that remotely mentions Trump or Biden. Either he's got an agenda, or absolutely no life. Or both, the two aren't mutually exclusive. I find their constant attempts at division to be exhausting to read.
Just fucking admit it. You want trump to be president. I see your bullshit in every thread. Fucking admit it and stop pretending to be doing anything besides supporting fascism.
Biden and recently Harris have been to Detroit and he will probably be back before then.
Trump is endorsedby convicted felon and former mayor Kwame. A person who literally stole money from the pockets of the poor to enrich his life in one of America's poorest and wrecked city. Guess what? A Biden supporter became mayor and has helped give Detroit hope and pride they haven't had in a while.
I'm not saying trump would be good, trump would be fucking terrible.
I'm saying he's doing a better job at voter outreach, and the quoted comments illustrate how low of a bar Biden needs to clear to get voters to vote for him.
Biden and recently Harris have been to Detroit and he will probably be back before then.
Can you link when Biden was there?
The only thing I'm getting was hubknobbing with the wealthy at an EV show where he got to drive an electric Corvette and that was like two years ago
If he has actually been doing voter outreach in Detroit this cycle, I'd love to hear about it. Would make me feel a lot better he's actually going to be at trump.
Kwame Kilpatrick
Had to Google him, he's a disgraced former mayor of Detroit that trump let out of jail.
He still owes Detroit millions, I'm not sure why his endorsement of trump matters to (or surprises) anyone.
Although he is a good example of what "blue no matter who" gets us. Everyone seems to have hated him immediately, but it was him or a Republican so he could do whatever he wanted for years...
Again, I ask you, since you hate Biden so much, who is viably capable to win November rust’s in the ru bing right now as an alternative?
All you need to do is name someone that has a fair to good chance of winning the White House.
One name. That’s ALL you need to do.
Otherwise, just stop man. Because constantly spreading bullshit about someone when the focus isn’t even on them is clearly illustrating your purpose here.
Got called out for your bullshit here, I see. Biden is spreading it around, as other posters have said, touring this massive country of 300+ million fucking people as best as one man possibly can. And while I'm not thrilled with everything he's done, I'm still voting for him. Why? Because it's the best thing to do. I should do it. And so should you. Fuck off with the bullshit already. November is a choice between two visions for America. One gets us in line with other countries by reining in Student Loan payments, improving our infrastructure, and generally making progress fast enough to affect us in this lifetime, while not giving the Right extra motivation to go hate-vote our guys and gals out, and the Centre more motivation to stay home, vote third party, or even join the Right in voting our guys and gals out. The fucking Project 2025. Go look that shit up if you don't know about it. Apparently 2/3rds of the country doesn't realise how much of a threat it really is.
If he has actually been doing voter outreach in Detroit this cycle, I’d love to hear about it. Would make me feel a lot better he’s actually going to be at trump.
Can you provide a source for him doing voter outreach in Detroit then?
I tried your link, but that's some blog thing. Not a source for Biden in Detroit.
Seriously, I'd be really really happy to hear about it...
I don't know why you think I'm trying to offend Biden by saying this would help his campaign. If someone does provide a link about recent campaigning in Detroit (or any other poor disenfranchised area). I'd be a lot less worried he's gonna be able to beat Trump.
I don't know why so many people think questioning Biden's campaign strategy means I want him to lose.